Sore, Sad and Afraid of the Scale!
on 1/11/10 3:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It's a funny thing with me....if the cookies are hidden in the freezer I'm's only the ones on the counter.....I guess it's the whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing. Anyhow, I am removing the ones I keep walking past.
I will not let myself slide back ......
Walking is not so easy right now due to the wounds.....each step is uncomfortable and the days I am on my feet more and do more walking (like shopping) I swell up twice as much. UGH.
Yes I can work out the upper arms....not my tummy though cause that's still healing from the Tummy Tuck. I'm a surgical mess right now...LOL Dr wants me to focus on wound care...should take about 4 weeks to really start healing. I think I need to up my protein intake too....that might help with the healing. I'm usually so good with protein but have been low on it the last 2-3 weeks. Shame on me.
Anyhow, thanks for the words of encouragement and the hug.
I feel better already.
That's my Ruth!!! more cookies. You have a handle on it again. Isn't is the truth that we always have to stay on top of our health. Your health comes first. Exercise will come when you don't hurt.
Just keep working your arms.
Some easy exercises in the chair:
Just lift legs slightly off floor and hold. If that hurts, keep feet on floor and lift foot (heel) up and hold for a minute and repeat. If this doesn't hurt do this in a rapid session of 10, 20 etc...helps with the calf muscles. Holding foot slightly out do circles with your foot.
It takes months for swelling to go down with plastics and you are retaining water.
I still say stay off the scale. Don't let the scale dictate your mood and to tell you if you are "bad or good"...why? Well you are healing right now.
Just keep following your eating program and keep posting. We understand. You are my HERO girl!! That is why I don't want plastics, well I couldn't afford them any way but I really would miss going to gym and working out...never thought I'd say that. You just wait, you are going to be so happy with your results, I'm jealous...but I also don't want the pain. You are brave.
I think I'll just have to invest in body shapers!! LOL
on 1/11/10 4:34 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL