Just Checking In....
I don't post much lately....first the computer was down and there's been one thing after another but one of my New Year's resolutions was to "put in my two cents worth" more often on OFF. I had a physical with my PCP this morning and a mammogram and both went well. My Dr. is very happy and proud of me and even called me "gorgeous" this morning. HAHA. I told him that made my day. I have now lost 120 pounds.....7 pounds below my bariatric surgeon's goal for me. I feel better than I have in years and years except for the usual bit of osteo-arthritis now and then. We have tons of snow here in NW North Dakota and more is coming the forecasters say.
Next week DH and I will go to Bismarck, ND for my husband to see his cardiologist and to have his pacemaker/defib. unit's batteries changed or perhaps a new unit "installed" in his chest. This hospital is about 225 miles from where we live so I hope and pray we don't have a blizzard or the roads or interstate closed due to heavy snow, etc. DH has had this unit almost 6 years now. For many years I weighed 75-80 pounds more than him and now I weigh many pounds less than him. He's average tall @ 5'8" and weighs about the same as he did at age 22 and when we got married. Never, ever did he have a weight problem but I was up and down and up and down for the 48 years we've been married. Now I'm "gorgeous"...hahahaha..
Just had to say that. Don't know about the gorgeous part but I feel so damned good and the looking good is an extra bonus.
Hoping to keep up with all that's going on with each and every one of you and good wishes and encouragement going out to all of you that need it.
Love & Hugs,
Good wishes and blessings for your DH. Take care and stay warm.
Pat A