Guess What Everyone!!!! We made it to Tuesday!!!!
Glad you have a date to start your job. That's the day I go back to mine!
Today is clean the house and put away all the Christmas decorations. It took me 1+ days to put it all up so am not looking forward to taking down and putting away. It will feel so good when it's finished and I will be able to do all fun stuff for the rest of my vacation.
I have started a new hobby, making beaded Lanyards. They are fun, easy and are turning out very nice. I made a bunch for my friends at work. I am working on a necklace now for a friend who wouldn't have use for the Lanyard. I would also like to get some scrapbooking in too.
My eating has been atrocious. I am feeling sorta sick from it all so today it's back to my routine. I am, unfortunately, one who can eat sugar and while I sometimes don't feel so hot after wards it isn't bad enough to deter me.
I have steel cut oatmeal on the stove with raisins and pecans and that is one thing that really helps me stay on track.
Have a great day all and so nice to see you all!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Any interest in starting the New Year with the 5-day pouch test? Figured it's a good way to reset and restart from the holiday detour. . . I'll be doing it myself, figured I would start on Sunday. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I had considered the pouch test but not ready to try that yet. I am very interested in what you think about it and how you feel when you do it and after you are finished... if I get stuck I may just give it a whirl...
"Holiday detour" I like that!
Hugs back at ya,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Good morning Carla and OFF family,
How exciting to start the New Year off with a job Carla!!
I'm catching up on work, all ready had one of my high school students stop in this morning. Will be a busy day for me after work. I'm going to get my nails done to "destress me" then on to the funeral home for Joan's visitation.
Plans for New Years will be to stay home and play games. I'm also babysitting for my SD furbaby Tink who she rescued. Tink is high energy who loves attention and is almost a year old. She does drive our hound-dog Angel crazy and I got her to play nice with Jake my half Chihuahua and peekapoo mix. Jake thinks he is a big dog and loves to play with Tink.
Both grand kids are with us this week so it's busy, loud and they are just having fun playing with their new toys.
Jan. 1st starts our new wellness fitness program here at work. I participate every year, get enough points and at the end of the year get to pick a prize, I always choose the $500.00 towards my medical benefits. Now doesn't that make ya wanna go to the gym? LOL
Good Morning, All
It's been nice to catch up a bit. My reading of the Board has been sporadic at best lately, between the construction on the house, the holidays, and the family time. I wouldn't give any of it up, but it'll be nice to get back to what passes for "normal" in my little corner of the world.
I got home from work last night at 11:45, and had to plow through a couple feet of snow to get into the garage. Guess I'll have to remember to tell the plow guy that I work evenings now. I'd just as soon he doesn't plow at 6 am, as it wakes me up. On nights that I sleep, that is...
Fell asleep after 2 am, woke bright and early (actually, not very bright) at 6. yup, the snowplow! Wide awake, might as well get up and try to function. By 7 I had all the paint equipment that I've been using the last week put away, and a big stock pot n the stove, with a turkey carcass simmering away and a big pot of veggies cut up and on the simmer as well. Guess it's turkey vegetable soup for the next week or so. Since it 's 17 degrees outside right now, I can't think of a better time to make it.
It's cold here, and I fondly remeber always being too hot, just 4 short years ago. I know it's a trade-off, and I wouldn't take those 100+ lbs back for anything, but if I have to put on any more clothes I won't be able to move my arms! That's it! I'm cranking up the heat!
I hope everyone had a great holiday, and that we all recover painlessly. Looking forward to the new year.

Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!