What's New, Monday?
morning candy and OFF...
well just got back from dr appointment for the MRI results and the nerve test. well....i have a couple areas on my spin that need work....nerves also need work....no surgery...no cancer and just a tad bit of arthritis in the spine. sooooo i go once a week for 3 weeks to have the spine block done...after the block is done i have to lay on back for 6 hours when i get back home. not gonna be fun...but if it helps i can do it!! i also was told to do crunches and leg lifts for the ham strings...ok i can do that also. dr also wanted me to come back for more therapy but i can only afford one co-pay a week at $25 each time so he said after the blocks are done we can do the therapy again if i want. ok. tomorrow is the first block to be done. need to make sure i get the next 2 tuesdays off for the blocks to be done. i sure hope this works because i am in alot of pain right now.
eileen i am so sorry that you are losing your job....hopefully you will find something soon that you will like to do. i wish you the best and know we are here for you when you need to let off stress!!!! (((eileen)))
george sorry about your flooding ordeal....had to be one big mess to clean up!!!
pat wishing you the best of luck with your surgery that is coming up soon!!!!
margo good to see you posting again...board seems quiet without you!!!!
annette you sure are having the problems again!!! sorry that you have to go through so many!!!!
bev...if YOU are paying for the vehicle then YOU get what YOU want!!! why do men always have to get their way????
marc WOOOHOOOOO on the weight loss!!!! makes me want to go back to weigh****chers again!!! might just do that if i can find the money to go!!!! congrats!!!
connie sorry that you are feeling so tired out again...wish there was a magic spell that would make you all better again!!!
well seems CR****s once again for me...sighs....but know i AM thinking of you all and i DID read the posts that i missed last couple days. WELCOME to the newbies and congrats!!!!!
been working and also doing the new afghan. looking really pretty if i do say so myself....lol not much else happening for me other than rick applied for a few jobs this morning while i was at dr's. keep fingers crossed and prayers also accepted or whatever else might bring him some luck getting a job!!!!
snowing here again and it is COLD!!!!! BRRRRRRRRRR supposed to get an inch or so...we'll see. just wish the cold would go away and the heat come back again!!!!! i can't get warm fast enough anymore!!!!
well back to the afghan so i can get it done....but if i work on it to long i get the hives on my arms....grrrrr but it keeps my fingers busy so i can't eat all the time!!!
have a great day and sorry that i missed so many of you!!!! and remember to SMILE!!!!! makes you feel better and also the ones that see your smile feel better also!!!! :-)
The weekend was great - I really enjoyed just being home more and then spent the afternoons at the hospital. Days are going fast, and I go for my 3 month check up next week, although it's actually been over 3 months now since my RNY!
The weather has mellowed a little bit, too. It was in the low teens this morning. Much better than the below zero days we've been having for the last week.
Hope everyone has a good day and take care!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
I'm thinking of ging for a walk with the dogs, but right now it's just a thought!
Sunshine to everyone.