Rise and Shine! What are you doing today?
Yep, my son is trying to move on. I am glad. I feel less guilty today but still have heart pangs. I know I will never stop worrying about my kids.
The story about Roxie is funny. My dogs each have their own funny and quirks. It is amazing you can see the different personalities in each. I love my dogs. I tried to post one of their pictures and can't. I was going to post each one, one at a time. Do you know how to do it?
Thanks again for posting and the encouragement you offer about my son
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

You will worry about your son until the day you die. It's all part of the package deal of motherhood.
Not much going on here in the Higgins House. Gary took Baxter to the vet for a nail trim yesterday and forgot to take his allergy medicine first. He's been sneezing, snorting and generally being miserable for about 14 hours now. I might go shopping....lol
Going to the grocery store, cooking and then watching football. Sounds like a great day to me.
Hope everyone is doing well. Love and hugs to all!
What a differnce a day makes. Got on the scale and gained two pounds. lol Oh well it is hard.
I know I will worry about my kids while I am alive. Probaby follow them after I am dead too.
Hope you have a great day!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good morning ya'll.
What am I doing today - not a ding dang thing! I go back to Greenville tomorrow and will be back Tuesday. I will be DONE with radiation. Then I have to see from the chemo doc when I begin that again. And how much of it I need. I am ready for this to be over.
Mystic - even if you have nowhere to go. If your area has someone who will come in and give you a break, take it!! Go the the library and sit and read. When I was 16 I spent a lot of my summer caring for an elderly neighbor while her daughter and SIL worked. I now have a great appreciation for that profession. We had some very wonderful caregivers for our Momma. But they only worked 8 hours and got to go home and unwind. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, too!!
Candygirl - at my house, everything winds up in the back bedroom. Then at some point I decide to go through it all and it either gets put where it belongs, thrown out, or shifted to the shed, never to be seen again!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
I hope your chemo is not going to be much. I know you have been through a lot. You seem to keep a positive attitude. That is really important.
Hang in there... You got friends here *****ally care.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good Morning everyone,
Still at Hannah and Clara's. Will head home via the train tomorrow. Looking forward to the train ride and my book that hasn't been touched all week. Looks like the family here needs a new septic tank to the tune of about $7000.00. Ouch! Not what they wanted this winter.
Hannah's first ear infection is getting better. Both girls actually slept all night. We had to "ignore" the "Mommy, mommy" about midnight. After about 10 minutes they went back to sleep and are still out this morning and it's almost 8am. It takes so little to get them off of their schedule. I'm such a sucker for a crying baby so it was hard for me to stay out of their room but I did. Figured if Mom and Dad could Grammy could be tough too. Can't wait to see those smiling little faces this morning. My last day with them for a few weeks.
I'm ready for home and some rest! My shoulder is much worse; wonder why? Really must get it checked out so that I at least know what I'm dealing with. Perhaps like others have mentioned a shot or two will help for the time being.
It's just getting light here. We're surrounded by tall pine trees so it takes a while even when the sun is shining. No rain in two days; kind of a miracle around here! Took the girls for a walk yesterday. That was fun. There's an area near Erin's where they are paving an old rainroad (Freudian slip? I meant railroad) line. We walked part of it that included a bridge over the Chehalis River. The girls thought that was pretty neat. And I discovered blackberry bushes that I'll come back to in August!
I hear little voices singing upstairs. So cute when they wake up in a good mood. H and C "talk" back and forth, giggling and telling each other stories only they understand.
Hope you all have a nice day. Make it one even if it doesn't start out that way!
Karen C
Mary congrats on the weight loss...good job!
Sounds like your son is adjusting....you will never quit worrying about your kids...I promise!!
I am enjoying a little quiet time...My daughter Jamie and grandchildren Nic and Grace are over at my ex husbands having brunch. I was invited...I always am but decided not to go this time. They will be back here about 1:00. I not looking forward to them heading back to Iowa tomorrow morning...I hate being apart from them.
As for me.....SKOL VIKINGS!!!!!!! I am wearing my VIKINGS PURPLE attire today...I am a diehard fan!!!
I wish you all a wonderful day. As always prayers to those in need....special ones to Linda S.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Thanks for the encouragement. However I stepped on the scale and gained two pounds this morning. lol. I am going to throw my scale out the back door.
I think my son will be ok. He is just going through such a rough time.
Thanks for thinking about me....
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Today I leave my son's house. It's been great being here with my new grandson. It's surprising how much he has changed in the six weeks since his birth. He still doesn't look like one parent over the other, he's definately a combination of both. Cute as a button to his Gram.
I have three dogs, so only 12 paws to wipe. They know the routineas well, but don't particularly care for it. They always try to sneak in without getting wiped. Frustrating to say the least.
Well, not much to post about today. It's raining right now, of course, my son washed my car for me yesterday!
As I told Connie, I stepped on the scale this morning and gained two pounds... lol I am going crazy.
Dogs are fun.. I love them. I also have one cat we rescued from the pound. Best Cat I ever owned.
Twelve paws is a lot too!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.