It's Wednesday, what's new?

Jo W.
on 12/30/09 12:41 am - Owosso, MI
Morning everyone!
Hope every one has a peaceful and productive or restful day  whichever you want most.
Prayers going up for all having difficulty's.
George,  I had to clean my desk yesterday too.  got the first  income tax papers so had to find someplace to keep them!!    Military does some stuff early!.
My little helpers were not much help in sorting and filing  but are clinging limpets after shrink sessions so I uttered some magic words    Go bake cookies!     My teens helpfully obliged.    but there are no  cookies left!!  
Need to hit the grocery store big time today.   Steve has my teens and toddlers all about to follow him to old  Mother Hubbard's in search of lunch in her bare cupboards!      Then off to Kohl's to find something to replace the beautiful sweater DH got me for Christmas that didn't fit. 
Have a great day everyone.
Connie D.
on 12/30/09 12:48 am
Good morning Eileen and everyone....

I slept in this morning until 8:00 felt so good!! I rarely ever sleep that late....guess I needed it.

Today is the first day of my 5 days off....I am thinking about taking down my Christmas decoratons....I hate that job...lugging around all those totes and such...ugh!!

Nic (grandson) goes to Memphis/St Judes again on January 11th. He sure has been enjoying his 3 months off from hospitals. I pray all goes well and he has many more months of free time to do as he wants!!

Kyleigh (granddaughter) is doing well. We were hoping she would be released in December but she will be at Gerard's at least another 3 or 4 months. She doesn't mind it there...she is working hard and feeling so much better. She has come a long ways already....just a few more issues to take care of....she is determined to win the battles with this depression etc....and she will!!

The rest of the grandchildren are doing great!! They are all growing up so fast. I can't wait to see them soon!! I need those hugs and all that love!

Guess this is enough rambling from me. Prayers to all in need. Share an extra smile with someone today!

Love and hugs to all....connie d

on 12/30/09 12:50 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi Im here but not up and it is 1145!!!!!
Today is the day I am going to go and look for a sleeper sofa. My sofa is shot and looks like hell!!!! so time for a new one Not sure of what I am going to look for a futon, Recliner sofa not sure.
Not sure what we are going tod for New Years. Sarasota has what is called first night and they drop the pineapple at midnight. We might go down for that if it isnt to cold. It has been 30 the last 2 nights.
Well that is all today.
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Mary M.
on 12/30/09 1:55 am - Minneapolis, MN
There are lots of good sales out there.  We just bought a love seat, chair and ottoman to be delivered in the next week, I think!

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Brenda R.
on 12/30/09 1:03 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you Eileen and everyone before me and those that come later..unless of course I am the latest...but I doubt that.

Nothing much going on today. I was busy here at the office yesterday. I tried to do something on here but kept getting interrupted. I thought that I posted and maybe I did...heck my CRS is still going strong so I forgot. But then again how can you forget something that you never remember? Oh dear! I am here at the church office and I have Kayden with me. He stayed the night last night and he will again tonight. That poor little is so confused...and he is turning more and more to Bill and I. I do believe that we are doing most of the raising of him now. That is alright with us...the little stinker-pooh (one of the many nicknames that his Grandma and Grandpa have for him) has to have someone that he can depend on. He just seems so young to have to go through the crap that he is going through. But I have to remember that there is a reason.

It is a bit warmer here today. Yesterday it was 14* when I left for work and today it was 25* so we are headed in the right direction there. I think that the weather tomorrow is going to be like today's but I am not for sure. Then it is going to get cold again. I don't like winter anymore. It use to be my favorite season but that was when I loved the cold. Now the only thing I like in the winter is my furnace and my electric blanket!!!

As for New Year's Eve we are staying home. Kayden will be back with DS and we will be all!!! I am going to be alone with my hubby. We are not going to know what that is like...we are going to have to learn that all over again. We are just going to stay home and have our usual pizza and jus****ch movies and such. Then by 12:15 a.m. we will be in bed and getting ready to go off to dreamland!! Oh to have the bed with just the two of us and not a little guy between us...we should get him a bed but no room. So I think that he is going to start learning to sleep alone and put him in the pack and play. He sleeps in the big bed at home too. I keep telling DS that is not a good thing...

I am getting on now! I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone too. Know that your smiles are appreciated by all who come in contact with you and your smile might be the only one someone gets today. Have a great one and try to stay warm!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Judy G.
on 12/30/09 1:14 am - Galion, OH

hi eileen and OFF....

well i just got back from the pain dr and he is ordering an MRI for me on my spine. he said my knees and hips are good so he thinks there is something in my spine that needs attention. he also gave me some cymbalta to take and a script for darvocet. i start therapy on monday morning.

its cold here and calling for another round of snow. not sure how much yet. hopefully phyllis and jon are safe driving here tomorrow!!! can't wait to see them both!!!

tomorrow morning we find out what is in store for nicole...we are on pins and needles ehre with waiting to know.

other than that nothing else to talk about...OH!!! just after i got to work yesterday there was a car on fire in the stores parking lot!!!! OMG!!!!! black smoke and flames!!!!!!! a car parked next to it was also damaged as were a few with smoke damage....nobody came forward on owning the car and it was towed away.

so i am off today and need to go pick up my script and find a toe spacer for my toes...dr suggested that also for me. so have a great day and remember to SMILE!!!! ;-)

annette R.
on 12/30/09 1:52 am - ithaca, NY
Good afternoon everybody.

I am sitting and waiting for Marcy to drop in for a visit. It is nice to have friends stop and yak.

Tomorrow is the older step-son's birthday. We will take him, his brother and the wives out to dinner and ring in the new year. Good grief, that's waaaay past my bedtime. Yawn

The furbrats are all begging for my lap. Better tend to them before they start a fight.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Mary M.
on 12/30/09 1:59 am - Minneapolis, MN
Oh, Annette - that all sounds so nice.  I love those visits, too.  And cuddling with your furbabies.  Have a nice relaxing time.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Sexy L.
on 12/30/09 6:43 am - Hordville, NE
Its late in the day, but I just got settled down at the puter. Since Mom passed away I have decided to try and track down the people that were an important part of my life at one point or another and then drifted on to other lives.  I want to make contact with them and see what has gone on in their lives since our lives went separate ways.  I have moved a lot in my life and you lose track of people when you live a mobile life style.  Other than that I haven't been doing a whole lot. Went to a thrift shop in O'Neill and found a antique dish for practically give away.
I still have some housework to do so will, get busy with it.   Hope everyone has a terrific rest of their day.


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