Link to OFF Group
I posted on the main board about our new group, Over Fifty Friends. Please do come check us out. You don't have to switch forums at all. The biggest advantage to the group is that no one can see your posts unless they are another group member. And since we're all OFFers it's a warm friendly bunch! Hope to seeya, Cassie

Back to my original statement. I read your posts on the new forum without being a member of any group. There must be some misunderstanding as to what can be seen and not seen. The only difference that I can see is that the new group has no share button. Other than that, it is the same.
Back to my original statement. I read your posts on the new forum without being a member of any group. There must be some misunderstanding as to what can be seen and not seen. The only difference that I can see is that the new group has no share button. Other than that, it is the same.
This is the reason I don't post pictures. I belong to other groups that are private and no one can read your posts unless you belong to the group. You have to ask to join and be approved. That's what I thought this group was going to be, but apparently it isn't yet. I know that was the intent, so maybe there is something that needs to be "tweaked" in the privacy settings.
Whatever the case is... the name "Over Fifty Friends" is certainly better than "Weight Loss Surgery 50 & over."
The first time I saw that ..
I thought it meant BMI!!!
Which I was actually pretty close to anyway...
teehee I'm 53... so i guess this is another place for me!
(I thought it was odd that the other age related forums are listed as: Weight Loss Surgery in your 20's, 30's, 40's. hmmm)
Post Date: 2/8/10 3:55 am
Here I am earlier than usual because my DH has to be at the surgery center and I'm hanging out until it's time to leave. Poor guy is having an epidural in his spine. He's been in agony the last few months now that the effects of the last one have worn off. The pain shoots down both legs now too. If the shooting pain continues I imagine the surgeon will consider a laminectomy again. Ted was turned away from it 2 years ago because of his weight. Now he's within 50 lbs of goal.
After that, I'm just going to chill out.
My jambalaya was an unqualified disaster. :( Ted loved it but the rest of us said BLECH.
If I had Facebook open, I could have there the same way, or to the Men's Forum or to any site I wanted. So, I just don't get this new clubhouse you made. Have fun in it, though.
That was the official OH response to our objection to having the share button--don't like it? start a group.
There's no safety anywhere on the internet. You can post on what you think is a secure forum that others can't see and then someone can still copy and paste your post all over the internet.
We did like the idea of having a place where we weren't FORCED to have that share button though.
Now that our faces have been shoved into the **** pile of no privacy anywhere, I guess we'll need to decide whether the group is still a good place because we're not FORCED to have that share button or if we should just give up and bow to OH and say okay, doesn't matter what we'd like, you're gonna do what you're gonna do and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
So it goes.
ETA: I just set the settings to private. I'm curious to know if you can still see it IF you aren't signed in?

I got to the page by following the link in your original post on this thread. Nowhere on that page does it say how to join the group. So, looks like you have a choice of friendliness or privacy.
BTW, you can check this out by logging out of OH and then choosing forums, weight loss related and scroll down to off. Good luck with working something out, I hope we can all stay in one place.