Guess What Everyone!!!! We made it to Tuesday!!!!

on 12/28/09 1:34 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi There,
Im still up at 1231Am Down here in Cool Florida!!!!!
I am getting excited I start my shifts at the Hospital on January 4th....A paycheck that is regular will be most welcome in the new year!!!!!
Phyliss Gilbert is comming down to Florida. She will be in my area around the 5th of January. Carl and I will meet her and Jon for Dinner as I have to work that day. We are meeting them in Tampa at the Hard Rock Casino.
Well talk on folks. It is a new day!!!!!
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Nancy B
on 12/28/09 2:32 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!

Carla..I'm so thrilled for you,,what an exciting way to start the new year! I wish you all the best and good luck.

I have a new computer!! old one died..and Derek gave me a flat screen monitor for Christmas! woohoo!  Danny gave me the seven CD set of Eckhart Tolle's "The Power Of Now" I have alot of work/listening/learning to do now *s*. 

Being "sans computer" for weeks didnt seem to bother me much.  I was so darned busy moving Mother to her new home and packing and cleaning...too bad I don't have two sisters to help me!! But I am doing well..struggling thru the holidays..eating the wrong to get back under control...I'm always SO glad when the holiday partying ends.

Tuesday (today) is my baby boy Derek's 32nd birthday.  He just went to bed after being up and working at snowplowing and sanding/salting for the last 32 hours!  Poor guy, being born between Christmas and New Years, people tend to forget his special day so we always make a point of doing it separate from these holidays and celebrate it when January is slower...never thought I'd get TIRED of partying!

Funny, I laid in bed this morning, remembering his hasty birth...all of 90 minutes in labour..a rough one..10 days early too..he was in a hurry!  Even the doctor didnt make it in time.

We had a family Christmas dinner out at Mom's favourite restaurant on Sunday many special dinners....Mother is now happily settled in Bella....its a 35-45 minutes drive for me now instead of seven minutes but this is the best place for her.  She is happy to be taken care of and enjoys the fussing they make over her..she gets bathed in a huge whirlpool bathtub too and they use a special lift for her.

We have made her lovely private room a safe and comfy haven for her with her familiar furniture & pictures and photos on the wall so she feels "at home". And I feel alot better now too.  It took us a few weeks (due to the weather and the guys' working schedules) to pack, delegate stuff to appropriate people and places, clear out, move to Mother's new place, or boxes to my place to sort later and then to clean the room.

My out of town sister (the addict) claims the white French Provincial bedroom suite but I will be darned if she thinks I'm going to transport seven pieces all the way to Quebec...besides, she abandoned it many years ago...Mother used it at her last Ive given it to my niece who loves it.  She is lucky that I saved her the brand new sewing machine and will take it along next time we go up north to Quebec sometime in the Spring.  My other sister, the one *****fused to attend/participate/or even just bake for Mother's 90th birthday party gets help so I'm not even bothering.

My next job is to now sort thru all the boxes that are littering my home and designate where everything charity, to nieces or sons and to save in case Mother wants them her tole painting stuff and sewing patterns.

Quite frankly, I am happy that the holiday season is almost done..too much stress and pressure...add to that, Mother's big move right in the middle of it all. But she is now established in there and is as happy as my Mother will be.

And no more transporting Mom in my car...its amazing how a little old lady can turn into such dead weight when she gets all stressed out about being transported from wheelchair to car and back...last night, she almost crippled my shoulders and lower back and both knees are all so achey and sore...add to that, she insists on "rocking" in her wheelchair and had rolled over my feet a number of times during dinner...I finally locked her brakes to make her sit still. Any more outings, I will call the Chair-A-Van..a special van with a wheelchair lift so she doesnt have to get out of her chair..whew! anf it only costs $2.50 a trip each way..I just have to plan outings more carefully and adjust them to the transportation timetables.  I'm learning *s*

Tonight, 1:30 am Tuesday morning, we are experiencing    MINUS fifteen degrees celcius with bone-chilling high winds.  I don't go outside unless I HAVE too but thank goodness for my BUN WARMERS in my car! 

I made a huge pot of high fibre-high protein soup today and roasted six chicken thighs and six chicken breasts as I have no excuse that I don't have something healthy and ready to eat.

Nancy B

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George T.
on 12/28/09 6:56 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Hi Nancy.  Missed you.  Now I know why.  I am worn out reading about your goings on.  You make me look like a slouch.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Nancy B
on 12/29/09 1:19 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

lol..Thank you, George...being incognito for weeks was  difficult...but I truly didn't think it was noticed....nice to see a new influx of newbies here too.

Now I'm faced with so much sorting and re-organizing and I do admit that I hesitate to start...or maybe it's because I simply dont know WHERE to start. But for the rest of this week, I've decided that I need a bit of a break and will be semi-lazy...okay..I will do my best not to panic...yet. *s*

I do have to say that YOU amaze me with your OWN energy levels....apparently your dear wife is able to keep up with you! Kidos to BOTH of you *s*

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Laureen S.
on 12/28/09 7:44 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Merry, Happy and I'm so glad your Mom is settled and enjoying being "fussed" over, everyone should be as lucky when they get to such maturity and to have loving children that dote over them, I can only hope that some of mine will (lol). . .Happy Birthday to Derek, hey I have a nice 32 yo daughter who just graduated nursing school ;) though she currently resides in Florida ;)

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Nancy B
on 12/29/09 2:59 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Thank you, Laureen ...*hugs *..and the same for you and yours!

Yes, having Mother settled in sure takes ALOT off stress off me...this whole role as the "sandwich generation" has been a real eye-opener for I SWEAR I will NEVER put my two sons thru that like this has been.  That is my new mandate!

I wish that Derek had someone special in his life..he thinks, at 32, he doesn't have much chance now but I know there is someone special out there for him...he is such a gentleman, funny, smart, attractive and responsible...Florida is so far away..well darn! *s*

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Laureen S.
on 12/29/09 7:38 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Yup sandwich generation. . .  I definitely don't want to interfer in my children's lives, but because I am so young and healthy, I probably won't be (lol). . .your son sounds like someone's perfect son-in-law. . .  my daughter also feels that at 32 it is harder to find someone. . .  well let's hope someone finds that that totally appreciates who they are, as my Ange is attractive, smart and all the same things as your son with the exception being a gentleman (lol). . .

Have a good one!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 12/29/09 5:31 am
Nancy....I hope your son finds some time to celebrate his birthday!

Happy Birthday Derek!!!!! 

Hugs...connie d
on 12/28/09 5:47 pm - Interlochen, MI
Well, happy Tuesday everyone.
It's so good to be home again, just the two of us.  We got snow again last night, but what do I expect in Michigan?  It sure is pretty.  We spent a couple of days with each son down state and saw a lot of old friends at church on Sunday which was really nice.
Tomorrow our friends from downstate come up to spend the New Year holiday with us.  I'm making a crockpot full of white chicken chili for tomorrow, and she's bringing her eggplant parm.  It was one of the first 'real' meals I had after my rny, and as I remember, it was marvelous.  I hope it wasn't just because it was my first real meal!  We'll spend the days shopping (she's adamant about taking me shopping for new stuff) and the nights playing board games or cards.  She's really funny because she hates to lose!  Last time, when they taught us this new card game, we beat the pants off of them.  She ended up whining all night how we took her nickles. 
The dogs got me up to eat and go outside at 4:30 this morning.  If it weren't for them I'd still be in bed, snuggled under the down comforter.  I have such a hard time going back to sleep once I wake up in the morning, it's just better that I get up and plop myself on the couch and turn on the tube.  Sometimes I can go back to sleep there.
Well, I hope you all have a great Tuesday and a safe Tuesday.
Good luck with your new job Carla.
Nancy, so glad your mother is finally settled in.  Take care of you now.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 12/28/09 6:19 pm - Tampa , FL
So happy to hear u got a date to start your new job,,,,
Nice to have a paycheck coming in  each week...
thanks for all your support after my RNY
I truly appreciate all your words of encouragement and help
and most importantly  ...your insight...


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