Its Thursday at 1220 Denver time.....
Hi Carla and OFF family,
Work is still busy with the mock Joint Commission survey. I'll be glad when they leave at the end of next week for sure!
Man it is cold in Michigan. But heck...we live in Michigan. I too use to wear T shirts in the winter but now it's sweaters.
Getting ready for Becca's wedding next Friday. I will have to get my hair colored and trimmed. I think I'm having it put "up" for the wedding to look more polished. I have never had my hair done up professionally ever so this will be fun for me.
Tomorrow at work everyone is suppose to wear red because it's "Go Red Day" for women's heart health promotion. So I'm wearing red pants and sweater and my red shoes. It is impressive to go down to the cafeteria and see all women in a sea of red!
Hugs and prayers for all those in need.
morning carla and OFF....
well we are now waiting to see how much snow comes this weekend. maybe 1-3 inches???? maybe more??????? its a wait and see....i want SPRING!!!!!!!!!!! so tired of being cold all the time!!!
guys are outside working on the power line....hopefully they don't cut my power off!!! last week the power was off for about 4 hours and it got down right cold in here!!!! BRRRRRRR
went grocery shopping last night and did pretty good. lots of great deals....making some country ribs for supper tonight. will get them in the oven before i leave for work and cook them on low all afternoon so they are tender when i get home tonight.
rick gave me a nice massage after we got groceries put away. MMMMMMMMMMMMM felt sooooooooooooooo good!!!! i love how he makes me feel....;-)
worked on the afghan most of the afternoon yesterday and it is coming along nice. rick loves it....hahaha and we thought it would be ugly....i think i would have wanted the small flower the blue color instead of the burgandy color but its what his mom wanted so its her way....she is gonna love it i am sure. rick thinks his daughter would like one in black, purple and pink....not sure how that one would look but thinking about it. have lots of time to do that one for her.
talked to a couple others that live in our building about the dog poop out there. they all agreed that it belongs to the so called "bulldog" and they need to clean it up!! i got some plastic bags and hung them on her door...did it do any good??? NOPE!!!! another pile and i do mean PILE right by the door!!! guess the next thing is to call the office and let her know how we feel about this. one of the others said he is moving out after next month. his lease is up then and he has had enough of this with people breaking the rules around here and such...we have been looking but finding nothing we like in our price range that is in a nice area like we have now. :-(
well i rattled on long enough and i am sure i bored most of you with my i am out of here.....have a good day and know i AM thinking of you all!!! :-) has been a long time, and this has to be quick because I'm off to test babies at the hospital. (6:30 a.m.) There is so much to catch up on, and to share with you. After two weeks in Calif. with grands, I came home to a computer that wouldn't work, and so it has been upcountry Maui at my Mac guy's house for almost a week now. I got it back yesterday!! As you can imagine, I have tons of emails, and bills to pay, etc.
I WILL be back later to read and find out how you all are, and to share some of my story of craziness in Santa Cruz!
Missed you all!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
George, documentation is the key when you let someone go. I "fired" someone with unemployment benefits. She insisted on knowing why, so I went over her performance diary I had kept. Despite being asked to write down the login procedure for her computer, after two months she still needed help every single morning. Preparing five index cards for student records, typing and underlining information, took about 45 minutes. She just wasn't quick enough and couldn't work independently. She was insulted, saying she was a legal secretary for 25 years. I can't even imagine that. The next woman said she was proficient in Word. I had her type a two page test for an instructor which required numbering the questions and lettering the multiple choice answers. She worked on it all morning. When she went to lunch . . . she never came back. That came under job abandonment. Thankfully, the job I've had for the last 11 years has not required management. I sympathize with you.
I'm more that halfway done with the afghan. It's yellow and white stripes. The yellow is called Jonquil so it's a daffodil yellow. It looks very spring like.
My nephew is getting married in August on Cape Cod. My brother, his Dad, is going to pay for a nights stay for all grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and families. So DH and I are going to pay to stay an extra night and make it a mini vacation. We like to use our real vacation time to visit the grandkids.
Need to do some major housekeeping. I've been out to a lot of meetings after work so the house has just been a drop zone. Need to put away a lot of "stuff" and a good dusting and vacuuming is needed. Not particularly a hoarder but I am a clutter queen. The amount of mail we get in a week is ridiculous.
I was asked to be a trainer last night at a scout leader specific training session in March. Even though it's the same day as our cub scout Blue & Gold Banquet, I said yes. What am I thinking??? I like to stay busy though, because then I can't eat.
Well I'm off to bring the donated food at work to the food bank. Co-workers asked me for a couple more days to get things in. We've got about 25 meals worth of food.
Thinking of all of you and wishing you well.
He said my foot and leg were swollen pretty bad and suggested strongly that I not spend so much time at the guess I better obey!
Have a great Thursday,
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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