It's Saturday! What's new today?

I am so glad to hear you are not experiencing too much discomfort with the treatments. Hugs for continued health.
You can go to barnes and noble's web site, they have a good FAQ section.
I didn't get up til after 11 a.m. because I didn't get to bed til after 2 ... we closed out the bar last night (they had to kick us out ... I only had one beer but enjoyed the company of my coworkers). After I got up, I had protein coffee and then finished the rest of the pot while I talked with Mary Kay and she gave me good advice about unemployment, retirement, disability, etc., options for my future. I really feel much better about my future now than I did a week ago. I know it will be hell once I'm gone from that place, and I feel sorry for those I'm leaving behind. I feel this layoff is going to be the best thing that happened to me. I wasn't happy there, I'm in pain all the time at work, the stress is eating me alive. So in the long run, I will be better off. I have some options open to me (retirement, taking my pension early ... I have two pensions available, so I could take one early and save the other for later). My only worry is health insurance, but I have some options there, too.
I made a cake to take into work last night, my favorite, German chocolate, that I always bring in on my birthday. Because my birthday isn't until April 11 and I won't be there, I decided to bring it in to celebrate the end of bankruptcy. I went around and told everyone there was cake and why, and my coworkers applauded me. I felt that was so special. Then several of them brought other food in and we had a little "buffet" along with my cake. I kept calling it the "Out of Bankruptcy Buffet." My coworkers are so special ... I will miss them! They are my family, more than my real family at times. I've gotten so much support from them in this past week.
After work, a bunch of us went out to the bar near the office for drinks and talk ... it was great. Like I said, we closed out the place. I got to know the people from Muskegon a lot better. The sports guy I've been working came ... he's kind of quiet, but we had a good talk and he's concerned about the future, too. He's 36, with two young kids and doesn't know what's going to happen next. I told him don't believe anything they say. I have to say the Muskegon guys have treated me very well and respected me. I feel sorry they're going to get stuck with the intern when I'm gone, and he's a little clueless yet, kind of dorky.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and my knee really hurt, and I talked with Mary Kay for a long time, discussing disability, telling her why I can't sit for long periods of time with my knee bent. She said that's a perfect example of why I need disability. So I think I'm on my way to a better place. There are things I can do if this all works out on my own ... I can volunteer, I can freelance, maybe write a book, do my obesity advocacy idea; I've talked about doing a personal shopper service for shut-ins with my friend Gayle. I have some options.
But ... for today, unfortunately, I have to work later. And my knee still hurts, after sitting with the ice packs on it and taking a vicodin. Not a good way to start the day. That's what my life is like.
Mary, I hope your dad will be OK.
Everyone, have a good day.
Hey, everybody!
Just checking, Saturday, is a stay-at-home day for me...yayyy! Unfortunately, the plans I was making while still laying in bed this morning, have yet to be accomplished. Instead I tightened the straps of my bathing suit, shortening them each bu three see, my poor mismatched boobies now have a tendency to "float" and I didnt want to scare the others in the pool!
I'm already seeing a difference from all the exercise..the swelling is going down on both of my feet. My water play is easy on my legs and knees but I am still havg alot of pain in my right knee especially..still painful & affected by the time I wretched them both, along with my shoulder, trying to get Mother out of the car & into her wheelchair and back.
Well, I'd better get planning dinner for the guys...Derek is working out in the shop and will be working his BOUNCER job tonight starting at 8 pm til 4 am. For me, a bowl of soup.