I'm a newbie/oldie

I am 58 years old and have 2 grown, married children. Four granddaughters and 1 grandson. My husband and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary on 10/31....yep Halloween. It's been a real treat. LOL We plan to celebrate by taking a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands next winter.
I don't know why I haven't visited this forum before now.....I search for friends over 50 on the VSG board, but it seems most are younger. I want to read about over 50 success stories, but also about the challenges faced by those of us over 50 after WLS. I want to be aware of the struggles so that I can hopefully face them head on and win this battle.
I'm very excited about this journey but also very fearful. I understand that these feelings are quite normal. My daughter is very fearful right now. She was ok when I was pursuing lap band, but VSG scares the bageebies out of her. She's supportive, but frightened. My son doesn't verbalize his feelings, nor does my husband. Except that my husband agrees that paying for VSG since it's the surgery I want is ok rather than having my insurance pay for a surgery that is my 2nd choice. His analogy is that we paid 3 x that much for our pickup and it lost value as soon as we drove it off the lot. Paying $12,000 for VSG will increase my value of life!
Well that's me in a nutshell. As you can see by my signatures, I'm somewhat of a nut.
On January 31, 2010 at 11:24 AM Pacific Time, Just Janie wrote:
Hi Wanda, I recognize you from the VSG board. The over 50 board is very supportive. I think you'll enjoy the time you spend here. Welcome. Welcome Granny with the Dodge truck! :)
I think you will find tons of support here. I had RNY on 7-16-09 and am loving it. My insurance wouldn't pay for VSG nor DS so I opted for RNY. I saw too many followup visits with LB. I too am 58 and wonder why I didn't consider this surgery years ago. Maybe because I felt it was too new at that point.
I just 'let' my husband by a 4x4 side by side quad for his new toy, with the stipulation that when I'm ready, I get to have a tummy tuck. My tummy tuck will probably cost 1/10th of the 4x4 so he agreed. Gotta make these deals while I can!
Hope to see you posting often.
I think you will find tons of support here. I had RNY on 7-16-09 and am loving it. My insurance wouldn't pay for VSG nor DS so I opted for RNY. I saw too many followup visits with LB. I too am 58 and wonder why I didn't consider this surgery years ago. Maybe because I felt it was too new at that point.
I just 'let' my husband by a 4x4 side by side quad for his new toy, with the stipulation that when I'm ready, I get to have a tummy tuck. My tummy tuck will probably cost 1/10th of the 4x4 so he agreed. Gotta make these deals while I can!
Hope to see you posting often.
On January 31, 2010 at 12:40 PM Pacific Time, Jani wrote:
Welcome Granny with the Dodge truck! :)I think you will find tons of support here. I had RNY on 7-16-09 and am loving it. My insurance wouldn't pay for VSG nor DS so I opted for RNY. I saw too many followup visits with LB. I too am 58 and wonder why I didn't consider this surgery years ago. Maybe because I felt it was too new at that point.
I just 'let' my husband by a 4x4 side by side quad for his new toy, with the stipulation that when I'm ready, I get to have a tummy tuck. My tummy tuck will probably cost 1/10th of the 4x4 so he agreed. Gotta make these deals while I can!
Hope to see you posting often.
When we bought our truck new in '05, I told my DH that he had better get 4x4, because at our age, it will be the last new one he gets to buy. LOL Well, he didn't think he needed a 4x4 and now is kicking himself for not getting it, since he has a little trouble now and then getting the camper parked when the ground is a little too soft. We did get the Cummins diesel, so that helps.
Our son stopped by today to show us his new ride. An '06 Cummins Diesel 4x4 mega cab. Should carry his family of 5 quite nicely.
I'm thinking a tummy tuck and bat wing clipping is in store in the future.
On January 31, 2010 at 1:12 PM Pacific Time, carlak wrote:
Welcome to our little corner of the world. I am a Dodge Mama Too....Except mine is on the dead side for the moment.....I have to pur a new starter in it ....My Barney (Purple) is a 98.......CArla
Oh I forgot to say, I didn't ever get the lap band, so my VSG won't be a revision. I'll be a virgin WLS patient. LOL I live 2 hours from the bariatric center, so the fills/unfills and aftercare with the band seemed a little much for me, and VSG was what I wanted from the beginning. When I found out that I could get it for such a great price, I talked to my DH and we both decided that would be my best choice. YAY!
Hi Wanda,
I *love* your avi!!!
Feeling scared and nervous about having the VSG is totally normally. I was practically chewing my nails to nubs up to the time I was wheeled into the surgery wing. I had a DS and I was really anxious. The next thing I knew, I was looking into the surgeon's face and he was grinning at me, telling me everything had gone great. I wish the same smooth experience for you. :)
I'm 54 and I'm still pretty new to OFF too. I'd mostly been hanging out on the DS board and R&R but I wanted to interact with people my age, people I could relax with, relate to and become friends with. My DH also had a DS about 6 mos. before me. We are both previously widowed, met on Match.com and have been happily married almost 8 years. Between us, we have 5 kids and 5 (soon to be 6) grandchildren.
Looking forward to getting to know you. :)
I *love* your avi!!!
Feeling scared and nervous about having the VSG is totally normally. I was practically chewing my nails to nubs up to the time I was wheeled into the surgery wing. I had a DS and I was really anxious. The next thing I knew, I was looking into the surgeon's face and he was grinning at me, telling me everything had gone great. I wish the same smooth experience for you. :)
I'm 54 and I'm still pretty new to OFF too. I'd mostly been hanging out on the DS board and R&R but I wanted to interact with people my age, people I could relax with, relate to and become friends with. My DH also had a DS about 6 mos. before me. We are both previously widowed, met on Match.com and have been happily married almost 8 years. Between us, we have 5 kids and 5 (soon to be 6) grandchildren.
Looking forward to getting to know you. :)

On January 31, 2010 at 3:20 PM Pacific Time, Irishcoda wrote:
Hi Wanda,I *love* your avi!!!
Feeling scared and nervous about having the VSG is totally normally. I was practically chewing my nails to nubs up to the time I was wheeled into the surgery wing. I had a DS and I was really anxious. The next thing I knew, I was looking into the surgeon's face and he was grinning at me, telling me everything had gone great. I wish the same smooth experience for you. :)
I'm 54 and I'm still pretty new to OFF too. I'd mostly been hanging out on the DS board and R&R but I wanted to interact with people my age, people I could relax with, relate to and become friends with. My DH also had a DS about 6 mos. before me. We are both previously widowed, met on Match.com and have been happily married almost 8 years. Between us, we have 5 kids and 5 (soon to be 6) grandchildren.
Looking forward to getting to know you. :)
Aren't grandchildren wonderful! My kids both didn't get married until their late 20s so I felt like I was never going to be a g'ma. Then Jason married Amy who had 2 girls. At that time they were 3 and 18months. They were my first grandchildren and I love them as much as I love the "blood" ones. I am blessed with Alex, 12; Abbie, 10; Jarod 5; Sena, 3 and Jett, 14 months. Poor Jarod the only boy is right in the middle. Jett lives up to her unusual name and is quite a go-getter.