OT - Knee Surgery (would you do it again?)

on 2/2/10 6:06 am - Omaha, NE
I'm having lots of problems with both knees. I can shop for about 30 minutes but it's slow going. No way could I do any exercises where it would put any pressure on my knees. I know there are several of you on here who have had knee surgery. Is it worth it?  If you knew what you know now would you do it again?
Barbara D.

Eileen Briesch
on 2/2/10 2:50 pm - Evansville, IN
I think you know my feelings on this ... I wouldn't. I've had two surgeries now ... the replacement and the revision on the replacement, from 2007 to 2008. I'm still in severe pain. I have OK mobility; my range of motion is good and flexion. But I have so much pain so often. I have more pain now than I did before the surgery. Before the surgery, the worst thing that happened is my knee would click and lock up at night.           

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 2/2/10 10:20 pm - Pleasant Mt., PA
 I had a knee replacement in 2001.  I had been suffering since i was in high school after a traditional (for 1970) cartilige surgery to remove some damage. The last nine years have been wonderful--no problems at all.  My surgeon was a dream and the rehab intensive, but  absolutely necessary.  Would i do it again?  Let's put it this way--the top three things I've done for MYSELF are, in no particular order, WLS, throwing out a philandering, emotionally abusive husband,  and having a knee replacement.  All were painful at the outset, but so worth it!
Mary M.
on 2/2/10 10:43 pm - Minneapolis, MN
I had a total knee replacement over a year ago (Nov. 09).  I don't know if I would be walking today if I hadn't had it.  I really didn't have a lot of choice.  It took a long time to heal, and I still have pain in it today, but it gets better all the time.  I think taking off weight will help, too.  I'm glad I had it done.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
on 2/2/10 11:17 pm - Galveston, TX
I had a partial right knee replacement in June 07 and I wish I could've done it sooner, kinda like my WLS! 
The only time I even think about it is when I see the scar or go thru an airport scanner.  It works and feels just like the real thing and I have had no issues since surgery. 
Physical Therapy was intensive and I've kept up with most if not all of the things they showed me including working out on a recumbent bike - my knee is as good as new!

back in Galveston
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“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



Kathie L.
on 2/3/10 12:08 am - Castaic, CA
Hi Barbara,

While I didn't have knee surgery, I had a total hip replacement almost 2 years ago. I couldn't walk from my kitchen sink to the stove without using a cane. Life was miserable and I was in chronic pain.Today I am pain free and walk 2.5 miles every day up a hill because I CAN! 

When I was recoverying from my hip replacement (6 months after my RNY), one day my husband and I went to see a movie and I asked him to get a cup of coffee for me. He told me that they only had flavored coffee so since we were very early at the theater I decided to walk to a near-by bookstore to get a regular cup of coffee. While I was walking back (about 1 block) I was carrying the cup of coffee in my hand (without the use of a can) and I was thin! I asked myself if I could have had only 1 surgery (Hip replacement or RNY) which one would I choose?? My answer was simple: the hip replacement to be able to walk again!!!

Good luck to you.
California Kathie
RNY - 10/07
Rt. Hip Replacement - 4/08
Upper Body Lift - 11/08 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
Lower Body Lift - 3/09 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
on 2/3/10 6:43 am - Vadnais Heights, MN

I had both of knees replaced in 2008. Yes I would do it again. I can walk without a cane. I shop all day long if I wanted to. It is definitely worth it.






on 2/3/10 7:55 am - Omaha, NE
Thank you all so much for your responses.  I guess it's like any other surgery, there are no guarentees. Eileen has had lots of problems but I don't know how common that is. I'll have to get more statistics from my doctor. I'm recovering from a hysterectomy so for now I will probably get the steroid injections one more time.  They help enough to get me by for a few more months.  Thanks again.
Barbara D.

karen C.
on 2/3/10 9:39 am - Kennewick, WA
Here I am bringing up the rear. I had both knees replaced in 2002. One in January and the other in September of the same year. They aren't perfect but are much better than what I had left for knees when I had the surgeries. I've been to the gym the past 3 days doing 30 minutes each on the treadmill on a weightloss program and the eliptical also a strenuous 30 minute program. I couldn't walk more than a few yards without excruciating pain before the replacements. They will never be like the originals before they wore out but are much better than what I had before surgery!

Karen C

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