What's New from Chehalis, Washington. . .
I had hip replacement revision surgery on July 1st 2009 - during that surgery my sciatic nerve was damaged and I ended up with "drop foot", no feeling or movement in my toes and ankle.....it was supposed to get better, but it never did. Now I am having surgery by my foot doctor to hopefully repair the damage......keeping fingers crossed.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good morning, ya'll.
Had some bad news already this morning. My cousin texted to let me know my Aunt Ginny (his Mom), had passed away at 3 AM. So I woke up to my phone beeping that I had a text. Very sad, but we all knew it was coming. She had the same small cell lung cancer that killed my Momma (they were sisters). Aunt Ginny was diagnosed a few months before Mom, and she went through 2 rounds of chemo and some radiation between them. But the last chemo wore her way down and she decided enough was enough.
We have rain here too. Sounds like everyone in the country is wet today. It's better than snow!!
Gotta go, a grandchils just came for his Sunday morning BLTs.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Good morning OFFers. Ready for a busy day. Again.
Starting with getting breakfast on the run at Sonic (Jr breakfast buritto) on the way to Sunday School. After church we are having a surprise 30th birthday party for Oleta at Olive Garden. That is where she wanted to go for her birthday. But she thinks it is just going to be her family. It almost got blown last night. Oleta decided she wanted to stay home and watch the Cowboy game. When Brad scheduled it, he forgot to take the time of the Cowboy game into account. Which is fine by me, because now, I will be home in time to watch my J E T S, Jets, Jets, Jets. I love the playoffs when they are in it, I get to watch the game. Before this, I think I saw them 4 times this year (out of 16 games). I don't have the NFL Package. And then it is work tonight. I will try to check back in later, if not, it will be in the morning on the What's New thread. Later.
This will be a lazy day of reading, relaxing and goofing off. PERFECT.
Since going to the bounce house my knees and back (entire body) have complained. Taking time to recoup is best.
PS - Susan - at least Gary closes the doors. I can't train Tom to do that.

Well today I can have an egg, Yea. I am looking forward to 2tbls of scrambled egg. It is you youngest birthday party. I know that will be fun too. It is funny how I have always though of Holidays, Birthdays etc as what I was going to bring to eat. Oh well. I am taking one of my yogurts so when they have cake I can eat too. My Husband and I talked yesterday about how much weight he has gained. So we are going to monitor what he eats. He is at 383lb. Thank goodness he is 6'3.
Have a wonderful day. Puree Food here I come.
Good Morning, All
Karen, thanks for starting the thread. I'm sorry you're in the midst of that mid-winter blues thing. I understand, as I'm sure most of us do. It's tough to keep positive and busy when you don't even want to get out of bed...
I finally got the laundry room/foyer done! The contractor was supposed to start work the Monday after Thanksgiving, and ended up starting the week before Christmas, and one thing led to another. I stuck to the original plan, but with spackling and sanding, it took till yesterday for me to finally be able to put the last coat of paint on the ceiling. I like to do as much as I'm able, both to save money and because I usually enjoy it, and I love to paint. I stained all the new trim before he put it up, as well. It looks nice. I was able to wash the floors yesterday to finally cut down on the dust. I hung the old curtains back up, as the Roman shades I ordered haven't arrived yet. He'll be coming back when I'm ready to have the doors taken down to stain. I have to do that in the garage and it's way too cold for that right now. Probably early April. He said he'd work on some of my "handyman" things at that time, and I have a Honey-Do list as long as my arm. I'll need to prioritize...
I decided last night to re-paint an old trunk I have in there to match the walls. I had put all the paint supplies away, so had to haul out what I needed again. I primed it, will paint one coat today before work, and maybe another tomorrow if it needs it. I'm dangerous when there's fresh paint around. I just keep finding more and more I want to "freshen up".
Other then that, nothing exciting here. I bought new luggage, as my old stuff is starting to look pretty shabby, and I was sick of the black. Got a pretty teal color. 4 pieces! Bet Thelma won't let me bring it all on the cruise, tho..... I tend to pack a little heavy. I bring back half of it unworn, but then have to either wa**** again or iron it because it's all wrinkled. I'm working on that. Right? Right.......
Everyone have a good day. Gotta go figure out my day's menu so I can post it on the barge thread. Go, Susan!!!