Its Thursday at 1220 Denver time.....

on 2/4/10 12:26 am

LOL - I have to giggle when you say Gary is retired and cramping your style -- I can imagine.  It took some getting used to when Len became self-employed with an office downstairs, so I kind of get what you're saying about it cramping your style - lol

I ended up taking the day off.  The stats were caught up and I have so much to do around the house.  They're calling for a big snow storm tomorrow, so I'm going to the store in preparation for that.

Wonder what's up with the restlessness?  I guess it's just this time of year.  I tried reading a book and just couldn't stay focused.  BRRRRR -- I also know what you mean about the gloves - lol - I'm cold all of the time.

Have a great day!



George T.
on 2/3/10 8:03 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I finally convinced my boss we keep documentation and then terminate when necessary.  We just terminated one girl that worked there for 7 years and should have been fired before she reached one year.  He is always afraid to fire because if he loses the unemployment claim, his unemployment insurance goes up.  I have been there 14 years or so and he has lost only one case.  I don't know why he is worried. 

Anyway, now I document everything.  I have testified on the phone for probably half a dozen hearings.  Most of the time the person doing the questioning will say something like "You are kidding me, aren't you?".  Normally about how the individual was verbally counselled, then written counselling, then terminated.  After giving more chances than they should have been.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Connie D.
on 2/3/10 8:49 pm
Mary ...I watch hoarders when I is amazing the things people keep and refuse to part with....I too have been decluttering....not that I had that much but I have even less now...I kind of like the emptier look.

Intervention is good too....most of the time.

Hugs ......connie d
on 2/3/10 10:52 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Connie..

I do not think I could ever be a hoarder.  But once in awhile I catch myself saying I could use this later. Instead I end up pitching it.

I feel sorry for the hoarder and especially when kids are involved.  I feel sorry for them.  It is not a normal life they live

I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

on 2/3/10 9:01 pm
yes, I watch Hoarders too and it scares me!  I think that could easily be me.  :P  At the same time, I get frustrated with the show.  Why on earth do they force this trauma on people who need counselling *first* before they can be comfortable enough to deal with this?  They expect these people to be able to get through a house full of stuff in 2 days but then get irritated when the ill one gets "stuck" sifting through garbage.  Hello, what did they expect?  I guess this is supposed to be the big "drama" of the show?

I'm going to root for the Saints too if only because I'm still annoyed with the Colts for leaving Baltimore.

on 2/3/10 10:56 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Irish..)

I agree about the counseling FIRST.  I feel sorry for those people.  I still watch it though.   I do have things that are of sentimental to me.  I keep them tucked away.   I don't have clutter.  But , I would never want to be a hoarder.  Such an illness it is.

It must stem from something in their childhood.  They need these things to make them feel better.  I guess it is like being addicted to food.  Comfort.

I still watch the show and I do watch the obesity show too.  I feel sorry for those people struggling too.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

on 2/3/10 11:06 pm
I watch it too because I get little clues here and there about how to deal with hoarding.  I did come to the conclusion from watching that these people need a lot of counseling and more *time* to go through their things.  yes, I'm sure hoarding is a coping mechanism to deal with something that happened as far back as childhood.  Sometimes it's triggered by a death, like when my first DH died, I kept everything.  Now I've begun to be able to sort and give away a lot of his things to my kids.  It took a lot of processing, not something I could do in 48 hrs.

Haven'****ched The Biggest Loser yet.  I think it's because I watch too many other shows right now.

on 2/3/10 8:51 pm
Good morning, Carla, and everyone who follows,

This morning there's a big to-do on the news about this "major storm" that is headed our way.  At least twelve inches of snow for southern NJ.  Oh.  My.  Go-ooooodness.  Quick.  Run to the store.  Buy milk.  Buy eggs.  Buy toilet paper.  God knows when we'll see civilization again!  Quick!  Abandon the cars.  Yeesh.  LOL.

My DH has been involved in his new hobby.  It turns out he's very good at making wooden animal knick knacks.  He made a cow for my youngest daughter and then a pig for my older daughter.  These are their favorite animals.  He made a cat for me.

See the little white star on the forehead?  We had this lovely sweet cat named Sox and he died of cancer Christmas time 2008.  So TB made this kitty for me with Sox in mind.  Of course, I have to call my gift Soxsie.

DH has one of those orientation things at DVR this morning.  He'd like to go back to work but obviously can't work in sheet metal anymore.

Other than that, I just plan to read, relax and blog.

Have a great day all!

Connie D.
on 2/3/10 8:56 pm, edited 2/3/10 8:56 pm
Irish...your hubby has talent...that cat is so cute!!

Isn't it amazing how people respond to snow storms. It isn't like we live out in the praire and can't get to town in weeks. Good grief a day is nothing to get that crazy about....milk...bread...eggs...LOL!!!

Hugs sweetie....connie d
on 2/3/10 9:50 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Ohhhhh....cute kitty, your hubby has talent!
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