Happy Tuesday - what's new with you

Pat R.
on 1/25/10 8:20 pm - Sturgis, MI
Guess I'll start the thread....post away!


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Done! Your Ticker: 
on 1/25/10 8:27 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Pat, hope your appointment with the doctor went well yesterday. Did you get in a good scratching before they covered it up again??  LOL

Not much going on here, going to work today but I only have 2 clients. Hardly enough to pay to fill up my tank, but I'm grateful to have that.

Just thinking, have I missed posts from Brenda and Judy G??  I'm not always great about reading everything, but I think I've been missing them. Hope all is well with them.

Okay, time to hit the shower and do the best I can to be presentable. Love and hugs to all



Pat R.
on 1/25/10 8:30 pm - Sturgis, MI
It's 7:22 here in Michigan and where is everyone this morning?

We have snow again.....came in the nite.  We did get to the doctor yesterday before there was any accumulation tho'.....there were flakes in the air all day.

Good a great report at the doctor -- they unbandaged layers and layers of gauze till they finally found my foot -- both docs pronounced
that it looked "wonderful".  They were grinning widely!  I was proclaimed their #1 patient -- how about that?   I could see the incisions -  whew, the one on the left side mid lower calf is about  4-5 inches long, then there is one across from it about 3 inches, and two on either side of the foot about 3 inches....gonna have some "lovely" scars.  this big boot weighs a "ton".   He's adamant about no weight bearing for at least 3 to 4 more weeks.   Go back on Feb. 3rd to have the staples out and new dressings on.

I blew a tire on the wheel chair this morning -- it (the rubber on the wheel) had started coming off yesterday and came completely off this morning.....will have to get a replacement or try using the walker.

Enough blabbing about me -- hope everyone is doing well.  You are always in my thoughts and prayers whatever your situation in life is.
Wishing you peace, joy, and safety on this Terrific Tuesday.

pat r.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 1/25/10 9:19 pm
Good morning Pat, Susan and OFF,

Pat, glad that you're foot is doing good.  Be sure to follow doctor's orders - lol - Dr. Deb speaking here - lol

We were without power for over 12 hours yesterday and I'm so thankful to have everything back in order today - whew.

My sister-in-law is in the hospital and it is just a matter of time.  Please keep her in your prayers so that she doesn't suffer.  She is actually my ex-SIL, but we've remained close throughout the years.  I met her when I was 14 or so years old, so it's been a lifetime. 

I didn't sleep well and I'm having a difficult time getting started. 

Have a wonderful day everyone!



Connie D.
on 1/26/10 1:31 am
Good morning Pat and everyone......

Pat the "lovely" scars will be worth it is the pain and all is gone!!  Hang in there ...you will be running on that foot before long!

Susan....I know Judy is okay because we email back and forth but I too have been really concerned about Brenda...hope someone has news on her .

As for me....Jamie, Nic and Grace headed back to Iowa this morning. They finally opened the Interstate. I will worry until I know they are home safe and sound once again. Gracie cried this morning....she didn't want to leave me...she said "I don't want to go Nana....I love you!"  Nic just hugged and hugged me and held on so tight. Of course he said he will miss me and loved me too.  It is sure going to be lonely without them.

This weeend I am going to St Paul and spend the weekend with Carrie, Kyleigh, Amanda and Lucas....that will be so awesome!!! Can't wait to share the love!!!

I best get back to work. Have a wnderful day everyone. Prayers to all in need.....special ones for some.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

on 1/25/10 9:15 pm
Good morning, Pat, Susan and everyone who follows,

Somehow I missed Monday but that's not too surprising considering how crazy my life gets even without doing anything fun or interesting!

Sunday, my youngest "baby" turned 18.  Here is a picture of her opening her gift from us.

She likes cows and my DH made this for her from scrap wood.  Believe it or not, this is only the second piece he's ever done!  He is very talented.

Anyway, we had a great day.  My daughter had about a dozen friends come over to celebrate, a group of kids we've basically known for the last 5 years and they're a great bunch.

What else?  BOR-ing...just filling out forms for this or that kind of assistance, picking up household necessities, cleaning, blogging and what have you.

Hope you all have a terrific day!

on 1/25/10 9:46 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Good morning Pat and OFF family,
don't ya just love Michigan Pat? Icy road this morning on the drive in and I'm ready for summer!

Today is a busy day at work and I'm thankful for my job. Hubby finished his big mason job and now so far his boss doesn't have any more work yet. So it's back to collecting unemployment for him until another job comes along. He will start replacing the floor in our home this week. We have money save aside for remodeling our home. It keeps him busy and he does great work.

I think I found a home for the momma cat that we rescued. My granddaughter is keeping the kitty and momma cat who is just lovely and loves to cuddle will be going to a young woman who just brought her home and was thinking about getting a pet. Keep your fingers crossed that it will be a good fit for them both. Momma cat is declawed and was someones pet who dropped her off pregnant in the country...nice huh??? NOT!!

I'm sitting with a patient after work, volunteering on the No one dies alone. I love volunteering but it makes for a long day for sure.

You all have a blessed day.

Hugs- Debbie
on 1/25/10 10:17 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/05/08 with
Well - today is busy for sure...
going to lunch at Greek Res and then for my massage at lpm
at 3 I am meeting my DIL to go to bank to open RESP for my grands...
4:30 I pick up a friend coming for dinner and then at 7:30 i am having my sorority meeting at my place...
so back to housecleaning for me...
RNY ohcardsmallsheri.gif picture by lynnca1972 Nov 5, 2008
16 pounds lost pre surgery    
Judy G.
on 1/25/10 10:58 pm - Galion, OH

morning pat and OFF...

been missing and nice to see a couple have actually missed me!!!! hahaha (didn't think anyone cared)

not much happening here just SOS just a different day....sighs

been working and also working on my new afghan and have a couple people asking me how they can get one...i told them to give me the money for the yarn and i would make them one! ;-) so we shall see if it happens...LOL

talked to my older brother sunday night and he told me he has a block in his colon and has appointment for surgey on the 10th of feb. hope its nothing serious!!! he also told me he got a leeter from the VA hospital that they want to do tests on his gallbladder....ummmm he had that out several years ago right at this VA hospital!!!!! duh!!!!!!!!!! he is going to call them and tell them that....otherwise he is doing ok.

also talked to my mom and she wants to come back for a visit when its warmer. yippeeee!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!!!! i told her i still had hours to use up for vacation before may 8th so i might come see her before then if i can get enough money for gas!!!!

i also talked to my sister...she was telling me she had her dog for the weekend...had her outside to go potty and she was looking at the yard and saw that her deer was standing up again...she said she didn't know who put it up again....she said she no sooner thought about that and the deer moved!!!! she said it started to come at her!!!! she grabbed the dog and ran into the house!!!! OMG!!!!!  she doesn't have luck with LIVE deer at all!!!! lol several years ago she saw a deer in the road so she stopped til it went off the roadway...well this huge buck looked at her car and CHARGED IT!!!!!!!!!!! took out the whole side of her car!!!! man behind her said if she needed a witness he would be one because he's never seen anything like that at all!!!!! LOL

today is my third and final block in my back. so glad i had this done because most of the pain is gone!!!!!!!!!!! i just hate the thought of having to lay on my back again for 6 hours!! but it IS so worth it!!!

weather here is COLD again!!! last i saw it was 25* and winds gusting to 29mph...so wind chill is at 11* BRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! got some snow again and calling for 1-2 inches today. spring i want here so bad...i can't take this cold much longer!!!

pat i am so happy for you that your foot is doing so much better!!!! hope you get a new tire for the wheel chair!!!! keep off that foot!!!! (((pat)))

nan congrats on the new pup!!! he is so cute!!! :-)

marc...congrats on your weight loss!!!!!

mind just went blank again with CRS...sighs....anyhow i AM thinking of you all...prayers and thoughts going to all that need them....

have a good day!! and remember to SMILE!!!!!! :-)


Connie D.
on 1/26/10 1:21 am
Judy....of course you were missed...silly girl!!

Hugs....connie d
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