What's New- Saturday
I stayed up late watching a movie on the computer. I just love being able to sit here with my headphones and pick a movie on Netflix to watch at anytime! Who woulda thought?
Tomorrow my daughter and I have a date to see "Avatar"- finally. On Sunday a contractor is coming to give us an estimate on a new fence. The weather surge on Wednesday tore our old one to pieces. The neighbors have three dogs that are terrorizing my old Darla when she goes out to pee. Something needs to be done soon.
The rest of the weekend is up for grabs. I'm hoping to get some relaxing hours of doing nothing.
Off to bed now- I'll check on all of you in the morning....
I am up and at 'em... did a bunch of cleaning and laundry Friday after work so I don't have to do it today!
Never made it to the gym this week... that back injury I had at work really seems to be rearing it's ugly head again... same exact spot, same muscle spasms... man o man, those really do hurt. I have to find something I can do that counts as exercise and does not make me miss work the next day!
I am going to my weigh-in this morning at Weigh****chers.... and I am sure I have not lost any weight again... followed the eating plan to the letter, but I know that, without exercise, nothing happens. Just another challenge to overcome I guess... between the knee pain and the back pain it is just hard to make myself go to the gym... maybe if I sell the couch, TV, and chairs I will be able to come home, change clothes, and go to the gym :)
Ah well... working on it....
Still nothing on my transfer at work... I talked to HR yesterday about my boss telling me he has NO applicants... ????? .... she said that was right - HE has no applicants, but she has had over 220 applications submitted.... but only a couple have made it to the boss due to not meeting qualifications. It is a VERY secure area I work in, and having anything on your record knocks you out of contention. I remember the long and detailed questions on the applications... they leave no stone unturned.
OK... I have blabbed on enough... gonna get some more coffee and try to think light thoughts for my morning weigh-in... have a great day everyone...
I hope you get your well deserved rest this weekend. We all need days like that!
Went to lunch yesterday with my art teacher. I took her out for her birthday, we went to Ruby Tuesday's. I had chili with beans and turkey and the salad bar. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it. It is nice to get out with a friend and just talk. We were there for a long time and just chatted. She is a good friend, and a wonderful artist. Inspiring.
Today my husband might have to work. He is on call. Can't really make plans. I think I will straighten up the house and crochet today. I need to rest my knee which is really bothering me. I hope it goes away.
Off to church at 5:30 and then TV for the evening.
Tomorrow I am going to visit my dad. I haven't seen him since he got out of the hospital. So pretty much my weekend is full.
We have taxes due soon and don't have the money. I wonder if they take payments.? This is such a hard time of the year. I am pretty worried about this.
Well that is my news of the day. I know, I know.... BORING!
As Paul Harvey would say "And that's the news"
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Yes the IRS does take payments....We are on the payment plan!!!!!
HI everyone, I am sitting at the Tampa airport waiting to go and board a plane to Chicago. I am going up there to see my kid and my neice and everyone else that is related.....
I hope it doesnt snow there. I think it is 40 and rain!!!!!
Ill only be there till tomorrow night.
Talk to you later.
I can't believe I'm up this early on a Saturday! I woke up at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. Oh well...there was some good to this. I found pictures of a vacation (just about the only one) my DH and I went on in 2007. Thought we'd lost them all in a computer crash later that year. It was awful, we were heartbroken. Well...it turns out I'd also uploaded those pictures to webshots. Whoooopeeee!
My DH cobbled a computer together out of parts from older computers, thank goodness, so now I'm able to get back online again. :)
Hope you all have a super Saturday!

I think there is a website called photobucket where you can upload pictures and save them in a album folder. I looked it up. It is photobucket.com
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

You're right. I have a free Photobucket account. I had to let go of my paid Webshots account in 2007 because we couldn't afford the annual dues anymore. I hadn't visited since then because I thought they'd removed all the pictures. Today I went back just for the heck of it and nearly keeled over! Pictures from 2001-2007 were still stored there! Awesome, huh? So now I'm downloading those vacation pix like mad so I don't lose them again!

We saw Avatar last week, not in 3-D, though. Gary is blind in one eye and can't do it, so maybe I'll go see it again with someone else. Anyway, hope you enjoy your time with your daughter. So sorry about the fence, lots of that going on there this week. I'm surprised you can get someone out so soon to take a look, they must be really busy!
Today is my Friday, YIPEE!! Great day with clients I really enjoy. I'm lucky to have such a great job!
It's supposed to rain today, storms from the West Coast heading our way, so no telling what it will be like by the time they make it here. No biggie, though. We're used to it.
I took the crustless calzone to work yesterday. It was a big hit and now everyone wants the recipe.
Okay, I'm off to start the "what are you eating" thread, then the shower. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
No pain to speak of and reaction from the antibiotic has finally returned my face to it's normal color.
Will see the doctor on Monday.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good morning, ya'll.
Usually when I get back from the Hope Lodge on Friday, my DH and I go for lunch and groceries. But yesterday I was having some nausea. First real incidence of that since this entire adventure began. I took some of the meds they had given me for that and took a couple naps. Still having some problems when I went to bed at 7 PM. Feeling much better today. But I have only had water and dry toast.
So, as soon as the Commissary opens I'll go for the groceries. I have only 2 more treatments next week. Then I go to the chemo doc here in town to set up my continuation of chemo. I so want to get this over with!!
Our son has finally arrived in Haiti. He is MEU 24, if you see anything about them. It is an Osprey squadron. I hope they can do a lot to help and make a difference. I think they need to get all those folks out of Port-au-Prince and set up tent cities with all the amenities away from the destruction. Then they can get food, water and medical supplies to everyone. I know they need helecopters for that since the roads are such a mess. Then they can get the mess in the city bulldozed and start the rebuilding. Of course, this entire thing will take years!! So many dead, so many displaced!!! So sad.
We will have a warm day here. Our grandsons have colds, so they won't be down to see me this weekend. I have to stay away from sick people.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!