It's Saturday! What's new today?

annette R.
on 1/16/10 2:09 am - ithaca, NY
Tom adores  his Kindle. He has read over 20 books since December 24th.  It holds 1,500 books and there is a huge list of free ones. Some of the latest books are under $10.00 but the best part is not accumulating a stack of books around the house.

I am so glad to hear you are not experiencing too much discomfort with the treatments. Hugs for continued health.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 1/16/10 6:24 am - Alexander, AR
So far, so good on the Nook. Gary's only had it two days, but he seems pleased. New releases are under $10, and if you know someone else that has one, you can borrow a book from their library for up to 14 days. Also, you can take your Nook to any Barnes and Noble store and read any e-book for one hour free. Nice to be able to "test drive" a book before buying it. The rest of the features are pretty much the same as other e-books.
You can go to barnes and noble's web site, they have a good FAQ section.



Eileen Briesch
on 1/16/10 3:06 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Mary and my OFF family:

I didn't get up til after 11 a.m. because I didn't get to bed til after 2 ... we closed out the bar last night (they had to kick us out ... I only had one beer but enjoyed the company of my coworkers). After I got up, I had protein coffee and then finished the rest of the pot while I talked with Mary Kay and she gave me good advice about unemployment, retirement, disability, etc., options for my future. I really feel much better about my future now than I did a week ago. I know it will be hell once I'm gone from that place, and I feel sorry for those I'm leaving behind. I feel this layoff is going to be the best thing that happened to me. I wasn't happy there, I'm in pain all the time at work, the stress is eating me alive. So in the long run, I will be better off. I have some options open to me (retirement, taking my pension early ... I have two pensions available, so I could take one early and save the other for later). My only worry is health insurance, but I have some options there, too.

I made a cake to take into work last night, my favorite, German chocolate, that I always bring in on my birthday. Because my birthday isn't until April 11 and I won't be there, I decided to bring it in to celebrate the end of bankruptcy. I went around and told everyone there was cake and why, and my coworkers applauded me. I felt that was so special. Then several of them brought other food in and we had a little "buffet" along with my cake. I kept calling it the "Out of Bankruptcy Buffet." My coworkers are so special ... I will miss them! They are my family, more than my real family at times. I've gotten so much support from them in this past week.

After work, a bunch of us went out to the bar near the office for drinks and talk ... it was great. Like I said, we closed out the place. I got to know the people from Muskegon a lot better. The sports guy I've been working came ... he's kind of quiet, but we had a good talk and he's concerned about the future, too. He's 36, with two young kids and doesn't know what's going to happen next. I told him don't believe anything they say. I have to say the Muskegon guys have treated me very well and respected me. I feel sorry they're going to get stuck with the intern when I'm gone, and he's a little clueless yet, kind of dorky.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and my knee really hurt, and I talked with Mary Kay for a long time, discussing disability, telling her why I can't sit for long periods of time with my knee bent. She said that's a perfect example of why I need disability. So I think I'm on my way to a better place. There are things I can do if this all works out on my own ... I can volunteer, I can freelance, maybe write a book, do my obesity advocacy idea; I've talked about doing a personal shopper service for shut-ins with my friend Gayle. I have some options.

But ... for today, unfortunately, I have to work later. And my knee still hurts, after sitting with the ice packs on it and taking a vicodin. Not a good way to start the day. That's what my life is like.

Mary, I hope your dad will be OK.

Everyone, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 1/16/10 8:01 am - Somewhere IN, TX

In the entire time I've known you, I've NEVER EVER heard you be as positive about things as you are today. I'm so thankful that the positivity has kicked in. If that's not a word, journalism major, sorry. 

I'm thrilled that you are getting a chance to pursue some happiness.

Nancy B
on 1/16/10 6:38 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hey, everybody!

Just checking, Saturday, is a stay-at-home day for me...yayyy! Unfortunately, the plans I was making while still laying in bed this morning, have yet to be accomplished.  Instead I tightened the straps of my bathing suit, shortening them each bu three see, my poor mismatched boobies now have a tendency to "float" and I didnt want to scare the others in the pool!

I'm already seeing a difference from all the exercise..the swelling is going down on both of my feet. My water play is easy on my legs and knees but I am still havg alot of pain in my right knee especially..still painful & affected by the time I wretched them both, along with my shoulder, trying to get Mother out of the car & into her wheelchair and back.

Well, I'd better get planning dinner for the guys...Derek is working out in the shop and will be working his BOUNCER job tonight starting at 8 pm til 4 am. For me, a bowl of soup.

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