Exercising Tips
Just picked up a packet with Ask the Trainer here at work...some highlights for those who want to read, it's Borgess Health and Fitness Center's recommendations...Here goes! Jump on the exercise band wagon, connect with some of these hints and use them in your own exercise program.
Aerobic Exercise: Frequency: 5-7 days per week
Intensity: Moderate (working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat, yet still being able to carry on a conversation) with an RPE rating of 11-14 on Borgess RPE Scale (I will list that below)
Time: 30-60 minutes per day to maintain health; 60-90 minutes per day to lose weight
Type: Walking, Jogging, Biking, Elliptical, Cross Country Skiing, Swimming, Soccer, Basketball
Resistance Training: Frequency: 2-3 days per week
Intensity: 60-80% of 1 repetition maximum (1 repetition maximum is the maximum amount of weight that you can lift one time. A trained professional should supervise such tests.)
Time: 3 sets, 10-15 repetitions per set
Type: 8-10 different exercises to include a full body workout. Major muscle groups to work are chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings, full leg, calves, and abdominals.
Chest: bench press and chest flys
Back: seated rows, trunk extension
Shoulders: overhead press and shrugs
Biceps: bicep curls and hammer curls
Triceps: dips, overhead extensions
Quadriceps: leg extension and squats
Hamstrings: leg curls, hip extensions
Full leg: leg press and lunges
Calves: calf raises and squats
Abdominals: crunches and planks
Borgess RPE Scale (Rating of perceived exertion)
6= No exertion at all
7-8=Extremely light
9=Very light
13=somewhat hard
15=hard (heavy)
17=Very hard
19=Extremely hard
20=Maximal exertion
I can tell right now I am sure not going to be doing Aerobic exercise 5-7 times a week along with my weight workout!
Someday.... someday.... maybe.....