It's Saturday! What's new today?
I hope no one is posting this at the same time.
Not doing too much today. My dad is still in the hospital doing tests.
Just a quick drive by too see what all of you are doing.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

good morning!
today is my last day of training and i have to pack to go home-now-don't get me wrong-i miss my michael and brody and roxie however--i am truly enjoying myself!!!!!!!
last nite i found a hobby lobby! walked around looking...bought a small needlework kit for my granddaughter.....
picked up a beautiful card for linda s and some margo goodies at meijers-wound down watching dog whisperer...
boring-so-gotta hit the shower and get brekkie and get to work
sending big hugs and prayers-not sure when i'll get back online
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Mary, I hope your dad is doing better. At least from your original post about it, it sounds like he's in better spirits, teasing you about living with you. Good thoughts and prayers going out to you.
Margo, I bet you have enjoyed some "Margo" time. We all need that now and then, even if it IS work related.
Gary's Nook (electronic book reader) came yesterday, back ordered from the first part of Dec. I won't see anything of him but the top of his head now while he reads, reads, reads. I have to work today, not a lot of work, translation, not a lot of $$, but I'll be off early and that's always a good thing.
Not really a lot of stuff to report, so I guess I'll say

Love and hugs!
Just a quick drive by before I leave for the dentist, the gym, some errands and then back home for a conference call as a step towards becoming a certified Obesity Help Leader.
Yesterday was an extremely busy day at work, so I had no time to post and it's promising to heat up at work for a while, which is fine with me, I had my "annual" review and it was fair and basically good, nothing in it that I did not expect and I got a 2% raise, however, I am taking home $5 less per paycheck due to the new insurance plan we have, which is a HSA plan. . .oh well, grateful to be employed. . .
Hope your dad's tests come back ok, my Tony's Mom is in the hosptial too undergoing some tests, as they think she may have suffered a mild stroke. . .
Anyway, wishing you all the best day possible and the strength to get through what may seem impossible. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I can't believe I'm up this early on a Saturday, for pete's sake! I went to bed after midnight and hoped to sleep in a little but somehow my gang of cats got into our bedroom overnight. Around 6, I woke up to a chorus of yowling. Some of the day were fighting with each other at the foot of my bed. :P Normally at night, our door is shut. Only one or two usually choose to spend the night with us so this isn't a typical problem. Oh well.
Yesterday was just nuts. My DH had something going on Thursday night, some kind of virusy thing. He complained of joint pain and then threw up. Friday morning he woke up with chills and a fever so he stayed in bed. After the youngest got off to school, I put a pork shoulder roast in the crockpot and all of a sudden I felt chills too. I got back into bed but it was like I couldn't get warm. I fell back asleep for a couple of hours.
When I woke up, I felt stuffy-headed but not especially feverish. When I tried to get up, though, I got the chills again. My son was still home so I asked if he could get his sister at the bowling alley at 6 yesterday evening and he said sure. I slept almost all day.
The youngest called at 6:30 because her brother hadn't shown up to pick her up. So I drove to get her. My son can be the absent minded professor and I was hoping he'd shown up at the high school instead of the bowling alley but I was still kinda worried. So we get back home at 7:30, the phone rings an it's my son. He got himself lost, just got to the bowling alley and is out of gas ... and he's got no money. But he thinks he has enough gas to just make it back to town.
So I tell him to go to the gas station in town and wait a little bit before I go to get him, praying he doesn't run out of gas before he gets to town. There's *nothing* between the bowling alley and town--we live far from anywhere useful! Luckily, he'd gotten to the gas station so I loaned him money to fill his tan****il payday.
When he got lost, he *really* got lost. :P He burned up all the gas in his tank trying to get back to civilization.
What a day. Anyway, hope everyone has a really good Saturday!

Good morning, ya'll.
Susan, I have been looking at the Kindle on Amazon. How does your husband like his electronic reader? I love to read, but hate throwing the books out, and have vowed not to keep them. When we moved from OR I sold about 1000 paperbacks! I know I can donate them, but they never seem to get anywhere. But is the Kindle worth the expensive, of it AND of the books?
Our daughter was with me at the Hope Lodge last week. She flew out this morning. Had to get her to the airport by 5 AM. Well, our son will be deploying this week and our DIL had a HUGE party for him last night. We went for a little while, but we aren't really into poker and all that fun. Anyway, of course our daughter stayed for the entire time. There was a red hot poker game and she wouldn't concede and split the pot. She did finally win. But she didn't get home til 3:30 AM!!!! Son and DIL live 6 houses down so she just had to walk back. So no sleep for her, really. Gotta say she looked like death warmed over this morning. I guess it was the margharita flu!! Our son had to go to work this morning, too.
No radiation on Monday, so back to the Hope Lodge on Tuesday. Still feeling great!! Although I have been going to bed at around 7 or 7:30 PM. Always awake at 5 AM though. My internal alarm gets me up!! Last radiation is the 26th. I have a call into my chemo Dr. to see if I can restart the chemo on the 27th. I am anxious to get all this treatment over with!! When I see the condition of some of the patients at the Hope Lodge, I know that I am truly blessed to be flying through this entire thing!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!