what's new Thursday
Annie can type? Wow, she is talented! Can she edit too? They're hiring part-timers at my newspaper.
Good morning Linda and OFF,
It's still really cold outside. Work is super busy, so I'm going to cut this one short. I've been walking 32 minutes on the treadmill and can feel it in my legs, so I know it's working - lol
Not too much happening. Hoping to take down the Christmas decorations today....I usually have it done by now.
Have a great day everyone!
Anyhoo, life goes on.....today I have my pre-op meeting with my foot doctor/surgeon. Getting a little nervous, honestly.
It was very icy here yesterday -- with a fine mist that froze on everything....I managed to get to work and home, but I was having my sister and a friend come for lunch and they both cancelled because of the weather. This afternoon and night we are to get a major snow event with up to six or more inches of new snow.....golly, I'm so glad I live in Michigan!!!
Well my breakfast oatmeal is calling, so best get going. Hope everyone stays well and safe today, and thoughts and prayers for those who need them.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good luck with your pre-op and consider all of us being with you in the room. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Linda, it is nice to see you and Jan too again! Of course I too have been gone a while and am slowly making my way back.
Ya know, life does get in our way once in a while doesn't it? LOL! Sure hope you feel better soon.
I'm off work today to make chili for our churches monthly free dinner for the community. we're expecting a snowstorm so I hope it doesn't hinder people coming. Ibrowned 24# of ground beef last night and have another 10# waiting for me to make chili for 150-200 people!
another lady cooked up some turkey and we'll have hot turkey sandwiches for those that don't like chili, or who want both. the local nursing home is making corn bread for us and members bring in deserts. I've cooked for large groups before but never this large. Hope it goes ok.
Have a great day all!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Good morning Linda and OFF family,
Don't ya just love the weather in Michigan? Icy drive in today and 131 was all blac**** and people driving crazy. I just got behind a semi and followed his lead and said my Hail Mary's!!
Well I went to spin class after work. It was a full class. January is just crazy at the gym with all the newbies and their New Year Resolutions. Tonight I'm going to my weight lifting class. Tomorrow I will work out in the pool with weights and do walking lunges and jogging.
Gee, you've really had a rough time with that vertigo. Weren't you having trouble when you were here at Thanksgiving? Hope you're able to get some relief soon.
Come jump on the barge with us! Accountability really helps. At least you'll feel better knowing you're not alone.
Today is my regular day off, and Gary has taken it off just because. I love the tar out of that man, but it sure wrecks my routine!
The weather is horrible here. Coldest temps they've had in something like 17 years. Wind chill could get to -25 tonight. EEEEGADS!!! So, there is a possibility I won't be going to work tomorrow. If there is any ice, the whole state closes down. There isn't the infrastructure to handle it, so everyone just stays home. Fine by me!
With all the people rowing the barge, I might be making some headway, but I hesitate to officially announce a loss until I know it's a real one. There's hope!
Making a big pot of beans. No ham hocks, just diced lean ham. Great for a cold winter day.
Everyone have a good one, good thoughts and prayers to those who need them.
I went to the doctor yesterday and I think that she came to the bottom of the falling and such. I got a special blood test that came back fine, and EKG which came out fine (at least for my heart it is) and then came the taking of the blood pressure sitting, standing and laying down. There is where my problem laid, or maybe I should say stood! My blood pressure was fine sitting and laying but when I stood up the Systolic number dropped 30 points. She said that they allow 10 either up or down but 30 is way to much. I told her that I go the cardiologist this month I think and let him know. She said that I am going to either have to have the blood pressure pill that I take for the cardiomyopathy cut down again or increase my fluid intake. I have already taken the pill down from 2 a day to 1/2 a pill twice a day. I have to take something to keep the heart working right and so I told her that I am bad at the fluid intake. I will have to increase that...as much as it kills me since I can't find the room for that and food. I have been choosing food which with my 6 pound gain in a month I think that I should choose the fluid intake! I about fell over with the weight gain. So I should join everyone on the barge. I have to call the cardiologist and see when the appointment is. I am taking one Antivert a day for the dizziness and this morning it was really bad when I sat up in bed. I should call her and see if I can take it twice a day.
It is snowing to beat the band outside!!! It didn't snow yesterday when they called for it and when we went to bed it still hadn't started. I said in a hopeful and wishful voice that maybe it will not hit us....UGH! It found us and found us well. It is all lake effect and so God only knows how much of that we are going to get. I have that dang old lake effect! It is terrible.
Misty is needy today. She is craving affection and attention. So far I have been giving it to her but now with the laptop in my lap there isn't much room for her. It is killing my kitty! I should cut this off now and pay the attention to her since she NEVER gets any from us!
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers and good thoughts are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and stay warm and dry...if that is where you are and if you are one of the lucky ones...stay warm and dry in the shinning sun! You lucky people you.....