It's Wednesday, what's new?
Hope the grand-niece of nephew arrives soon and that all ring in the New Year in good health and spirits!
It's a cold and crisp day here in NJ and my last workday of 2009! It should be a busy day with stuff to get done once I get to the office. Tonight I think I am babysitting for my grands so my son and his wife can go to AC with his in-laws and her brother and g/f who come in from California every Christmas. I have so much to do because tomorrow evening we are having 15 people for dinner, so I've got cooking to do and such other things, not to mention blood work in the am, eye doctor too and then taking my roommate to dmv where hopefully she will be able to get her license back after a long period without it. Then we will come home and get things ready for our "Merry Band" as we refer to our Sunday night diners, where we all got together at one of the women's houses who had a suspended license, it was her way of giving back to those who picked her up for meetings and took her food and other shopping for the last 2 years that her license was suspended, at the end of January, she too will get her license back, as well as celebrate 2 years sober. It's nice to see people get sober and stay that way!
Anyway, I am good and about to get ready for my work day, hope you all have a good day and wishing you peace and strength to carry on, no matter what life lays at your door today!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning OFF family,
It's my last day to work in 2009 too! May 2010 be a healthy happy New Year for us all!!!
I went to Joan's viewing yesterday and she of course looked beautiful, lots of flower/plants. Wonderful displays of pictures and one was dedicated to Joan and all her line dancing friends. 2 granddaughters displayed the quilts that they made with Grandma and they brought Paige's dollhouse that Paige and Grandma made together. Hubby Bill was holding up fine for now. I told him that after everything settles down that I will take him out for dinner. I plan to do this once a week, he will need to get out.
Today is the funeral at 1pm. My hubby is taking off work to be by my side. I'm sure the tears will flow but they will be tears of happiness because now mom is at peace and I take comfort in that.
We plan to stay home for the New Year's eve thing. We will play games with the grand kids, Rozi loves Boggle and she loves to do crafts so I'm sure we will be painting, cutting and letting her imagination flow. Having children around do keep you young...oh yeah....going sledding!! I love it and my little dog Jake likes to ride with me.
Today starts my getting back to my eating exercise regimen. I will go to the store tonight. I have a bank run to do. Unfortunately, I have no more deposit slips in my checkbook, dang. I'll have to go home at lunch and get one.
Floyd, I'm planning on straightening up my home office too. Whenever I start to think that all the stuff for tax time will be coming in, I think about getting organized before. We got a new lateral two drawer file cabinet they were giving away at work. Lots more storage now. I'll probably fill it up in no time.
I will be making the 750 tickets for the Sweetheart Dance I chair every year. I use my printer and business cards to do them. That's another reason for straightening up the office. I have a consecutive numberer stamp too.
I'm still in the afterglow of being with the grandkids. Wonderful memories.
We have no plans for New Year's. It will probably be a quiet one. I'm bringing some work home to do at my leisure over the weekend. I'm trying to learn new document storage software.
I have to get to Kohl's. I have some baby clothes to return and my purchases over the holidays earned $20 in Kohl's cash. So Merry Christmas to me, I'm going to spend it on me.
Well, need to get to work. Have a great day everyone. Prayers going out to those who need them.
Well, I'm up. Not quite functional yet. I didn't go into work last evening. I've been a little dizzy for the past few days, and haven't been sleeping well, so very tired. I didn't want to be driving the car and maybe have a problem. I think the problem has been my blood sugar, due to poor food choices. Back on the wagon today, and I'm sure the problem will resolve itself.
This morning I have to re-paint the laundry room ceiling. It looked wonderful last week, then I decided to touch up a few small areas that weren't perfect, and it blotched, then I re-did a few larger areas to fix the blotching, and now the whole thing needs to be re-done. I'm not sure what I did, but my suspicion is that I re touched with the primer instead of the ceiling paint by mistake. A stupid mistake, but that's probably the problem. So, today as soon as I get dressed, I'll re-do it. Annoying, but my own fault.
Tomorrow I'll run out and get some stain for the new wood trim and will work on that over the weekend. The contractor pre-cut it and brought it all over yesterday and I'll stain and finish before he puts it up. Much easier and less messy. And because I tend to procrastinate, I'll have a deadline to get it done. He'll install it on Monday. Hopefully.
So, that's my exciting life for the next 4-5 days.
I need a vacation. AWAY from home!
Everyone keep warm!
Edit: I repainted the ceiling and it's even worse. I should have left well enough alone in the first place. I guess tomorrow I get some fresh paint and start all over. Wish I could figure out what I did wrong.... It's really annoying....
I don't have much else to report, just keeping on keeping on!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Michael comes home today - Yay!!! Jack (our Australian shepard) and I will be so glad. There is a void in the house when he is gone.
Friday he starts 3x a week dialysis. Yes, on New year's day we have to be there at 6:30 a.m. the only time there are openings for the MWF regimen. We don't want to do Tues. Thurs. Saturday and break up our weekend. So... that's the way it goes. Another time slot may open up soon, so he doesn't have to get there so early.
I'm at wor****il he is discharged from the hospital. I'm tired, kind of sad, but hoping this will help him feel better.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
My best friends Dh is on dialysis. He started with Tues Thurs Sat through necessity then switched o late day mwf then after several months got the early mwf slot like you have.
For him that one works the best and is the least disruptive to the life he has built since he had to resort to dialysis.
It might not work for you and Dh but hopefully if it doesn't you will get a new time slot that does.
The best to you both on this new installment of the journey in your lives.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...