It's Friday - I'm bored - What's New?

Connie D.
on 1/7/10 10:56 pm
Debbie....what a blessing that that Dr sent that young woman to you. I know you will help her in anyway you can. Let us know how things turn out!

Hugs....connie d
on 1/7/10 11:22 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Thanks Connie. I love it when doctor's don't beat up on the obese. That they really want to help and when they connect with reaching out and not treating them as fat and lazy...well lets just say this Dr. totally gets it. She was my biggest fan and cheerleader when I decided to do WLS. She would also follow up with me, connecting in any way she could. She also said there is a need to specialize in bariatric pharmacy and understanding the bariatric patient. I totally love her!!
Terri G.
on 1/7/10 11:09 pm - ME
Good Morning Every one,
I do hope the day runs well for you all. I have a question and I know you will give me the best advice.

As you all know I had surgery the 29th. I think I am healing well except the left side. I hurts when I move or anything else. I am wondering is this normal.

Laureen S.
on 1/8/10 12:51 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I think what you are experiencing with the left sided pain is normal, as just about everyone I know who had laproscopic RNY has experienced that.  What I recall someone saying, was that the left side is the one that they put the scoping instrument in and so it is usually the sorer of the sites. . .  BUT, I would call your surgeon's office to be on the safe side and make sure, because with Lap RNY, while we have had major rerouting of our innards, the effect seems pretty mild because of it being non-invasive surgery, in other words we often feel better than we are allowing for the trauma our bodies have been through, so don't do more than your surgeon advised, no matter how good you are feeling!

Take care, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Terri G.
on 1/8/10 1:42 am - ME
Thank you so much, You were right. I am to still walk, yet try to let the left side rest some. I hold it when I move or anything just for extra support.
Thank You again,
I have a Dr. appointment on Tuesday so unless it hurts more. I will see him then

Connie D.
on 1/7/10 11:09 pm
Good morning George and everyone.....

George you always seem to get the best seats at events...lucky you... have a great time!

I had a nice evening again last night. Still dating that Cowboy. We went out to eat and then to the movie Blindside. I really liked did he. Our relationship is definately interesting!!!

Nic (grandson)will not be going to St Judes/Memphis as planned next week. The date got moved to around the first of February. We don't have a definate date yet. He is looking and feeling good....thanks for all the prayers...please keep them coming! He will be here in St Cloud on the weekend of the 23rd....all my grands will...wooohoo!! Pray for good weather!!

I wish you all a really great day....keep warm!!

Prayers to all in need.....especially Linda S!!

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

on 1/8/10 12:30 am - Jacksonville , NC
Yay Friday!  Good Morning all.
I was hoping for a few inches just so they would call off work but as it was the base was on a 2 hr delay (for sprinkles!!!).  That made me laugh.  I didn't know it when I left but as I was driving to work and there was little traffic, I thought I better make a call.  I turned on my cell phone and low and behold I had a text from our ALPO stating 2 hr delay.  So, I turned around and went home.  Then I decided it was a great day to get my labs done and not have to leave work to do so.  I had a bit of time after that and went shopping.  I bought my second pair of size 4 jeans.  I still can't believe it.  How weird is that?  Last yr this time my 26/28s were getting too big and I was going into 22/24s.  What a yr it has been!  I think about my first stall when I was so upset thinking that I was never going to lose enough weight to make me happy. 
I have 4 hrs of work at my part time job tomorrow morning and then I go to the gym for a work out with the trainer.  I do that now and then so that I can change things up a bit and work on body issues as they emerge.  Right now, I want to work on my mid section. 
Then on Sunday DH and I are headed to Raleigh to the Hurricanes game. It is a 5 pm game so it will be a late night.  I have been doing more of those with the holidays that just passes.  You would think I was a teenager again. 
Have a great Friday and weekend.  Post more on Monday.  I don't usually go on on the weekends.
My body does not define who I am but I am trying to define my body.  It  gets easier with every pound I drop. 
Brenda R.
on 1/8/10 12:42 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, George and my other OFF siblings. I hope that we can all keep well and warm today. It is freezing cold here and I get that is the thing for most of the places. Even poor Carla told me last night it was cold in Florida...of course it is a temperature that I would give away Bill for but it is cold for all the warm weather birds now.

It is snowing and snowing and then snowing some more. It is blowing now with winds up to about 30 miles per hour. There is a lot of white out conditions and not much is going on around here at all. Of course the plows are out on the roads but no one has done any plowing here in the complex. Maybe they are taking the advice of everyone and staying off the streets...but I really don't think the news was meaning the roads of the complex! haha

My neighbor came over yesterday and asked if Bill would take her to the doctor today. She is congested and made an appointment. We both told her it depended on how the snow was. We bright and early this morning she called and Bill told her that he would take her. He is going to take the major roads and not the back roads like usual. It really isn't to far from here but he just has to be careful because of the white out conditions at times. I really feel sorry for her since her family only has anything to do with her when they want something...and heck her daughter still yells and cusses at her then too. But let me tell ya....she can be a BIG pain in my patootie! But I still do for her because I would want someone to do for my Mom or Dad if the shoe was on the other foot for my parents.

I guess I should get going. I am going to try to do something today but I wonder how much since I am so dizzy today that I can't sit up straight all the time...some of the times I sway while sitting. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers and good thoughts are being said for everyone too. Stay safe and warm where you are planted and smile...even if it is a smile to yourself!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Laureen S.
on 1/8/10 1:05 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Afternoon George & All the Rest of my dear OFFr family!

Glad you got out a bit early, I can understand what it's like being bored and wanting to just get out because there are other things you would rather or need to take care of. . .  also glad you got Mary's car taken care of and hope you guys enjoy the game! 

Woke up this morning and loved what I saw, I so love the snow, and there was about 2 inches in my yard when I got up at 5:45 this morning and it was still coming down.  Roxie also loves the snow it would seem, she gets all excited, puts her nose right in it and eats it and then runs and jumps all about, she makes me laugh so hard at her antics and last night she stood on the back porch and kind of barked/howled at the neighbors yard (not the one next door, but the behind to the left side of my house), where I found out from my housemate that there are two big dogs (amazing what you don't know when you work all week (lol), she works part time in retail, so she is home a lot more than me), anyway more and more Roxie is showing her personality, she now has become our doorbell, so I'm guessing she now knows she is home and that there are things that belong and she needs to alert us to what may not be wanted.  Diane told me a funny story, yesterday Roxie was upstairs in her part of the house while she was cleaning and organizing her space and she pulled out the trundle bed and Roxie jumped right on it, made herself comfortable and when Diane wanted to close it, she did not want to get off.  Diane said, she had to be tricked and said for a moment it reminded her of Dillinger. . .  seems she has one bad habit and that is she things all stuffed animal like things are toys and chews 'em, also chewed the flap off one of my shoes (luckily it was an old pair I just use for rainy or backyard stuff), also chewed Dillinger's old leash, which kind of made me sad, but then Diane caught her chewing her own leash, however, if we give her rawhide or her own toy, she seems to be fine. . . overall she is just a sweetie and I am happy to have her. . .

Well here I am at work, the week went fast enough and when I get home Tony will be waiting for me and he wants to go to PF Chang's for dinner, so I guess we will do that, then hang out.  Tomorrow he is going home at noon to get together with the guys he goes to the Jet games with, all his tailgating friends, and I have a noon conference call to attend anyway, as I am in the process of getting certified by the OH board to be a "Certified Leader" and then I will do some stuff around the house. . .  oh well that's enough of my rambling. . . 

Wishing you all a good day and the strength to persevere through whatever life brings your way.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 1/8/10 4:32 am
Laureen....I love PF Changs!!  I always order their Spicy Chicken Lettuce Wraps...they are an appetizer but still at least two meals for me!! I don't like spicy and these are just right. Have you ever tried them??

Have fun this weekend!

Hugs....connie d
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