Good Morning, January 2, 2010
I've been playing a lot of Wii with my daughter - the new super mario. Actually, she's been playing and I've been dying a lot. She beat the whole game yesterday!!
Not sure what's in store for today, but it will be good because the kids are still home from college.
Go****'s wonderful for me to have such energy when I wake up in the morning and I know it's because I sleep so good -- seven hrs straight w/o getting up. I get up and do things and it feels great. I have always been a morning person - that's when I get the most done.
Today I will do laundry - two loads, already going...cleaned kitty box - done, and will run the sweeper as soon as I know my neighbor in our duplex is up....Decorations are all packed away, front coat closet is re-organized, and guest room closet is tidied up. Threw a lot of "stuff" in the recycling bin and trash, and boxed up decorations and the like that I'll never use again, for the rummage sale this spring. My home feels so bare now w/o the pretty Christmas decorations. I put a picture of my beautiful peonies on my computer screen -- makes me long for spring and not feel so bad about the 4-6 inches of snow we have now on the ground.
Must get out today and buy some ff milk - otherwise I will clean and then read or cross stitch......reading a great book called "The Russian Concubine".....just finished Mitch Albom's "Have a little Faith" -- really good book -- George you need to read it -- I know you'll like it so much.
Oh yeah, today is pay bills too....starting to do "online bill pay" so very convenient.
Have a super Saturday all -- prayers and good thoughts to those in need.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
I'm headed to the sewing room..... am finally sewing for "ME".. lol I'm going to make a couple of vests and tops...
Well we survived the Holidays! Maybe a pound or two heavier. I know I am. I really didn't think I ate that much but might have grazed too much.
I too am taking down Christmas decorations today. Just want to get back to normal.
The stray cat causes havoc in my house. My other cat hates it and they fight. My dogs go crazy when they fight. So I leave him in a warm and comfy box in the garage and then my son brings him in his room for a couple hours at a time to keep him warm.
I really did not want another pet. Especially one that upsets the rest of the gang.
Today I have avon books to deliver in the snow! It snowed here all day yesterday and got about four or five inches. I hate this stuff.
Sounds like everyone is busy today too.
Have a quiet weekend and rest up.
Started crocheting a new blanket so after all my running around and packing up stuff I will work on the blanket. There is a Cav's game on at 1 so my husband will be glued to the TV for a couple of hours. He is in another world when he watches them. I could be talking to him and he doesn't even here me. Isn't marriage grand? lol I could call him all kinds of names and it wouldn't be heard. I might try that
Well have a great day. Smile too.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant New Year's Eve! We stayed home that night. My DH and I bought some nice snacks (chicken egg rolls, bean & cheese burritos--no chips, no candy) and we all sat around watching TV/movies. Toward midnight, I had to turn on Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve. I'm so glad he's still able to help host the show--what would New Year's Eve be without him? I remember I used to think that way about Guy Lombardo, LOL! Anyway, Dick Clark has been uch a big part of my life. It's still sort of a shock to hear his speech although I know he's come such a long way since his stroke.
Yesterday my DH and I just chilled all day long, didn't go anywhere and didn't really do anything. Today will be a bit busier.
2010--back to life as usual!

Good morning, ya'll.
Well, we had a nearly great holiday. We rang in the New Year with the Aukland folks at about 7 AM Thursday morning, so I didn't feel guilty going to bed before midnight in NC.
New Years day was good and bad. My son and his family came down for dinner and to watch the Rose Bowl. We had the best prime rib roast I have ever eaten. OMG - it was spectacular!! Then the BAD happened. The Ducks lost to the Bucks. Our daughter and her family and 15 others from her work were in the stands, but the camera never went in their direction. The are all Taco Bell folks, and Taco Bell was a big sponsor. Not that they got any breaks on tickets!
My decorations are down and out in the shed. Yesterdays dinner mess is cleaned up and dishes all put away. My DH did the laundry and ran the dishwasher this AM, but, like George, he won't put the stuff away. Which is OK, I am happy to do that. When I am gone he just uses the clothes out of the dryer and the dishes out of the dishwasher, works for him.
The entire week our nighttime temps will be in the teens and daytime we will be lucky to get to 35. Brrr! I'll be in Greenville M-F getting my radiation again. Treatments 13 through 17. I have 28 in all. Oh happy day, I'll be half way through. Still no side effects, but I sure hope that 'loss of appetite' kicks in soon!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
Well, HELLO Off!
I am in the San Diego Airport right now awaiting my flight home. We had a very relaxing and fun week here. We were on a houseboat (pretty nice one- two bedroom, two bath) and we had big adventures every day. We went to Coronado, the San Diego Zoo (my favorites- the gorilla-close enough to touch-but behind glass, the panda, the panther, and the leopard), two California missions, the Pacific Ocean, a couple of museums, and a few brewerys. My traveling partners also went to the Midway- an aircraft carrier from the Korean War and beyond. I passed on that one- stayed at the boat to watch TV, read, and enjoy solitary time. The one thing about traveling with others that gets trying for me is the lack of total independence. So I've totally enjoyed our trip but I'm ready to go home. I'm missing my daughter, my dog, my granddog, and my own toilet!
I have been unable to check the Off board all week, so I have no idea what I've missed with all of you. I hope that most of you had a great New Year and Christmas!