It's Friday - I'm bored - What's New?
Mary woke me up early this afternoon. Instead of 1:50, she woke me at 1PM. The rear right tire was low. Not flat, but extremely low. It is alright that she woke me because I did not want her driving on icy roads. So I got up and ate, she already had my breakfast cooking and my lunch packed. So, I was able to get out of the house real quick and up to Discount Tire. There was a nail in the tire. They fixed it and I told them to rotate the tires while they were at it.
Tonight we go to the Stars game with Brad and Eddie. The Stars gave me some real good tickets. Normally $120 each, they gave me four of them. Center ice, Platinum Level, third row. I am ready.
Guess I will go an play some games or something.
What's new with you?
Sorry about the tire. It is those small inconviences that can drive us nuts. Good thing she saw it before leaving the house. Could have been dangerous. If my husband would read this he would be jealous because Mary is so good at getting up and making you breakfast. My husband gets up at 4am and the last thing I want to do is smell food at 4am. lol
Had a lot of snow here again last night and we are suppose to have it until Saturday. Not looking forward to it. It is really bitter cold too. I want to move to Florida, or the Carolina's. It has been cold there too but nothing like here. 30 degrees would feel like a heat wave to me.
Nice you got to leave work a little early. It does make a difference. Good luck at the game! Nice seats.
Not doing too much today. The usual laundry and straightening up. Maybe work on the new afghan a little. I have so much to work to do in the house like cleaning closets etc. I just can't get motivated yet. Maybe it is the holiday let down.
Went to bed early last night. I was so tired and I have been feeling a little tired during the day. I am wondering if I need more vitamin B. I don't know which is the best to take. Any suggestions? My doc appointment was cancelled until Feb 17th. I called and told them I would wait until she came back from Maternity leave.
Well that is all that is on my mind this early. Maybe the day will change.
Prayers for all and keep a smile today.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Thanks for the recommedation! I b ought the sub. 12 today. Do you take centrum. I am just wondering how many you toke of those a day.
Thanks for all your help
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

I went to my surgeons informational meeting last night and spoke about life with the sleeve. It went pretty well I think.
Weighed today and officially down 50 pounds. All in all life is pretty good.
I could use a little boredom around here! I'm glad you were able to get the tire fixed and then all the tires rotated!
We had a little snow here. There wasn't enough to cause much accumulation but just enough to make everything slippery. :P
My DH and I have an early morning appt with our orthopedic guy. I've been having a lot of lower pack, joint and fibromyalgic pain and DH is in pain almost all the time. There's almost nothing that can be done, especially when it's so cold and damp. We're on pain meds but have to watch out for tylenol, tylenol products and other meds that aggravate the liver. Recently, DH's doctor has begun grumping about prescribing for DH but at the same time, doesn't recommend surgery and PT doesn't help. So what is DH supposed to do? I guess I'm really crabby this morning. I don't really want to go, am all achy and just want to go back to bed.
Later today we're having some company and I don't feel like doing that either. :P Hope everyone has a much better day than I'm having. :P

Hi George and OFF family,
Hubby drove me into work today and I absolutely love, love love that! Nice conversation and alone time with my hubby. Life couldn't be better.
It was snowing so bad yesterday and the roads not getting plowed that I headed home right after work and skipped the gym. I did work out at home though. Took me an hour to get home, I took the back roads and stayed off 131. Hubby went to Menard's after his work and I made it home before him cuz he did take 131 and people were sliding off the roads.
A doctor came into my office yesterday morning. She said "I need your help", now this doctor is tall and thin and never had a weight problem. She said she had a student that is MO and has sleep apnea, overslept and was late for class (this is her 4th day). This Dr. is a Pharmacist and teaches student interns. This poor gal came crying to Dr. trying to explain her situation. Dr. told her about me because I have put myself out there in our hospitals bariatric program and everyone knows I'm an "open book".
The Dr. told her I was her assignment to come to my office and to speak to me. I will give her the "seed of hope" and hopefully will let her know she has options but I did tell the Dr. that it's her decision but if she has made it this far in school she has fire in her belly.
Please keep this young woman in your thoughts and prayers and swing chickens for her. Talking with the Dr. she believes she wants to do something to make her life better.
Morning everyone!!!
Well I'm at school...but I have to say the driver here was sure..interesting..and very very very slow.
We had snow this morning..very slippery. Even the buses were late. I have to travel today (as I do everyday) to 5 buildings..gosh..what a treat in this heavy slippery snow.
Anyway..supposed to drive to Ithaca tomorrow and then further North for a memorial service for my aunt. I may not be going depending on how much more snow Ithaca gets.
Well..back to class.
Have a great day everyone.,.stay safe and stay warm.