What's new Wednesday?

on 1/13/10 8:44 am - Alexander, AR
Yay for you!!

I'm sure you'll do great with the job and enjoy the time in the big city



Eileen Briesch
on 1/13/10 9:44 am - Evansville, IN
Congrats on the job. When will you be in Muskegon? That's not too far from me. Maybe we can meet (if I'm not at work).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 1/14/10 7:15 am - Elyria, OH
i'll post more in a bit to the thursday thread-
had to be here at 830 this a.m. --session went til 5 pm- check'd into hotel and dead tired- tomorrow same session times and saturday not sure what time i get out but have to head home right after......


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Judy G.
on 1/12/10 11:00 pm - Galion, OH

eileen that IS GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!! congrats on a long haul finally over and done with!!! (((eileen))) hopefully a new job will come along soon and you will LOVE that job!!! best of luck!!!

morning OFF....well i had my first treatment yesterday and let me tell you it HURT!!!! i thought i would be given something to stop the feel of pain but NOPE just went ahead and did it!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the needle went into my lower back just above my butt crack a couple inches....OUCH!!!!!! then had to come home and lay on my back for 6 hours with a 20 minute break every 2 hours so i could potty or eat or walk around to loosen up some. feel pretty good today but have this HUGE headache!!!! not sure if its from the medication that i was given or if it is from this womans perfume she took a bath in!!!! OMG!!!! the whole place reeked in this STRONG smell!!!! head still hurts this morning just as bad!!!! i go back tuesday for the 2nd treatment and then the 3rd and final treatment the following tuesday. and again i have to lay on my back for the six hours each time after i have it done. not looking forward to that but i will do it. good thing american idol is on now so i have something to watch while laying there...lol

i will try to post a photo of my afghan if i can find the cord to attach to camera and then pc to load it...then if i can figure out how to post the photo....LOL been a long time since i did that and not sure i was the one who did it on my profile....LOL all my photos have gone away on my profile and i can't figure out how to get them back again!!! :-( i am so computer stupid!!!!!

made some country ribs for supper last night and rick helped make the rest of the dinner for me after we got back home from my treatment. turned out pretty good. have enough left for supper tonight so that is a good thing!!!! just feel like laying around all day. will work on the afghan again so i can get it done. its about 1/3 done...i THINK. ;-)

well i KNOW i read posts and do you think i can remember them??? NO!!! makes me sooooo mad when this CR****s me!!!! i do remember connie posting about her daughter....connie i am so sorry for her!!!! is there a chance she will be hired to stay on with walgreen???? might be a good chance for that to happen!!!! will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts!!!! and i remember (haha now i can't think of your name) but your husband is home from hospital and doing well!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! glad he is doing so well!!!! as for the rest...can't remember anymore...sighs....guess i will go back and see if i can sleep some more and maybe this headache will go away....it hurts like hell!!! might call dr and see if this is normal to have this headache....i can take a shower today so maybe that is what i need to wake up and remember things??? sorry i am not thinking so well right now that i forgot who posted what...but i AM thinking of you ALL!!!!

have a good day and will check back later to read more posts. don't forget to SMILE!!!! ;-)

Eileen Briesch
on 1/13/10 3:46 am - Evansville, IN

I am surprised they didn't give you something before the shot. When I get my back injections, I get what they call "conscious sedation" ... it's actually Versed, but before I get it, they have to make sure I have a driver. I can't drive after it. It does make me sleepy. I tried getting the shot once without the sedation and boy, did it hurt. I don't have to lie down for eight hours afterward, but then I don't get a nerve block, I get lumbar facet injections, which is different from what you're getting. Ask your doctor about getting something for the pain beforehand, because if you're uncomfortable, they may not get the shot where they want it.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 1/13/10 10:24 pm - Galion, OH

hi eileen...i was under the impression i WOULD be getting something before hand but i guess i was wrong....i WILL ask tuesday before the dr does the next one why i am not getting a pain blocker. and i DID have to have someone drive me home after the block. back is feeling better and so is the leg so that is a good thing!!!


Connie D.
on 1/13/10 4:01 am
Judy...thanks for the prayers and thoughts for my daughter. Carrie doesn't want to work for Walgreens...many reasons!!

Hugs...connie d
Judy G.
on 1/13/10 10:26 pm - Galion, OH

you are welcome connie....not sure the problems of walgreen but your daughter knows best i guess...but it is a job and if she needs one.....prayers continue as always!!


on 1/13/10 1:45 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
WooHoo no more bancruptcy.  Save that return as your rainy day fund.  I hope they are right and you are paid through Sept.  I know you'll find something because you are a hard worker.  So glad Michael is home Mary.  Margo glad to see you are almost able to join us more often.  Connie, sorry to hear your daughter lost her job.  Hopefully, she can find one very quickly.  Maybe your daughter can submit a letter to Walgreen's explaining her situation.  It's just too easy for corporations to just see someone as a name.  They might consider a spot for her with Walgreens.
All of a sudden Hubby isn't so interested in car shopping.   Don't know why.  He does this a lot.  We were going to get a new refridgerator at the beginning of the summer - didn't happen.  The produce drawers slide on the bottom because the shelf that held them is busted and the ice maker doesn't work.  We were going to get a new bedroom set. (Still have the mismatched stuff we got before we got married 38 yrs. ago.) Didn't happen even with 0% financing for four years available!.  Wanted to get a new laptop, the one we have doesn't have much hard drive space.  Nope, didn't happen.  We are not strapped for money so I don't know what's up with him. I'm getting apathetic.
I'm gonna go get on the treadmill at the company gym and see if that elevates my mood.  Of course, every time, something happens that makes my troubles seem insignificant - like an earthquake in Haiti.  Makes me grateful for what I have.
I'm grateful for all my OFF friends and their support.
HUGS to all of you and keep well.


Eileen Briesch
on 1/13/10 3:51 am - Evansville, IN
Actually Bev, I used it to pay bills. I am way behind in my heating bill and have gotten several calls from DTE Energy to pay it. So I have to clear up some bills while I still have money.

Seems like I get a full paycheck this week, although payroll screwed up my direct deposit, so I have to go in to get my check tomorrow morning, or wait until Friday (because I wouldn't get it then until I went into work at night). They lay off and then they screw up my check ... thanks! Well, now the payroll person called and said she was going to leave it in my desk drawer tonight so at least I don't have to go downtown tomorrow. So that was nice.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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