Happy Tuesday - what's new with you
The job was something he was not interested in. It was sales and he said there was something fishy about the office. No placks, no name of the company. And when he asked the guy what they do. The man replied "Do you have a suit and tie?" He still doesn't know what the job was. I think it was some kind of scam
Keep praying for him!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

hi all !
only read a few posts-not much time -again!
am back in michigan-weekend was horrid but coulda been worse!
back to work and got a very unexpected promotion yesterday-
working for the census, jani- as a recruiting assistant meaning i set up and proctor testing sites for ppl who apply for jobs--everyone-get out there and apply to your local census office!!! testing is free and the jobs are only temporary but the money is great! flexible hours-
well- i know i owe more but really rushing...
hoping this week's pay will get internet-have to "discuss' it with michael.....
tomorrow i speak at the county commissioners mtg about census workers needed
i think i am osing again but can't find scale-probly a good thing-
anyhow-for now-
hugs and prayers to all
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White