What's new Wednesday?
The stats were busy this morning, and I'm finally getting a break since they're now caught up.
Nothing too exciting happening in my neck of the woods. I'm hoping to be finished up work early today so I can get some much needed housework done. That's about it.
Prayers being uplifted for everyone. May peace and harmony surround you today.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good mornin', ya'll.
Well, it's Wednesday. Humpday for you folks who have to work. Sometimes I miss that, then I come to my senses! Yesterday was my very last day of radiation!!! Yippee!! Hooray!!! I am back from the Hope Lodge in Greenville and so glad to be home for good. It is a wonderful place and we are so fortunate to have one in this area. But there truly is no place like home!
I will begin chemo again sometime in Feb. I see the chemo doc on Feb 3rd and she will give me my new schedule for that. I am soooo ready to have this all behind me. All I have wanted to do is eat and sleep!! And all I want to eat is the stuff I haven't been able to eat for 2 years because of my band. Pasta, bread, etc. I never did get the loss of appetite thay promised!! So Friday I am going for a slight fill. My DH's surgeon has agreed to give me a fill. My doc took 1.3 cc's out when I had the NG tube placed. All I want back at this time is 1 cc. I hope Dr. P will agree to this. He is one who wants to do all this talking, and analyzing and never gives any idea of how much fill he is giving. I've been doing this for 2 plus years, I KNOW how I have to eat when I have restriction. All the warning signs of too tight, etc. I JUST want a simple 1 cc fill and let me go. When I am finally done with everything I will be going back to MX to have the band looked at under fluoro by MY surgeon and get my fill topped off so I have my sweet spot back.
COLD here this morning. One week we are in the 20's overnight, the next in the 50's overnight. I guess if you just stay in the house all is well.
Gotta go, grandson just came for his french toast breakfast before classes. He has missed his Grandma!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
morning eileen and OFF...
eileen i sure hope things turn out for the better for you!!! phyllis wants you to call her soon. if you need her number PM me and i will give it to you.
nancy congrats on your weight loss!!!! wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!! wish i could afford to go to the pool and do the exercises like you do!!!
george sometimes being a nice guy doesn't pay...you have to get tough at times to make others do their job!!!
connie hope you had a good visit with your family!!!
mary glad to hear that your husband is doing so well with his dialisis!!! my sister is having a terrible time with hers....she said she can drive herself there but can't for the trip home. takes so much out of her....she has other issues with her health too so maybe that is why....
mary margaret i feel for you and your son having to go through tough love....but i guess it is for the best. i wish him well.
ok lost who else i wanted to post to....know i AM thinking of you all..... :-)
i am also upset over this new facebook thingy and hope OH takes it off here soon!!!!!!!! maybe thats why alot are not posting anymore????? HELLO OH.....TAKE IT OFF PLEASE!!!!!!! IF WE WANT TO POST ON FACEBOOK OR ANY OTHER SITES "WE" WILL DO IT OURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i had my last block done yesterday and this time dr went a little higher in my back....OMG!!!!!!!!!!! the pressure pain!!!!!!!!! i fought back tears it hurt so bad!!! i asked how long this would be hurting me and they told me it WOULD subside soon....yeah right!!! sighs...like i said i fought the tears all the way home and then had a terrible time climbing the stairs to the apartment...one at a time...i made it though...took a darvocet and laid on the couch. i am so glad this is all done now!!! the pain in my back, hip and knee is almsot gone now and i can still feel the pain from the block. not alot but i can still feel it. i can take ashower today and put heat on it if i want to. sounds like a plan to me!!! called the dr for my appointment to see him again and it is on the 24th of february at 930.
well i guess i will go get my shower in and see if the pain goes away after that is done...then i am going to work on the afghan again and see if i can fini**** today.
have a great day and keep warm if you are in the cold...if you are in the warm areas...send some my way please!!!! ;-)
Just a quick fly by this morning....too much to get done today.
I am soooo hating this cold nasty weather we are having. My body just can't take it. I don't go out anymore then I have too thats for sure.
Jamie, Nic and Grace made it home yesterday. It was a long trip. Road conditions weren't the greatest. Good thing they have a Suburban that handles the roads well. I sure am missing them already!!
Keeping those in need in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a good day everyone. Share a smile with someone new today....the rewards are many!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Sis is finishing up the laundry, she changed the bed linens in the guest room and has those in the washer, and is drying our colored clothes.
I'm sure going to miss her when she goes home today.....the house will be very very quiet. Have my two great neighbors tho' nearby and ready to help when and if I need it, so that's comforting.
I am really feeling good and only a bit of tenderness where the incisions are on my leg and foot. God has blessed me thru this journey and I am so very thankful.
I'm confused about our posts going to face book -- from what I see someone would have to click on share and facebook for that to happen????
Best wishes and prayers to all my friends here. May your day be full of joy and peace.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
I know I've been AWOL for a while. Got my stitches out of my neck yesterday. Surgery went fine...too good. I've always had high blood pressure..seems that your parathyroid can make it go Wonky. NOW..I can't seem to keep it up to the normal level..it keeps dropping on me..so my PCP is slowly taking meds away ...YIPPEEEEE!!!!
I'm still tired...still home from school till Monday...but, healing well and sleeping great.
Everyone have a great day...my mom's 80th party was fabulous..she had a wonderful time..lots of people showed up..over 100!!!! She was sure pleased and very surprised.
Off to make some chowder..tired of eating soft eggs.
(((HUGS))))..love and well wishes to all...
Feel bad for those of you where money is tight. Experienced that when I was newly married and Hubby tried to make it at his own business. We had meat once a week and ate a lot of rice and beans. I got an email from our local food bank today saying how desparately they needed food donations. We so often think of them only at Thanksgiving and Christmas times when the need is year round. I've put a collection box in our small cafeteria at work and I'm going through our pantry tonight. People are putting all their money into keeping their houses/apartments and food comes last. Hubby also said to take a new pair of work boots he has that just don't fit him right. Someone else could use them.
This is a depressing week for me. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my sister's murder. Lots of thoughts as if it happened yesterday instead of 18 years ago.
I finished the afghan for my niece's bridal shower. A new record for me - 12 days. I'll try to post a picture. My sisters and I ordered the cake for the shower. It will be pretty. I concentrated on the design of it. I've got no interest in tasting it. Good thing. I'm going to my sisters tonight (mother of the bride) to help her and the maid of honor make decorations for the shower with my Cricut cutting machine. That should be fun.
I'm glad to see everyone seems to be on the mend. Prayers and warm wishes to everyone.
good day today after a horrid nite with michael last nite-attitudes.....
loooong work day tho today-was good-just long
going home to jammies
hugs and prayers everyone....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White