Rolling down the river---what are you eating???
I think this is going to take me awhile.....but then I think we are on De-Nile....and that a very long River......Okay here goes..
Breakfast- puffed wheat and milk Cappachino and cranberry muffin on my way to office
Snack- snack--still eating my cranberry muffin
Lunch- 310 calorie instant meal-
snack- popcorn
dinner- Chicken Breast, spinach, brown rice. wine
snack glass of wine and 6 almonds
Good luck to all the rest of you.....I just could not get my butt out of bed this morning to go work out, so if I am lucky I am going to go beat some of these calories off this afternoon at the health club.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Love, M
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
B - small piece of egg bake
s - peanut butter on a rye crisp cracker
s - isopure fruit drink w/ small amt of apple juice
l - chili
s - another peanut butter cracker (if I need a snack)
d - chicken stew
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
B - EAS Low Carb Protein Shake
S- Large McD's sweet tea (I know but it is my one treat.)
L - Low Carb Burger from Hardee's minus mayo, catsup and cheese
S - Rest of tea, 1 oz roasted peanuts
D - BBQ Country Style Ribs, Marinated Asparagus Spears (from Sams & delish), ear of corn/butter, 1 pickled beet
S - 2 bottles water