Rolling, rowing, or are you docked? What are you eating???
Sorry I haven't commented on yesterday's thread. I worked late, had gotten up early, and was just too pooped to pop in. I'm sure you can all relate. Since my phone fiasco, I can't check e-mails during the day, so there's a lot of catching up to do once I make it home. We'll just have to go on auto pilot now and then until I'm up and running again.
My eating yesterday wasn't what I would have liked, not really off plan, just about 1/2 of what I took for lunch, so by the time I got home I was pretty hungry. I did get in over 120 oz of fluids, pretty darned good if I do say so!
Okay, so far, here's the plan for today:
b- mini bagel and pecans
l--cabbage soup
s- cottage cheese/ applesauce
d--roasted chicken thigh and 6 brussel sprouts
s-- ended up short of calories, so added another skinny vanilla latte
Hope everyone's day is terrific!!
My meal plan for the day is -
Coffee - two cups
B- which I am drinking now - proetien drink
Snack- grapefruit
Lunch - Cottage cheese
Snack - protein drink
Dinner - Chicken and veggies
That's my plan for the day. Subject to
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

My day was not good. I missed lunch & snack, then Tom wanted to try a new restaurant for dinner. The wait person said the soup of the day was "Gator Gumbo" and my tummy went bonkers. I ended up leaving Tom alone to eat and sat in the car with windows opened. Just the thought of that stuff sent me into a tizzy.
B- cottage cheese, berries & Kashi - only a few bites, tummy still not happy
L - the remainder of breakfast
D - ?
S - ?

I just have to tell my story:
My son & I enjoy cooking unusual and interesting foods. He bought a four pack of what he thought was cans of exotic chili.... each one had a different meat in it... he thought it was chili....
Well, one can is elk... I like, one is buffalo... I like that too.... another is alligator.. stomach turned... the last one is rattlesnake... OMG... OMG I swear that can wiggles.... I hate even touching it. It even has instructions on the side saying to remove the bones... bones??? aaarrrgghhh
Of course my son is very apologetic thinking it was chili.... the sad thing is he paid so much for it. I wanted to know if I should regift it. lol
I sure understand your tummy going into a dizzy.....
Not sure about today. I'm cooking up some stuff. Will probably eat that and freeze a bunch.
Coffee, 2 cups
B: Cottage cheese and fruit
L: Chicken stew
D: Italian Wedding Soup
I''ll try to keep the snacks to a minimum, and healthy.
Everyone have a good weekend.
Hello everyone!
Im actually home today but alot of pessutre to clean up my office and to deal with a rt situation that does not directly involve me but something that I am compelled to address because of ethical issues...doesn't mean that I WANT to be dragged into it, however, I have been asked to offer my observations and experience, which I will do, carefully & factually. Sadly, I know that this will cause the offensive party to react emotionally and attack me (as he has done with others). However, ethics force me to speak out...being ethical isnt always easy.
This is today's menu:
B orange dreamsicle protein drink (done)
S banana stiffed w/peanut butter (done)
L homemade beef/veg/barley soup (done)
S two hard cooked eggs mashed w/ mayo & multigrain crackers
D more soup
S protein drink
Working on my water & all supplements taken
Nancy B & Rufus