Good morning OFF'ers!!!
Where is everyone this morning?
I'm having a usual, get up get dressed get ready and off to school day. Today is my busy schedule...I start at 7:30 and don't stop rushing till 3:30 and then I will be ready to collapse.
I love school tho!!! It keeps me working with the kids seeing those smiling faces everyday. For those of you who don't know...I teach grades K-12 ...I work with the deaf and hearing impaired.
I'm also working with my PCP to make sure all is in place for my parathyroidectomy next Wed. Waiting to hear how good or bad my last labs were or are.
Well got to run...carry on.
(((((HUGS))))) to all who need an extra today.
Smiles and blessings to all on here.
Susan I'll catch up with you later as far as eats today.
It happens to me all the time. I post and someone else did.
Glad you're happy at work and back.
You do a lot with teaching. I always wanted to learn how to sign. Maybe someday I will.
Hope you have a great day
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.