Guess What Everyone!!!! We made it to Tuesday!!!!

Judy G.
on 12/28/09 10:51 pm - Galion, OH

morning carla and OFF family...

haha i get to see phyllis and jon before you do!!!! LOL i can't wait to see them!!! hopefully the weather will be good for them to travel in!!! happy that you finally get to start your job!!

floyd!!!! OMG its been a long time since you stopped in here!!!!!MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

nancy i am SO happy that your mom is doing so much better in her new place!!! its amazing!!! :-) and i feel like you about your family not getting what they want...heck if they can't help you why should they get something?? sighs....

george you are also always busy!!! how is oleta doing? how did her surgery come out? prayers contiinue for her!!!

laureen i am so happy the your new dog is loving her new home with you!!! wish i could get rick a new kitty to replace his sassy....but we can't afford it and we are not supposed to have two fur pets....i see alot of people not obeying the rules here...heck even the manager of this place has two cats and a dog!!!! soooooo if the right kitty comes along....;-)

jacki i hope your hubby is going to be ok and he gets better soon!!!! also happy anniversary to you both!!!

candy good to see you posting again....i know how hard it is to sleep once you have been woke up!!!

jani...gotta love that michigan weather especially up in GODS country!!! soooo beautiful!!! hey would you PM me the white chili recipe?? thanks!!!

sorry if i missed anyone else here but know i DO read your posts and i DO think about each and everyone of you!!!!

so many are busy it is making my head spin just reading it all!!!! waiting til after phyllis and jon leave to take the Christmas decorations down and get back to normal here. hopefully nicole will be let out of jail and she can come home thursday!!! she will get to see the tree here and all my decorations. not sure if she will be let out or not but it IS wishful thinking!!!

i work today 1-5 then i am off til sunday. taking an emergency leave just incase we get the baby or nicole comes home. have to spend time with her and her dad is going to have a long talk with her on her actions!!!!! but i am sure she has learned her lesson the hard way!!!!

got several inches of snow here and it is soooo cold!!! BRRRRR calling for maybe another inch or so today. the wind is what is really cold!!! goes right through you...BRRRRRRR but it is really pretty out there!!!

well i best get going here and do something constructive....have a great day and remember to SMILE!!! ;-)

hugs, love and prayers to those that need it!!!


on 12/28/09 10:57 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/05/08 with
Hi everyone
Congrats on your start date Carla.

Had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends...

I also am on my church council this year..

Have 2 small parties to go to on New Year's Eve, so will do one over dinner and the other for 10 pm.... then away about 40 miles for our Boxing Day that was postponed due to bad weather..

Hope to go away for a week in the sun in January..

on 12/28/09 11:06 pm - Medina, OH
Hi everyone!

Well we did make it to Tuesday.  One more Holiday to go!

Today I am going shopping with my art teacher.  I think she just needs to get out of the house since her husband passed away before Christmas.  I feel bad for her and don't mind taking her somewhere.

It seems like such a let down that Christmas is over.  I look forward to it every year.  The kids got a gift card and some money and it burned a whole through their pockets and spent them yesterday. 

It is very cold here today in the teens.  We had quite a bit of snow yesterday and driving was terrible.

Nothing planned for New Years this year.  Staying home with husband and watching tv I guess.  I don't like going out anymore.  Too many drunks on the road.

Hoping everyone has a nice day and smile about something today.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Eileen Briesch
on 12/28/09 11:20 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Wow, a lot of activity on the board already this morning. It's cold here but sunny. The snow finally stopped and it's nice to see blue sky. I finally feel human again. I guess I ate something that didn't agree with me yesterday because I was so sick all day. I kept it pretty bland all day and didn't overdo. I am trying to do two protein drinks a day and get my protein intake up ... I know at my last bariatric appointment in July, my protein levels were down, even though I thought I got enough in. I found this protein I like from Bariatric Eating (it mixes very well) and I mix with coffee ... anything I can mix with coffee is good! It has 30g of protein to start the day. I'm going to try to do two of those a day now and only one meal and see if I can get my weight back down.

I had a chat this morning with AT&T ... they didn't credit me with paying the phone bill this month, so I had to check on that; they have the payment, so I don't owe as much as they're showing (fortunately!).

Had a long talk with Mary Kay last night ... she had a bad Christmas with her sister and had a run-in, so yesterday her sister came over to apologize ... they are on better terms, but she's still wary. She sounded better at least ... she was really depressed on Sunday and I was worried about her ... she has been my rock lately.

Otherwise, didn't do much yesterday. Watched the Bears game ... first they blew the lead, then they had a chance in overtime to win the game right off the bat and missed a field goal ... then they won it anyway on touchdown pass. It was a great game for once for the Bears ... they haven't played this well all year. Bad for the Vikings fans, though (sorry Connie). I thought for sure Brett was going to pull that out for you, Connie.

Well, I got to get out of my jammies and get going. I want to get to the chiropractor and pick up some stuff at the store this morning ... no greens in the house (my lettuce was all wilted, and even though it's not on sale, I still need some).

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 12/29/09 5:26 am
Eileen...thanks for thinking of me while you watched the game. I was so disappointed in those last few minutes...Vikings should have won....they were not with the game like they should have been thats for sure!!

Hugs....connie d
Karen S.
on 12/29/09 12:25 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Carla and OFF friends....

It is so good to hear people going back to work who want to. I'm happy for you, Carla, that you will be starting a new job soon.

Wow, it's only 6:15 a.m. here in Hawaii, and already there are so many posts! Sometimes I don't post because by the time I get up, it's late everywhere else. Especially those days when I do baby's 10:00 a.m. before I get to my computer, and much later in the day for most of you.

Christmas here was laid back and very enjoyable in a non-hectic way. Since I'm going to Calif. in two weeks to see all my kidlets, I wasn't with them for Christmas, but had a lovely time with friends. When I called my grands, my little 3 year old Brady said (tutu come two weeks!). My son and DIL have been prepping them for tutu's arrival......

The "snow birds" have been enjoying beautiful weather here the past week. We have had 80 degree weather and a HUGE surf on the north shore which is very exciting for people watching the surfers who have had waves as high as 45 feet! They do NOT swim out in those conditions, but are towed out behind them by a jet ski.

Tomorrow and the next day I will be testing "my" babies at the hospital, and I was fortunate enough to get the first baby born on Christmas Day....he was born at 12:01!! I feel a little sorry for these babies born during the all happens at once and their special day can get lost in the festivities.

Here's hoping you all have a great New Year's Eve, and day. May 2010 bring happy surprises to each and every one of you. I'm so glad you are in my would be surprised at how often I refer to "my OFF family."

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Laureen S.
on 12/29/09 1:51 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hello my Hawiian Sister,

Please post, no matter the time, it is nice to read about you and the paintings you draw from time to time in your descriptions of the beautiful place you call home. . .

Merry Christmas and may 2010 bring you peace and health.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

(deactivated member)
on 12/29/09 12:45 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Carla,
Glad you got your start date at the hospital!!

It's pretty cool here....10 degrees below the normal avg....BURRR.....still warmer than NY though.

I've had a bit of a set back with my recovery and need to go back to surgery next week....not looking forward to it.  This has also put me way behind schedule with my baking and getting ready for my company next week.  Oh well, I'm not stressing over it since there is nothing I can do about it.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a nice day.
Eileen Briesch
on 12/29/09 1:35 am - Evansville, IN
Sorry about your setback. When is your surgery? I do not want to have surgery again! Even though my knee is still hurting me. Nope, no more surgery for me.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 12/30/09 7:36 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks Eileen.
I have to go in next week on Thursday.  
At least I'll be able to enjoy my company for a few days before having this done (it will be done in his office so I'll come home same day .....will probably be very sore but should be ok).

I'm so tired and worn out from this round of surgery I wish I didn't need one more cause I'd love to be done!!

Hope your knee starts to feel better.  Have you tried glucosamine chondroitin msm?  It really helped me, my brother, my mother and Matthew.....we all arthritis in the knees.  I've been pain free for a couple years no.

Anyhow, thanks.
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