Rise and Shine! What are you doing today?
Hi Mary and my OFF family:
It's really gloomy and drippy out ...46 degrees ... not your typical January day in West Michigan. I'll take this over snow anytime.
I can symphatize with you on wiping the paws ... when I dogsat for Bruce in Lubbock when he was at the Mayo Clinic a couple of years ago getting the stem cells transplants, I had to wipe off seven sets of paws every time they went out and seven butts (and they weren't even wet outside ... but Bruce was very anal about cleanliness). And getting psycho Chihuahua Molly in the house was always a chore ... she didn't like me to pick her up ... I had to chase her around the yard a couple times and then she'd yip and shiver. By the end of week, we became friends, though. But I prefers cats ... occasionally I have to wipe Nettie's butt because she's a long-haired cat and sometimes the poop doesn't fall out completely and there's what my brother calls a "Kling-on," but otherwise, they take care of themselves. All I have to do is scoop the litter boxes daily.
I have no big plans today, jus****ching football, doing laundry, cleaning litter boxes. Yeah, I live an exciting life. Mom has already called and told me of her exciting life of going to church with her neighbor and then having breakfast off the dollar menu at Burger King. I thought my life was boring! I hope once I'm unemployed I don't become my mother.
Work was at least busy enough last night ... I didn't have anything much to do until 10 p.m., but people gave me proofs to read, so that kept me busy. Then my stories came in at 10 (all late games) and I hustled my page out. At least they were on time.
Well, that's all in my world. Have a good day.
It's really gloomy and drippy out ...46 degrees ... not your typical January day in West Michigan. I'll take this over snow anytime.
I can symphatize with you on wiping the paws ... when I dogsat for Bruce in Lubbock when he was at the Mayo Clinic a couple of years ago getting the stem cells transplants, I had to wipe off seven sets of paws every time they went out and seven butts (and they weren't even wet outside ... but Bruce was very anal about cleanliness). And getting psycho Chihuahua Molly in the house was always a chore ... she didn't like me to pick her up ... I had to chase her around the yard a couple times and then she'd yip and shiver. By the end of week, we became friends, though. But I prefers cats ... occasionally I have to wipe Nettie's butt because she's a long-haired cat and sometimes the poop doesn't fall out completely and there's what my brother calls a "Kling-on," but otherwise, they take care of themselves. All I have to do is scoop the litter boxes daily.
I have no big plans today, jus****ching football, doing laundry, cleaning litter boxes. Yeah, I live an exciting life. Mom has already called and told me of her exciting life of going to church with her neighbor and then having breakfast off the dollar menu at Burger King. I thought my life was boring! I hope once I'm unemployed I don't become my mother.
Work was at least busy enough last night ... I didn't have anything much to do until 10 p.m., but people gave me proofs to read, so that kept me busy. Then my stories came in at 10 (all late games) and I hustled my page out. At least they were on time.
Well, that's all in my world. Have a good day.
Hi Eileen,
That is a lot of paws too. What we won't do for our pets. I am not sure I would be too crazy about wiping all their butts though. lol
a "kling on" that was too funny.
That is a lot of paws too. What we won't do for our pets. I am not sure I would be too crazy about wiping all their butts though. lol
a "kling on" that was too funny.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.