What is New It is officially Friday!!!!!

Mary M.
on 2/4/10 10:36 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Margo M.
on 2/6/10 2:47 am - Elyria, OH
look at you-shrinking away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Mary M.
on 2/6/10 2:55 am - Minneapolis, MN
Thanks, Margo!  I love the support I get.  Feels so good to be on this journey.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
on 2/4/10 11:09 pm - Interlochen, MI
Hi Carla.  Hope you're home by now and sleeping like a baby.  Just think of all the money you saved by taking the red eyes.
I think I'm losing slower now because I'm not getting in any exercise, and I'm eating almost anything I want, only within limits.  We went to a bar lastnight and I got a hamburger, no bun, with onion and mushrooms.  I had two of Gary's onion rings and a bit of potato soup.  I've got a turkey breast in the crock pot right now with lipton onion soup mix rubbed on it.  I got the idea from Allrecipes.com, my favorite site these days.  They say it comes out real juicy and with good flavor.  I'll let you know, cuz it's a healthy way to make it.
I'm going to make some deviled eggs today too.  They're a nice snack.  I use horseradish in mine so they've got a little zip.
Well, I really should go inside and vacuum.  We'll see just how much time Gary will let me stay on this computer.  Since he's retired he's really cramping my style!

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

Judy G.
on 2/4/10 11:21 pm - Galion, OH

morning OFF...just a quick stop in for me today...got a call from phyllis last night and she is so happy with the afghan i made for her and jon!!!! she was soooooooo shocked i did that for them!! and she loves the colors i used!!! glad she likes it!!!

well lots of people going to get nasty weather again...right now we aren't getting anything but calling for 1-3 inches tonight. yuck!!!

so who are you picking to win the super bowl?? i am gonna go with the saints...no reason but the song....when the saints go marching in....LOL

ok need to get ready for work now so have a good day and remember to SMILE!!!! ;-)

on 2/4/10 11:40 pm - Somewhere in, NY
I'm checked, re-checked, reviewed and printed.  Guess this trip is really going to happen.

I need it.  Work has been a bear....  I like this job much better than my last one, which is good, because I'm planning on delaying my retirement an extra year.  But I'm tired.  I know the weather has a lot to do with it.  It's been cold and snowy forever. 

Mexico, here I come!!!!

Now just have to check my lists (after I find them again), take half the clothes I have ready to pack and put them back in the closets, and put a charge everything.  (camera and phone, you nasty girls....)  Then I'll stick everything in 2 suitcases (can't get everything in one, alas), kiss the ktties goodbye and head South.  To sunshine.  And friendship.  (And 50 degrees at the Galveston Mardi Gras celebration....)

I'm really frazzled.  Doesn't happen real often.

Did I mention I really need this vacation????

I'll take pictures.  Zip lines.  Climbing walls.  Margaritaville. 

I hope they have a walker ready for me when we disembark......  Make that two walkers....  Thelma will be letting her hair down, too....

Candy (alias  Louise)


on 2/5/10 12:08 am - Galveston, TX
I am swinging chicken, longhorns and whatever other livestock I can get my hands on that you make it out of Buffalo in the a.m.!!!

The temps might warm up to 60-ish tomorrow and the SUN will be out for the first time in I can't remember when!!! See you tomorrow!! 

back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



Eileen Briesch
on 2/4/10 11:58 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Carla and my OFF family:

No snow here ... yet ... but they are predicting some showers today. I'm drinking my protein coffee but have to get dressed soon to go out to lunch with my coworkers.They're taking me out to this brewpub we all like downtown. My final lunch with my Press family ... boohoo. I'll miss my coworkers ... not the job. It's become a job, not a career. There's a group on Facebook called "Newspaper Escape Plan" about what to do after leaving the business. I read some of the posts ... need to read more. Some people just left ... others got laid off. Lots of out-of-work journalists out there. It's hard to get the ink out of your blood.

So I'm down to two nights of work ... like I said, I'm OK with losing the job now (other than losing health benefits at the end of April and having to pay Cobra), but will miss my Press "family". Great people ... what would I have done without them? So often, when I needed a ride to a doctor's appointment or a procedure where I'd get sedating drugs, they were there ... or to drive me home from the hospital ... or to the hospital. Sandy picked me up after my WLS; Jeff drove me there. Dixon picked me up last year after my knee surgery. I had to depend on them because I didn't have any family members here. And they always came through. The guys on the desk helped me move into my condo. I didn't even ask ... they offered. Such great people.

Well, I should get myself in the shower and get dressed. Hope everyone has a great day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Jan C.
on 2/5/10 12:39 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Eileen glad you have found a support group of newsreporters and such....have you looked into disability more. i think you would qualify for sure.   love and hugs.



Nancy H.
on 2/5/10 12:27 am - Traverse City, MI
Good morning all. (for a few more minutes). I already baked a carrot cake, made the frosting & bathed one dog. Have 2 more to go.

Puppy(no name yet) is growing so fast. He opened his eyes yesterday. Boy what a screamer, he is so cute though. My daughter & her family are coming up tonight. Don't get to see them much anymore as she is working & taking classes for her Bachlors(sp) degree.

Now that we have 4 dogs we may have to find someone to stay here with them when we travel. Even though all 4 weigh less than one of my kids dogs!

I found out my son in Afghanistan may be home the end of March. N.C. here I come!

Well I best go, need to do some more cooking & baking & laundry & cleaning! have a wonderful day everyone
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