I stand corrected!
Well, I heard back from Dr. Roller's office. He sent for my CT scans and I do have a diverticulum in the fundus of my stomach. No big deal though. He said not to worry. I guess since it basically sits there unused it's no big deal. He did find something the radiologist missed though. I have a nodule on one of my adrenal glands. He said he is not worried about that either. I just need to get another CT in 6 months to make sure it hasn't changed. I looked it up and it seems people getting CT scans for other things have these nodules spotted quite frequently. They are almost always benign. I have no S/S of anything going on with it either (Cushings Sx) or anything so I'm good to go. I'll get with my PCP when it's time and get it rechecked. Since I've been watching my carbs, I've been feeling worlds better. I really think most of my recent problems have been due to reactive hypoglycemia. If it weren't for ya'll here on this board I probably wouldn't have figured it out. Thanks to you all. At least my PCP is smart and suggested I ask ya'll about the Sx. She rocks.