I know it's late, but I have to tell you what I did tonight!!!!!
That's great. Our local com. college is doing Steel Magnolia's also. I would audition for things if I had any memory left. I would never be able to memorie lines. I used to be able to do so easily but no more. So I'll stick to things I can read...like the chorale that doesn't require you to memorize your music. I have thought of volunteering as a crew member but I'm too old to do the heavy stuff and not informed enough to do lighting or sound. Maybe there would be something else I could manage in wardrobe or props. who knows?
It is important to have a creative outlet. I hope you get a part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is important to have a creative outlet. I hope you get a part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, Linda, that was a concern for me too, but I knew it was not likely that I'd get the part so I didn't worry about that! I was just worried if I could stand in front of all those people and read the part!
You should go for it!
You should go for it!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin