I got laid off today
I feel like I've been kicked in the ass. I left work and went over to the bar with a bunch of other coworkers. Someone bought me a beer and another coworker shared some food with me (quesadillas, so at least there was some protein there, otherwise I would have been really drunk ... although I only had one beer).
I'm just getting out of my financial quagmire and here comes another one. What the hell am I going to do now?
Happened to me... and in the few weeks I had left at the company I must have put out in excess of 70 resumes... you might remember this ... anyway...
It worked, and I felt a lot better being pro-active and doing anything and everything I could to swamp any and all possible employers with my resumes...
You are going to receive unemployement compensation insurance yes? ... the government has extended the benefits a lot of weeks during this crappy economy...
Go for it... I have to believe the old adage... when one door closes another opens...
Hang tough... I know, I know... easy for me to say... but ya gotta!
Hi Eileen
That is totally awful. I've been there--I was told 7 months before it happened and I was not inspired for every one of those days before the ax fell. I did some temp wor****il I found a job where I still am but one does not know in this economy.
I have been in Payroll and have some HR background but you got your agreement and how did they address your benefits. Remember that you are eligible for the COBRA subsidy because that has been extended to February 28th when Obama signed the bill in December. Your HR person should have told you that. Also, I would look into whether or not you would be eligible if you were to be brought back on a part-time basis due to reduced hours.
Unemployment is also there and your benefits are longer. Michigan is definitely a state that has been hit hard. I would apply as soon as possible because the backlog is so bad in most states that the sooner you get your claim in, the better.
My thoughts are with you. As one of the posters said, when one door closes, another door opens. You are a writer and that is a transferable skill in many types of occupations.
RNY Surgery Date: 7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Hopefully between the severance pay and the unemployment benefits that will carry you until you can find a job. Times are hard and it won't be easy. You are a very smart and wonderful lady...fight hard!
We are all here for you...anytime!!
(((((HUGS))))) connie d