Good Morning OFF'rs it is Tuesday

karen C.
on 1/5/10 5:32 am - Kennewick, WA
You sound like you must look much like the little brother in "The Christmas Story" flailing in the snow in his snowsuit unable to get up!!! Ralphie was that his name???

Karen C

karen C.
on 1/4/10 10:36 pm - Kennewick, WA

Wow Teri!

At one week post op I still weighed what I weighed before surgery. Then it really started to drop dramatically each week. Enjoy the ride! It's quite a high especially after years of failure. I still have sleep problems. I think part of it is  trying to deal with "life" without overeating. Right now I'm in the middle of one of those life things. Part of it is seasonal, part relationship ( feeling like I'm taken for granted which I am!), part of it needing to speak up and clear the air and not having the courage to do it.

Teri, this thread is a great way to get to know people better. Have you taken before pictures, are you writing on your profile page? I did that every few weeks for a couple of years. I really should update mine as I enjoy reading the profiles of others. 

I am so blue. Seasonal stuff, relationship stuff. Can't seem to shake it. Married 38 years to a good man in so many ways, but some things he just does not get. When I try to open up and share my feelings which is so hard for me he gets defensive and either clams up or gets sarcastic neither of which help the issue at hand. Some days I am so lonesome and he is in the same house with me. I don't want material things I want companionship. I don't want to tell him what I want for Christmas or my birthday I want him to pay enough attention to me during the year to know some little thing that would please me. Hello, is that too much to ask?

Don't mean to drag others down just trying to talk myself through this funk. Instead I just seem to be talking in circles. I've been up since 4am. Think I'll try to get some more sleep.

Karen C

Terri G.
on 1/4/10 10:56 pm - ME
I do have pictures in my profile of Me and My Grandchildren and My lovely Daughters. I just can't figure out how to change from jpg.
Nancy H.
on 1/4/10 11:56 pm - Traverse City, MI
Oh Karen, I will be married 38 years in April. We went through all that years ago. DH had cancer in 1988 & that made him appreciate me a lot. We still go round & round sometimes. I had cancer in 2001, the same year my younger sister died of the same thing. That scared him more that his own cancer! You won't drag any of us down. I wish I had words of wisdom
for you. I don't wish anything bad to happen to make him appreciate you.

Remember too that spring is just around the corner & these dark dreary days will come to an end.

Focus on those grandbabies, thats what I do. There is nothing better than to walk into a room & have them come running to you yelling Grandma.
Terri G.
on 1/5/10 1:38 am - ME
Karen you started a very good topic for the day. I just remarried 2.5 years ago. Still learning him yet He is like you say about your Husband if I say something that he does not like he clams up. Almost a pout.
Well I wish you the best. Though I do see some very good ideas here.
on 1/4/10 10:56 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

It's a cold and breezy Tuesday here in NC.  My favorite weatherman is predicting snow for Thursday night.  Yikes  I drive home on Friday mornings and I don't want to do it in the snow.

I hope everyone is doing better with jobs, pets, family etc.

Karen, I've been married for 44 years.  We stopped getting each other birthday and Christmas gifts years ago.  Neither one of us ever got it right.  Besides, if we want something during the year we get it for ourselves.  My DIL has gotten so tired of our son getting the wrong things, she cuts out pictures throughout the year and gives them to him before her birthday, their anniversary, and Christmas.  He can't go wrong that way. She makes sure there is a variety in all price ranges.  This year her Christmas list included funky socks and a new Camero.  She didn't get either.  But she did get a few of the other things on the list.  The list is helpful for her sons,too.

I hope everyone stays warm, dry, healthy and happy all week.

Have a fantabulous day!


Grammylew in Jax


on 1/5/10 12:21 am

Good morning Terri and OFF,

Nice to see you jumping in and starting the thread.  It sounds like you're doing great postop - woo hoo!

It's cold and the wind is howling.  Our pilot light to the furnace was not lighting yesterday, so we called the technician -- it was only a minor part, took him 10 minutes, thank God!  It was pretty cold in here.

I've been working since early this morning and just took my first break.  I'm going to be taking down the Christmas decorations and cleaning the rest of the afternoon.  Before I do any of that, I'll walk my 30 minutes on the treadmill.

Hope everyone is feeling good at the start of this new year!



on 1/5/10 12:25 am - Manteca, CA
Hi All,
I'm home today... I took a sick day because I need to finish a testing job and I have to test six people in their 80's. That will bring my total to 20- 10 in their 70's and 10 in their 80's. I'll go to our local senior center and sweet talk some volunteers. I occasionally get involved with testing for a American Guidance Service. I will make $600 and receive two new tests free- the tests are very expensive so that is a big perk. I wanted to finish before Christmas but it just wasn't in the cards.
Karen- I so totally understand your issues with marriage. About ten years ago I even forced my hubby into couples therapy with me because I was so upset with him. I have always been one to be disappointed with others (especially him, but not just him) who don't give back in a way that pleases me... I put a lot into most things and I wanted to get back like that once in a while. WELL- I give up... I should have married ME- LOL!~ But I have decided that he is a keeper anyway. This is more of a problem that I have- my ISSUES, once again! I have decided that I need to make my life full by having lots of women friends too... certain ones for laughing, others for talking, some for crying... my husband is just not equipped to be everything for me. I'm not saying the problems are solved... but I choose to be happy for the most part. I do love my husband, but not as much or in the same way as when we got married- LOL! I'm SURE he would say the same about me if he was brave...
I guess I've said enough for one day! Hope you are all having a great day!
Mary M.
on 1/5/10 12:35 am - Minneapolis, MN
This has been a good discussion today.  My dear husband and I treasure each other.  We've only been married 10 plus years, together 12 years.  We were married at age 47 (both of us!) and first marriages for us both.  Can you believe it?  We have decent communication, but sometimes run into issues, too.   But mostly we feel lucky we found each other (through a friend). 

He is in the hospital now.  It has been such a trying time with his health.  Now he has some bacterial infection that they are trying to determine and we have to leave him in there until they can treat it.  What a mess.  Between running to the hospital (and around that big complex) and working, I'm exhausted.  This is hard!

On a good note, I lost the 1.5 pounds I gained last week, and it took a few more with it!  YAY!!!  Getting to be able to move better, anyway.  And we have a couple of pieces of new furniture coming this Thursday - that will be fun.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Brenda R.
on 1/5/10 1:55 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to everyone and thanks for starting us off this morning, Terri. It is nice seeing you joining in and being one of the is always nice to have another family member!

It is freezing cold here...heck I don't think we have had any decent weather for a long time. It is always in the teens with really good days being in the low to mid 20*'s. I am really beginning to hate winter. It was always my favorite season of the year..that is until wls! Now I just like it when I get to stay in the house! Well...forget that statement...I am even cold in here and the furnace is always between 75* and 80* and I am still cold most of the time! And of all times for Bill to be going through male menopause and having hot flashes...not good!

Kayden is with his mom until Thursday and so we don't have him until she brings him back then. She was decent to us yesterday when she came and picked him up. But I am still leery of her without a doubt. I don't like being around people that I can't trust. It makes me very nervous and tense. I feel like everything that I am saying is being taken apart for information. And in this case I know it is.

Bill is getting a little truck on Thursday. He is trading his car with his cousin's daughter. She needs a car since she has 3 kids and she is alone now. She is having problems shoving all the kids in the lie there! ha ha He has wanted a truck for so long and now he is getting one. I haven't seen it yet but I see it Thursday when we go to his cousins to do the trade. I told him that if I don't feel right about it I am not signing the title to the car over. I just can't. But from what he says about it it is a good little truck and has been well taken care of. It is a stick and so that means that I can't drive it. I just never got the hang of changing hard for me to figure out. I am not sure with the back problems I would be able to do it anyway...especially with the sciatica and the pain in the legs.

I better get going. I have a headache and need to get some tylenol for it. I am sending my love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and don't forget to smile those pretty and handsome smiles.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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