It's Tuesday, what's new with you?
Hi George!
I accepted a free used dryer about three years ago, thinking I would only use it until I got the money for a new one. I'm still using it and it works fine! Since my washer and dryer are in the garage, I don't need to worry about noise and matching designer colors or anything. It might be a good idea for now. When you get a new one, you can always put it on freecycle or Craig's list and some one will come to your curb and take it away.
I put a desk out in the driveway a couple of mnths ago with a "FREE" sign on it, and it disappeared before I got home from work!
Just a quick drive by this morning, have to go to work early, so I need to spend less time here today. Rats!
Bought my WiiFit Plus yesterday. What a TON of fun!!!! By the time I checked out all the different games I had worked out for almost 90 minutes. Not all of that was exercise, had to figure out all the different moves and such, but I can sure see me using this a lot.
Ok, gotta run.
Love and hugs!
Hope you all have a good day, I'm off to work and there is not much to say at least not at the moment ;)
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Tom was cozy in bed, asked him if he had dinner. (there was left over chicken in fridge) Son of a gun - all he ate yesterday was 1/2 coffee cake and a package of Keebler Pecan Sandies. Did I just say "ALL"? Not nutritious but loaded with fat & calories. How the heck does he stay slender?
Question: I tried a new nail polish - actually nail enamel. It is all sparkles and pretty but the damned stuff won't come off without 1/2 bottle of remover and lots of rubbing. I have tried remover with and without acetone. Any suggestions other than sandblasting?
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I have been so busy and haven't spent any time at all in the house except to sleep. I miss being home. Normal day: leave for work about 5:45 am. Get to work at 6:30 and leave at 3:30 to go to part time job until 6:30. Go to gym until 8 pm and then back home. Saturday mornings I work from 9am to 1pm and then to gym. Sundays are church, fun, and errands. I miss my house. Well, I better work before they let me go and find someone who will. Have a good day and stay warm.
It's a busy day here at work today. Boss and the manager are going to TX on a buying trip for our Gift shop, I'm stuck here running things for the next week. Gotta keep my volunteers happy!!
Promise a young gal I would be her angel, she is scheduled for RNY at 11:30 today. Going to stop up and see her before she gets in the OR. Her mom and I are good friends, please keep Lacey in your thoughts and prayers today.
Did spin class last night, tonight is working out in the pool with BF Deborah B. Plan on doing jogging, weight lifting with lots of reps and lighter weights, walking lunges.
Tomorrow we are going to try out Yoga/Pilate's class in the warm water therapy pool. Now doesn't that sound like fun???? I think I will love it.
Hello, everyone!
Well I did it..went to the Holiday Inn in the city yesterday and joined the swimming programme there...only $366.00 for a has a sal****er poo, hot tub & aerobic classes.
The HARDEST part for me is walking out there in a bathing suit but I did, wriggled my way to the back of the aerobics class and did my own version in the corner...I LOVE the water so this was a real treat for me and I did my "leg bicycling and arm work for..get this...1 whole hour and 45 minutes!. Then a twenty minute cool-down and then five minutes in the hot tub, just to warm up.
I showered, realizing that I need to develop a routine for there to have what I need right with me..shampooed my's now down to my waist and very this takes a LONG time and my poor legs were starting to tremble...I use a stool to sit on in my own shower since a shower, for me, means ALOT of standing and my lymphodema doesnt tolerate that easily.
They have sturdy plastic chairs scattered around the shower room as well..this has just been renovated and I think, with "seniors" in mind, so, next time, I will swallow my pride and use a chair IN the shower so that I can relax and not tax my tired legs anymore than they just had in the pool.
Another challenge is sitting somewhere where I can put one leg up at a time to pull on my custom-made TIGHT support stockings..always a joy when one's legs are damp from the humidity in that pool area. : } But I managed it. Of course, lil old ladies, being as unfiltered as many of them can be, had alot of questions about my legs, the tightness of my stockings, the scars, do I have THYROID problems?, don't those stockings cut off my circulation?, I need to drink more water and all kinds of other
They have a coffee time after their aerobics, once they are showered, dried and in their OUTSIDE clothes, right beside the pool. While I was IN the water still, one "benevolent" female had a hot flash, preceeded to walk to the side door close to the poolside, open it (there was a flippin' blizzard outside) and wildly, vigourously waves the door back & forth to COOL OFF the room for HERSELF, mindless of those of us still in the water and still being WET! Was I the only one who wanted to scream at her? Seemed to the world filled with mindless inconsiderate idiots? As she stated loudly, "when she has a hot fla****'s everyone for themself"....I Think NOT! and should it happen again, there will be a rather definite & belligerent protest from me.
I was hurting (my legs & knees) when I got home, then attended my Core LifePath group meeting in the evening, worked some healing before bed & woke this morning feeling considerably LESS pain!! Oh Happy Days!!
Today I have a two hour dental appointment..I can hardly wait!...NOT! Tonight is my sorority dinner meeting..Ive already planned my menu choice, julienne salad and a take-out box to take MOST of it home for tomorrow. But I may decide on some lightly grilled fish instead..but Im determined to eat as wisely as I can...this restaurant is known for its BROASTED CHICKEN but I will steer away from that and it's specials whi*****lude a free desert.
The snow has stopped, Derek & his father have just come home (8am) after working since midnight ..they plowed with two dumptrucks and salters. Derek has been training a new driver with a pickup truck, salter and straight plow and he is working out well. So Derek has his assistant, Mike, do all the private residential driveways, leaving Derek free to do the heavy business plaza-plowing with the big dumptruck, articulated V-plow and professional salter while JB trained a new "shoveller" last do the sidewalks by shovel, snowblower and hand salter. Apparently it all went very well..hopefully they have a clear plow-free week now so that Derek can "catch up" on his sleep and his billing as well as the usual maintenance and repairs to his equipment...JB can go back to being I can sleep easier too. :}
This new reduction of pain is encouraging...even if it's temporary for now...what a treat! Maybe swimming/water exercise will really help my pain control along with my self-hypnosis and EFT.
Now that I've "chattered your ears" off, I will conclude my post. Have a wonderful safe & healthy day!
Nancy B

well incase anyone is interested in the MRI and nerve test results i posted it in yesterdays whats new post.
worked yesterday 1-530 and felt pretty good. not much pain but man did it hit me after i got home!!! rick fixed us supper then he filled the bathtub with epsom salts and some mr bubble for me. awwwwww he was so nice to do that!!! so i got in and soaked til the water turned warm to almost then i couldn't get out!!! OMG!!!!!! he tried helping me but all we did was LOL and he ended up in the tub with me!!!!! ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL he got out and then i told him to give me my towel so i had something to hang on to that wasn't slippery. i made it up and out...LOL body felt better but then the pain came back full force during the night....i sure hope this nerve block helps me!!! not really looking forward to laying on back for 6 hours after i get home!!! also worried that i won't be able to make it up the 12 steps to apartment!!! rick said he would throw me over his shoulder and carry me up if he has to....LOL he has been working out every night since Christmas and he sure can lift weights!!! WOW!!! he can make his "boobs" dance!!! LOL
had bandit out this morning and its still chilly but not as bad. supposed to warm up a little bit. but its still waaaay to cold for me to be out there for long!!!
got another row of flowers made for the new afghan i am making. looking good and so far NO mistakes in it!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
well need to get ready for the day....already have my pj bottoms set to put on...supposed to wear loose fitting comfy clothes and that is best i can come up with....glad that phyllis bought me new flannel pj's for Christmas!!! :-)
have a good day and i will post soon as i am able to sit here....and don't forget to SMILE!!!!! ;-)