What's new Wednesday?
It's just after midnight, so I thought I'd start us off. I haven't had much to do tonight and I forgot my magazine (funny, I thought I put it in my bag), so I've been extremely bored. I got here at 7 p.m. and have put exactly one story and three little items that go with stories on the page. I am so bored. And just when I think I'm going to get through these next two weeks, I start to feel sorry for myself again ... and that doesn't help, either.
Not much new with me. Tried to buy my tax software but the coupon I have isn't good until next week, so I made a trip for nothing. I wanted to get my taxes done over the weekend.
Thanks for all the advice on unemployment/pension ... I have been trying to find that out and don't trust HR to give me the scoop. I had a feeling I couldn't take both. Damn!
Well, post away. I'll check later when I get up ... much later.
Good Morning,.Eileen and all the gang!
Im having a good day...JB and I drove up to Burlington to see the new WeightLoss Doctor for my bariatric education consultation, my breathing tests, my ECG & weigh-in. I also had to hand in all my daily menu(what I ate) sheets for January. I am supposed to eat 1700 and eat every 2-3 hours, according to my weight, they said.
Results: I apparently have a strong heart, excellent blood pressure, all my blood levels proved to be excellent even tho my iron is still low-normal and still acceptable, the bloodwork indicates that my thyroid isnt working as it should but not bad enough to apply meds...Ive been told that many times thru my life but this new WL doctor told me that I will be monitored for this on a regular basis. He looked at my files and was amazed and VERY pleased that Ive lost 21 pounds since late December.
It's the dramatic increase in exercise, namely my "jogging in the water" for two hours every Mon, Wed & Fri..That is the most exercise I've had in years since the lymphodema in both legs makes it almost impossible to walk well at all. Jogging IN the water is PAINFREE! The hardest part of my swimming routine is the BEING IN PUBLIC IN A BATHING SUIT.
So I have lost another four pounds since last Tuesday's weigh-in there at the clinic. My pants are hanging on me...yayy! I need a new bathing suit. I have less leg pain already and I can SEE the swelling going down in my legs!
Last night was my sorority dinner meeting. Today (Wednesday), is swimming day (three hours total-aerobics class, an extra hour of water jogging, hot tub-20 minutes) and getting washed & dressed again. Then back home to make dinner and tonight, my Business & Professional Women's Club dinner meeting. Since I'm President, I guess Id better make my agenda and reports so off I go..then to bed.
Nancy B
The part time job folks are not very happy. That's life. I have been too nice a guy for too long.
Not much else going on in my life.
Not much happening here. Sorry you guys are having stress with your jobs.
I wish I could do water arobics. I don't know if we have something out here like that in the rec center. I can't afford the fee and plus I would hate to get into a bathing suit. Good lord..lol
My son stopped hope yesterday and the job interview he went on was some kind of scam. He left within five minutes of talking to a man who never did tell him what the job was. Weird.
We also had a talk and I told him we did not kick him out because we didn't love him. We did it because we do. We wanted him to get moving on looking for a job and it was just time for him to go. It is still hard for me. I just wish he had more going for him before my husband kicked him out. When would have been a good time though really?
It is going to be a rough month for us. Taxes are due. My husband doesn't make that much money anymore and life is sometimes tough. I guess we don't eat for the next couple of weeks because of the taxes..lol.. I don't know where else to cut back!
Went to art class and finished my painting of a sleeping cat under a blanket. It turned out really cute. I have been working on it for a long time. Going to give it to my mother in law. Hope she likes it.
Well...................... That is it for me. See you on the 'morrow'
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Hey MaryMargaret!
My aerobic classes are at Holiday Inn! Usually you will find that local hotels will offer "health club memberships" at a reasonable price, especially in the winter when they need more income. I paid $366. and change for a one year membership. So that works out to a dollar a day and I go there three times a week for a 2-3 hour workout in the pool PLUS hot tub so I consider this a great investment in my health. Some people pay as they go. Even some senior centres offer reasonable packages for the use of their swimming pool..much cheaper than the "Y" here and not filled with studs and bikinis..mostly older people.
Thanks for the info. I never even thought about Hotels. I will have to check them out.
As far as eye candy - I could use a few good lookers to walk by me...lol
Thanks again
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Hope you had a good sleep.
It's been almost a month since I got back to the gym and finally this morning I saw numbers that were headed in the right direction. I went last night, even though it is not normally a gym night for me, but I did an abbreviated workout on the elliptical and just told myself 5 more minutes, each time, until I made 35. It is an ongoing battle to keep the fat from owning my body, but it's one I will continue to win if I put in the effort.
Anyway, I am going to get myself dressed and out the door, just another workday for me and I hope that you all have a good day, wishing you the peace and strength to get through whatever is challenging you today!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Today is our Award Event at work. I'll be getting a 10 year award. This is my 2nd stint with the state, so my retirement will be based on 20 years, which is much better pension-wise. But for today, I get honored for the current 10 years. It will be a fun celebration and I'll feel much better going up in front of hundreds with my current weight being much better.
Michael is starting to really hope everything is still on track for his surgery. He is scheduled for RNY on Feb. 24, but since it has been delayed, then postponed, he is leery about getting his hopes up too high. I'm just glad they still want to do it, with his health concerns, because I think it will help.
Have good days everyone!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Hi OFF family,
Work is crazy for me now, we are having a mock survey for Joint Commission so I won't be on the forums for awhile, this will be my last post I think for the next 2 weeks. Maybe I might hop in early in the AM...
Take care everyone and keep exercising!!! We feel so much better when we exercise.
It's cold and snowy here in Michigan. Hopkins where I live is in the snow belt!