Inner talk...I am trying this and it is helping me.
This is a CC that I turn on as I go to sleep. It sounds like nothing but the surf rushing in and out, but underneath it is life affirming talk to help give me "Freedom from Alcohol"...even though I only drink wine. I do think it is helping. There are many CD's from this company [and it was referred to me by my doctor] They have one that is about sugar....many that are about Health and
Wellness...most anything you have a problem with....It might sound expensive....but I really think it is worth it....I was doing really good listening to it before and during the holidays....but when I stopped I got back to my old habits.
This is an excerpt:
InnerTalk® programs may appear to work like magic, but they're based on new scientific discoveries about how we learn and process information - and how this affects our everyday life.
InnerTalk® programs tap into our natural human ability to absorb information even when we're not thinking about it. On the surface, the programs sound like any other easy-listening music or nature programs you may have heard... but there is a powerful difference. Carefully blended in the background are dynamic affirmations such as 'I feel good,' 'I am successful,' etc., that make long-lasting, positive impressions.
Just wanted to share with you just because I love you. Check it out.
Love, Marti
ps Check out these Testimonials so you can see it is not just me.xxoo
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
While I sleep it repeats quietly, over and over...
.... "you are not hung like a hamster... you are not hung like a hamster... you are not hung like a hamster..."

I sleep well, but haven't noticed any other changes other than I poop little Jujubes all over the carpet...
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"