happy new year to everyone. i was up during the night and when i finally
went back to sleep, bob needed help and i got up again. im so tired, i think
a nap will be on the agenda later.
my younger son did not get the job he was waiting on hearing about, my
heart hurts for him. its been six months now out of work.
i wish everyone the best for 2010 maybe ill post more later
hugs and be safe and well
We're starting 2010 with DH still unemployed - but I got some good news at work. I've been shuffled around a bit during the last year, and haven't felt very safe in the midst of cutbacks because I am currently functioning in a non-budgeted position. But yesterday my boss said to me "I have a new project for you - I want you to write your job title and job description - oh and make sure you make your pay grade high enough - we don't want your salary cut". So I may be the new Surgical Services Clinical Analyst.
Then, I get on the scale this morning - I rarely see more than a half pound loss at a time, and I'm down to 170 (2 1/2 pounds in 2 days). So last night on a whim I tried on some size 12 pants I still have in my closet and about half of them fit.
I'm keeping a positive attitude that all will work out OK this year. All in all, it's a pretty good start.

Not a problem though. I put on my glad rags and we had a cozy dinner together. I ate shrimp ****tail, then packed the meal to go home without even having one bite. After all these years you would think I would order an appetizer for dinner and skip the main course. Old habits die hard.
I wish you all a fantastic NEW YEAR.

Annette I hope you are feeling better with the antibiotics.
Tevia says to give all the cats a big kiss for the new year. Did you get his latest picture?????
Anyway we didnt do anything last night bu****ch a stupid movie cant remember what it was. It was on HBO. We did go to Cracker Barrell for dinner I had the roasted turkey salad and carl had something else.
Today we went grocery shopping and went to pay on our new furniture. I get the new recliner on the 5th and the sofa at the end of the month.
Work start on Monday and I cant wait!!!!!
Well on for another night!!!!!
I went to sleep around 10:30, so I missed the big event! I'm much too old to stay up until
We have a dusting of snow on the ground this morning and temps in the teens. On the agenda today is to finish packing up Christmas decorations, clean out the guest room closet, read, cross stitch a bit, and take it easy. Will watch the Rose Parade but not football -- just not my "thing".
Hoping 2010 will be a good year for all of us - healthy, happy, and employed.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
So much going on. Looks like everyone is getting a good start to 2010!! WHERE does the time go?... I know, I know...when you're having fun, right?
My work hasn't changed much except busier. All those foreclosures were being held back and are now on the front burner for sale. Most of my portfolio is in the NE... so you know it's WINTER there!!
Son and girlfriend are still together. That's a good thing. We leave today for the coast of Texas for five days. Thank goodness she likes his mother. We're going to visit her aunt and uncle in a very LARGE condo on the Gulf.
Grandkids are okay... and smart and extremely handsome/beautiful.
Looking forward to another Thelma and Louise trip next month.... watch out Honduras. I keep trying to find Murray for Louise. Maybe this will be the trip. I sure don't want him....
Everyone enjoy your New Year's and don't forget the black-eyed peas!!
Today I paint. Again. It better work this time. I paid as much for the paint roller as I usually do for the paint....
It was raining last night on my way home from work. This A.M. we have 3 inches of fresh snow on the ground and it's blowing like crazy.
Guess I'll stay home and paint. Again.....
As for looking for Murray...I don't want him either. A picture is worth a thousand words. And I have the picture, as the Dallas Sistahs can verify. How could I want anything more than that?
Everyone have a wonderful start to the new decade.
HAPPY NEW YEAR i start the 5 day pouch test to get these carbs under control....i havent gained any yet but YET is the word. i know that if i keep going like i have been for the last month i no resolutions but i will get the carb monster controlled. I WILL. lol
hope this year brings new economy and people can get back to work again.
we didnt do anything or go anywhere last night....too far to drive on crooked roads late at night even without partying. we just stayed home...Joe was in bed asleep by 9pm lol ...we will take down the outside lights and decorations. and put that all up for another year. . hope this year is all everyone wants it tobe.