What's New- Friday, January 15!

Mary M.
on 1/14/10 9:48 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Started really early today (for me!) instead of being at work at 8:30, I got here at 6:30, after dropping Michael off for his dialysis.  I'll leave to pick him up and take him home later this morning.  He will see if he can start driving himself, once he is more adjusted to it.

It's a 3 day weekend for us for MLK day and I'm delighted!   Coffee with the local WLS support group on Saturday morning and then a whole unstructured weekend!   I'm going to keep working on sorting out all the stuff we've stored in my office/dressing room/spare bedroom.  Hope I can make some room there.

Thanks for starting this, Julia, and I'm sorry you are frustrated at work.  That is hard to keep putting up with. 

Marcy - sorry about your issues, too.
Annette - TOO funny imagining you with the kiddies!
George - you will be a money-making machine!

Everyone else - hope you day is good as can be.  And have a nice weekend.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Pat R.
on 1/14/10 10:10 pm - Sturgis, MI
I'm at work early, don't know why.....except I didn't do my recumbent bike this morning so now I have to do it this afternoon.  

I don't think I'll be able to use the roll-a-way thing because it makes my replacement knee hurt like heck...maybe I'll try a pillow and see if that makes it better....I was afraid this would be the case, but I did check with my orthopedic surgeon and he said if I could tolerate it, it would be okay.  Dang, that means using a walker, or wheel chair.

Last day at work, and not much to do.....will try to stretch it out for my 3 hrs.  

Lots of snow melted yesterday - my driveway is almost clear.    My son is coming tomorrow to put in a grab bar next to my toilet, to help me get up w/o putting wt on the foot.  Good thing he has a degree in building construction. 

Better do some work now.  Drinking a cup of regular with s/f creamer
to get my "heart" started!! LOL

Have a wonderful weekend,
pat r.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 1/14/10 10:37 pm - Somewhere in, NY

Before I even read any farther, I want to say "Yippee!!!!" for the clean bill of health. 



Terri G.
on 1/14/10 10:42 pm - ME
Hi and Good Morning all,
Just wanted to jump in and say Hi before I run daughter to her Dr's. I do hope all have a great day be well
Judy G.
on 1/14/10 10:49 pm - Galion, OH

morning julia and OFF....

well the first day back to work after my block was pretty good....about 7 pm the upper back started to hurt some but the hip and knee felt pretty good!!! now hopefully after the next two blocks all the pain will be gone!!! i can only hope....

my older brother called me last night just before i left work...told him i was still at work and to give me a few minutes and call back...then i got to worrying.....seems like when he calls me its bad news....so i called him back on my way home and thankfully it was about the parade he taped for me  on new years day...some how it erased so he didn't have it for me anymore....well if that was all its ok!!!! i was so afraid it was bad news about mom or my sister!!!! sighs.....but he did have some disturbing news about him...seems he has to have some colon surgery on feb 10th. said he has a blockage in his colon. i told him i hope and pray it wasn't serious. he said he didn't know. sooooo another worry for me to worry about. never ends....

talked to phyllis yesterday before i went to work. she said they got home the night before and said they froze their butts off in florida!!! i am sure they did as it was cold there as well as all the other places they stayed on the way there....glad she is home again.

weather here today was 37* when i took bandit out for potty and it was drizzling some. all the snow that wasn't cleared away in the parking area is all ice now...pray that i don't fall trying to get in and out of the car!!! suppose to get some freezing drizzle later on today...oh goody!!!!

working today 1230-530 and another long day tomorrow 8-430. atleast tomorrow should be busy so the time will go by faster.

well thats about it so will get out of here and do more flowers for the afghan....thinking of you all and remember to SMILE!!!! oh!! had a man comment to me yesterday that he loves walking by the food court so he can see my pretty smile!!! said to me "you always have a nice smile to brighten my day". so see!!! it does work!!!! ;-)


Connie D.
on 1/14/10 11:17 pm
Good morning Julia and everyone...

Not much news from me today. I sure am enjoying my time off until Tuesday...wish I had money to travel somewhere...I could use the break away from everything!

I need to go pick up my RXs and vitamins and such but that is all I have planned.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.....of course special prayers for those in need...especially Linda S!!!

I wish you all a great day....share a few extra smiles today....it might make someone elses day be a little brighter.

Love and hugs to all......connie d

on 1/15/10 12:43 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Julia and all my OFF friends,
My heart was breaking last nigh****ching the news about Haiti.  God bless all those people who can go there to help.
Work is slow so the day is dragging.  At least I will be leaving an hour early to attend the dinner for my husband serving on the building committee for building a local middle school.  He has been volunteering his time and knowledge about building codes (he's a building official in another town) for two years now.  I guess they figured they could at least give them dinner.
They are predicting 6 inches of snow on Sunday night for the higher elevations.  Guess where I live - the higher elevation.  Hubby is excited because he'll get to use his new snowblower attachment on the lawn tractor.
Started making an afghan for my niece as part of her wedding gift.  I'm hoping I fini**** within a month.  It's looking very pretty.  My brother is coming over tomorrow to bring the rent for living in our old home.  He's bringing his three kids so I think I'll have a special snack and game ready for them when they get here.
I have lost 4.5 lbs. since getting on the barge with Susan.  I'm committed again and under control.  I lost sight of my goal and I've got it back again. Yay.
Our son called last night.  He's been calling us a lot lately instead of us calling him.  All is well with his family.  The kids all got their yearly dental check-ups and cleaning - no cavities.
Hugs and prayer for all.

Eileen Briesch
on 1/15/10 1:19 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Julia and my OFF family:

Glad your tests came out OK. I was concerned about you. Sorry about the upheaval at work. Been there, done that, still worrying about that. But I have a pill for that. That's my new motto.

The other copy editors at work are concerned about me. Some of the dayside people asked one of the Muskegon editors how I was doing. I told her she should have said, "I have a pill for that." Allison laughed. I think everyone is surprised I am taking it so well. So am I. These antidepressants are working overtime. I realize it's out of my control, so don't fight it. I know I've been in pain for so long at work and so unhappy, so I might as well move on. I'm doing as little as possible to get by in these next few weeks. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm doing my job (and actually more than my job, because I'm helping out the news side as well as doing my sports page a night), but I'm not going out of my way to pick up any extra work like I was.

I meet today with the outplacement counselor; she's supposed to help me with filing for unemployment and tell me about community resources, Cobra, etc. I also have to drop off my severance papers with HR. So I have to be into the office early today (3:30 p.m.) for the appointment and don't start work til 6. Got some time to kill after that. I'll probably run out and get some coffee or something, maybe a sandwich for dinner.

It's warmed up to 35 degrees today ... heat wave! But it's cloudy. That's more like West Michigan in winter.

Well, not much else going on here. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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