mirror mirror on the wall....what the !!!!
on 1/6/10 6:19 am
Well I look in the mirror this morning (magnified because I am losing my sight as I age) and I just could not believe how old I suddenly look. Around my mouth and on my cheeks I have old lady wrinkles. My skin is getting thin on my face and I have fuzz growing on my cheeks. WTF is this?I always looked younger than I was and now I look sixty (nothing personal 60 yo) I am only 52. Sigh, what next? .
I have never been wrapped up in my looks but this makes me want to cry. I feel like I have missed out on my life being fat all those years. Why can't I just enjoy the moment?
Try using some Vaseline on your face. It works wonders. I put it on before washing my face and sometimes at night before bed. It really "softens" the wrinkles and makes your skin look beautiful. I love how it brings back the moisture.
Try to enjoy the moment. Maybe go get a manicure or treat yourself to a new outfit. Maybe that will help brighten your day. (((Hugs)))
I'll be 54 in February. I was one of the lucky ones with wrinkles, must be genetics cuz my mom and grandma didn't have much wrinkles.
As far as the facial hair going on...are you taking biotin? That will cause facial hair.
Now I've facial hair for year, did electrolysis in my 20's and 30's, spent tons of money and it didn't work for me. Tried Vaniqua a cream, very expensive about $100 a tube and that didn't work.
Then I did laser hair removal at a Plastic out patient services with a good tech. It worked!!
Expensive but after 5 treatments it went to half price. Facial hair all gone til I had surgery and took that biotin. Not the look I had in mind so I went back for 2 touch ups and will be making another apt. this month when I save up the $75.
Now stop looking at yourself with a magnifying mirror, people don't see you as you see yourself with a mag. mirror.
I also agree with Debbie, use Vaseline it works wonders with putting moisture back and it does soften the wrinkles.
At 54 I am lucky that my gene pool dictates very few wrinkles, however, the facial hair, well that is another story and I keep a tweezer and magnifier mirror handy to pluck. . . my mom never had all this facial hair stuff, how come I do, damn! Now the last 6 months I am noticing this peach fuzzy kind of hair on my face, can't afford laser or other treatments, I never took the Biotin because people said it made hair grow everywhere and I already had enough "wiskers", so what I focus on is how I used to look and feel as to how I look and feel now. I am 54, look pretty good in my clothes and have a young attitude and that is what matters, if I ever have the money, I will have plastics to fix what needs fixing, but until (if ever) I continue to focus on how wonderful I feel physically!
Wishing you a better day!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I do take biotin and noticed some peach fuzz on my cheeks. My friends were appauled when I told them I use my pumice stone lightly, gently on my cheeks in the shower. Makes for really smooth skin and no hair! It also removes dry flaking skin. Sounds bad, but works well.