Good Sunday Morning!!!!!
Afternoon Off
I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. Ours was good, Kids had a good time> It was hard on my part like I expected, I just kept reminding me that it would never get harder and next year would be so much better. My stepdad was good. Come time at the end, dividing up the goodies we would have put up his share, He was there himself asking for the quick breads please instead of cookies and candies! Hes a bread lover and he misses my moms homemade bread. He called here last night saying those small loaves are just the right size and he thinks he needs more of them instead of buying the store bread! that's ok isn't that part of our promise to mom to take care of the old man?
A good thing for me this year was getting labeled handicapped, the label isn't the good thing coming from that I am working with a job consultant to find a job. Still don't have a job, but thing are beginning to look up in that field for me.
Have a good day everyone
Good thing this past year? My new grandson of course, and my surgery. I'm only out 5 months and I'm down 71.5 pounds. I never would have even imagined I could do this. Now I need to start being more compliant. Probably will happen the first of the year after all the company has gone home and we're back into some sort of routine. I'll do the 5 day pouch test and then get back into walking the dogs in this cold weather.
Hope everyone had a great Holiday season.
on 12/27/09 6:49 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm almost at my all time low from way back when I was about 22 years old....never thought I'd see those days again. BUT, this time I feel so much healthier...back then I was starving myself (less than 800 cals a day) to stay thin.
Anyhow......have you heard from the hospital yet about your job?? It's crazy that they are dragging it out this long.
I've been resting most of today...getting ready for a busy busy busy day tomorrow.