What's Happenin' this Sunday?

We did the dinner thingy last night. One DIL was ill so there were just 4 of us. Usually when we all get together it is a huge crowd eating so most people don't pay attention to my plate.
Last night it felt like I was under a microscope. Step-son & DIL kept commenting on how little I consume. Those comments make me uncomfortable and eating difficult. Food won't go down when I'm stressed.
My meal consisted of a cucumber slice, one spoon full of soup, 3 green beans and 2 bites of prime rib. Thank goodness for take home containers.
Chilly enough for you? The weather servce says it's 17* out, but they're not at my house.... Closer to 7*. That put an end to my plan for grocery shopping and a quick stop at the paint store. It'll all wait till tomorrow. Or whenever. It's supposed to get to 20*! I haven't completely lost the compulsion to "stock up" on groceries, so while I may not have much variety in the house, there's plenty of food. I'll probably throw something in the crock pot.
I got my painting done on Friday, and spent the entire day yesterday staining woodwork. The contractor comes tomorrow to put it up, and it's so much easier to stain before it's installed. I do much better with a deadline. Otherwise, I tend to procrastinate. A lot.
So, today will be a relaxing day, till I leave for work at 2pm. I'd love to just blow it off, but I can't get in the habit of doing that, or I'll seriously deplete my time accruals. And since I'm not sure what I plan to do after April, I have to keep a comfortable cushion. So, I'll go in. the only really bad part is the 1/4 mile walk each way to and from the parking lot to my building.
Can we say "Cuddle Duds"?
Everyone stay warm. I'll try to do the same.
I didn't exactly sleep in but I'm definitely staying inside as much as possible today! The winds are blowing so hard that it's really frigid out there. We're supposed to have a high of 28 today but with the wind chill factor I think it'll be around 0 or something.
It was very cold yesterday too. Our grandson came over and we played indoors with him. I think he would have enjoyed a walk outdoors but Nana and Pop-Pop just weren't up for that. Luckily, we have enough indoor toys and games to keep the little guy occupied and happy. :)
Have a super Sunday everyone!

We had a nice family day yesterday. We all went bowling then had family game and movie night. The kids are here on vacation from college - so it was nice to spend time all together for a change. If you saw my other post, we've had a little trouble with my son, but all was well yesterday and it felt really good.
My daughter graduates in May and with the poor job market we are looking at her attending a master's program She thinks she will get a master's in Microbiology - I hope the employment outlook for that is good!!! In researching different schools it was interesting to note that in-state tuition in Florida would be the same as out-of-state tuition at Iowa State where she is doing her undergraduate. That didn't make the decision any easier.
I hope we have more family time today - it's cold in Fl. today so I'm thinking a fire, s'mores, and Wii. We'll see how that pans out once the kids actually wake up!!
Hope everyone has a good day.
This year I decided to use up most of my "stash" for sewing. Those of you who are familiar with sewing know what I mean. I have enough fabric accumulated to make quite a few projects. My goal is to diminish that accumulation by at least half. I know, I know, hoarding and saving fabric is part of the sewing routine. lol I at least want to make an attempt to dwindle the pile.
My biggest goal and most serious goal is to get my eating habits under control. I met with the nutritionist last week. I have problems keeping my blood sugar under control, I have become hypo-hypoglycemic and it is NO fun. The food plan she gave me is almost the same as for diabetics. I can only say I'm disappointed but then I'm willing to give it a try,,,, again.
When I met with the endocrinologist he pointed out that many weight loss patients develop enlarged glands (?) in the pancreas and secrete too much insulin which causes hypoglycemia. One way of dealing with it is to remove the enlarged glands ( I'm not sure they are glands but don't know what else to call them). That would mean a surgery; probably laproscopy.
Those are the only two resolves I have made for this year. I think between the two I will have my hands full.
Today I want to take Mom out shopping for a new coat. Her old one is worn out and not warm enough.
Have a Great, Happy, Heartfelt, Day
I'm on here late ... but then I didn't get up til 11:30 a.m. this morning. And when I did get up, my fingers were all puffy and swollen. I don't remember eating that much salty stuff yesterday. But I seem to be retaining a lot of fluid today ... and my hamstring on my right leg hurts ... I should go on injured reserve (it's football season, otherwise I'd say disabled list, like in baseball season) like these football players. Can't leap up and catch those passes ... but then I never could.
It's cold here too ... it's nearly 3 p.m. and up to 24 degrees. But it's sunny, and that's always a plus in West Michigan in winter.
I stripped the bed this morning and put on clean flannel sheets and now I'm drying the comforter for the second time (it takes at least three cycles to get it dry, sometimes four). I'm watching the Bears-Lions game and plan to make turkey wings and stuffing and green bean casserole (Green Giant, already made, two servings) for dinner. A post-holiday feast, since I didn't really get a Christmas dinner.
Tomorrow, I'm getting my hair done (cut, maybe color, depending on my money availability ... but it really needs to be cut), then I have my big "date" of sorts with this old college colleague who's driving in from Toronto on his way back to Minneapolis. It will be interesting. Have to decide on where to go to eat. I can't think of any nonchain restaurants on this side of town ... other than ethnic places, and I have a feeling he's a steak and potatoes type of guy. Oh well, I guess we'll still have a nice time. We'll see.
Well, back to the football game. Have a good day. Stay warm.
afternoon everyone...LOL like anyone is going to see my post this late in the day....
worked today and it was an ok day...sort of slow but still ok. cold as heck in the store thats for sure!! stayed close to the ovens to keep warm!!! have a lake effect storm warning out for some areas near by calling for 6-12 inches...BRRRRRR and it is COLD!!!!!! omg it is so cold i can't get warm!!!
got home from work and rick told me that the so called bulldog went after bandit today!!! seems the kid had him out and lost control of him and he came at bandit!!!! i freaked out!!!! he said nothing happened and to calm down!!! easy for him to say!!! he didn't see his dog mauled to death!!!! i am still freaking out over this!!!! not sure what to do but i AM going to report this to the office once again!!!!! if you are going to have an animal you need to control it in ANY situation!!!! these people do NOT have ANY control over this beast!!!! he is a puppy still about a year old now but still he needs to be CONTROLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am scared to death this dog will hurt bandit and i can not handle that if it does happen!!!!!
talked to phyllis last night and they made it to west virginia and she said there is alot of snow there!!! we talked about our good time we had together for the coupe days we had...wished it were longer but they had to move on and i had to get back for work....so hopefully there will be another get together and it will be longer and we again can have more fun!!!!
well off to walmart need to look at something there for something for me to do....going to start my pouch test tomorrow so need to get my hands busy once more....have therapy at 9 am tomorrow and then tuesday i have dentist and my MRI. want to work out on the weight bench but waiting til we find out the MRI and if it is safe for me to do or not.
eileen!!!!!! congrats on your date!!!! hope it is alot of fun for you both!!! who knows what this will lead to!!! keep me informed please!!!! :-)
ok got to run now...keep warm and if its warm where you are PLEASE send some warmth my way!!!!! ;-)
still miffed over losing my horse signature!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRR
It is so cold here I can't stand it. I have no idea when it is going to warm up. I know that it got up to 14* here today. I don't think it got any higher. It was fairly early in the afternoon when I saw that.
I got up early this morning and looked out the window in the bedroom and just went "Oh!" since there was so much new snow out there. It was probably another 5-6" and I thought that I would have to clean it. Bill got up and had such muscle pain in his shoulder blades he couldn't even pick up a bottle of water. I got him a muscle relaxer and one of his pain pills. The little sweetheart went out with a broom and cleared the car off for me. I told him to go in a use the heating pad. So I was surprised that he did that but happy that I didn't have to!
I was having a problem with the mouse on the laptop and so I went and got one for it. I haven't had a problem since so it must have worked. For some reason the mouse kept freezing up and then I would have to shut it down and restart it again. I got so tired of it I told Bill and he told to get one and see if it would work. I paid $4 for it at Big Lots. It is a GE and the only thing about it that I didn't like is that it wasn't cordless. I am going to look into a cordless one sometime but as long as this works it is alright for now.
I better get going. I am sending everyone love and hugs and prayers are being said for everyone too. I hope your day was great and I will chat with you tomorrow. It should be sooner...but I have Kayden so who knows. He makes me late on posting. In fact sometimes he keeps me so busy I don't get on here at all.