Good Morning OFF'rs it is Tuesday
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Karen C
I just listened to it, how cute it is. . . though we never took a shower, we took a bath or two (lol), ever try giving a big dog a bath when he doesn't want it (lol). . . Dillinger spoke loud and clear, you just needed to understand his language, and as for letting me lead, lol, that is funny, he was the boss and we had many an argument and he usually won (lol). He never made me cry until the day we said goodbye, but then the joy he gave was much more than the tears I've shed from missing him and on top of it all, he did send this beautiful, charming girl to take some of my heartache away and make me remember what he was like in his youthful days. I am so glad I have Roxie, she has taken away alot of the pain of losing Dillinger, but she is so different that I can enjoy her without feeling like I betrayed him some how. . . I think you know what I mean, there is so much love in these 4-legged creatures and that is how I know there must be a God, after all Dog is the word used as a diety in reverse. . . and I believe in my heart that fate had it so that Roxie would be just the right one to ease my pain. . . I will go home tonight and enjoy her welcome and know that somewhere Dillinger's spirit is smiling at it all. . . Thanks for directing me to that song. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
As for sleeping in the bed we had to buy a king size when we got the 3rd. dog! I have a cedar chest at the end of our bed for them to get into bed.
My kids always say they wish they had been as spoiled as our dogs. I do try with the grandkids!
Good luck with Roxie, if you find something to work on her let me know.
I use Tea Tree shampoo when my dogs get itchy. It seems to help some. I've also gone the children's benedryl route, that made them real tired.
Good morning Terri and OFF family,
Well I did it, headed for the gym after work with all those crazy new people who made their New Year's Resolution to exercise. Got in the pool early and worked out with weights and jogged in the pool. Some guy was in the hot tub who waved at me, didn't know who he was. Later when he got out he came over to me and said "why didn't you wave to me"?
Holy Moley it was Randy who goes to one of my bariatric support groups. I didn't recognize him, he has lost over 200 pounds!! He just grinned at me when I told him that! Very nice man who has made a strong commitment to exercise and change his life.
After working out for 40 minutes on my own, I did the aerobic part of water aerobics for 30 minutes. My arms really feel it today.
After work tonight I'll do spin class, gotta get there at least a half hour early to sign in and get my spin card. The spin classes fill up fast in Jan and Feb then it slacks off.
I do much better taking classes being led by an instructor. They just push you more.
Just a quick drive by on my way out the door. It a stinking 15 degrees here this morning!!!! The So Cal girl just isn't equipped to handle this weather, but I'm here, so I might as well get used to it. Friday night's low is supposed to be 7. How do you cold area folks do this????
Carla, glad you finally got to go to work. George, glad you're a patient man, Debbiejean, have a spin for me!
Hugs to all.....gotta run
How do we deal with the cold? We layer. And layer. And layer.... Right now I'm wearing a sweatshirt, a turtleneck, a Joe Boxer waffle weave longjohn top, a T shirt and my "dainties". Oh, yes, and silk Cuddledud longjohn bottoms and corduroy jeans. Am I warm? Hell, yes! Can I move my arms? Not so much....
I remember the good old days, when I was fat and had hot flashes.......