Good Sunday Morning!!!!!

on 12/26/09 2:06 pm - Bradenton, FL
Wow it is 2 days past Christmas. Everyone must still be on a high from the festivities. I know I am a little bit.
It is 1259 and I was thinking about being almost 8 years out and maintaining somekind of  euphoria about being thinner than I have been my whole life.
I think I became normal in most ways. I am of average height and weight that my friends were in high school. That to me is a miracle!!!!!
I have the same struggles as a normal person!!!!! Still need to loose the 15 of the 20 pounds I have gained, Still need to save money like anyone else, Still have bills and so on and so forth.
So life goes on but I am healthier for it.
Well I cant sleep again tonight, Been thinking of the Family Reunion in June and what I have to do to make it happen!!!!!
My cats are fighting, about what I dont know but that is life in their world!!!!!
Well talk on. Maybe I gave you something to talk about.
image hosting site

on 12/26/09 2:56 pm - CYGNET, OH
Morning Carla and everyone,

I'm having problems sleeping myself tonight.   I think I've finally caught that the grandkids have had.   Had two of them here today with 104 fevers so I'm bound to get it.   Oh well I guess that's the way it goes.  

All the doggies are sleeping and it's quiet around here which is rare!   

Hope you get some sleep Carla!

Have  a Great Sunday Everyone.



(deactivated member)
on 12/26/09 4:45 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Good morning, Carla and our other OFF'r friends!!

Thank you for starting the thread and talking about the positive things that happened in 2009.  I hope someone will continue to do the thread on that until New Year's Day.  Maybe it will start our new year in a better tone.

I'm only five years out but so terribly thrilled that I've made it this far.  Again, you are the leader of inspiration.

Saturday's family Christmas was wonderful.  No fights, only one drink turned over on Terry's coffee table (she's our Diva), and our WalMart experience was wonderful, our Family Band was hysterical and video'd, the Movie themed candy box exchange was fun, and I got a Keurig coffee maker. Now those that know me.. WTH am I going to do with a coffemaker at home?... I go to Starbucks everyday!!  But I did get a $50 SB card... and a $100 Williams Sonoma card... they were so nice to me this year ya think they think I won't be around NEXT year???...:)  Oh, and a box of Depends... not because I'm OLD...but as they put it... so I won't have to get up and leave my slot machine. 

I'm going back to bed.

Remember... think positive for the rest of the year!!!

on 12/26/09 8:01 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning ya'll.

Yesterday was a pajama day.  Today I will pay for it.  My DH is going to the Hope Lodge this week to 'babysit' me while I have my radiation.  He doesn't drive, but if I start getting weak and can't eat, he can fix my meals.  Like THAT would ever happen.  I need to get a fill, but can't til all this is done!  But, today I have to do all the laundry, clean old stuff out of the fridge, get the trash to the street, get the recycle bins ready for grandkids to take to the street Wed night, get timers set up on lights and TV, get food together we are taking along with movies, crochet etc. - you know all the things that need to be done when everyone will be gone for more than a day!

I will mention another of the GOOD things that happened for me this year.  Again it is a positive thing that came from my Momma's passing.  I was gonna wait to have my pesky gallbladder out until I turned 65 and let Medicare and my Med-Sup pay for it.  BECAUSE of the money Mom left me, I went to have my gallbladder taken out.  A cancerous tumor was discovered in it - it had been growing for a year or more.  It HAD NOT grown through the gallbladder into my liver.  It HAD NOT gone into my bile duct.  If I had waited longer it would have spread.

Not everyone agrees that God works in mysterious ways, but I do.  You may call it karma, fate or just plain luck.  Whatever, there is a reason this happened to me.

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


karen C.
on 12/26/09 10:46 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good morning Carka and friends,

My house is still invaded. Tho I love seeing them it is time for them to return to their other lives. Nathan has been here for 9 days. Love the boy dearly  but he tends to spread out all over the entire house. He's working on his National Board ceritification for teaching. Lots of work, lots of paper and books, computer, and all the attending stuff like Coke cans, glasses of water, notes etc. Today he and Kristin head to a friend's for a couple of days before going home.

Erin and family were here for a few days before Christmas and tomorrow my older brother arrives. However since he stayed with us last time he'll be at my brother's here in town this time.

I'm ready to start the new year. Too much of everything this past couple of weeks. I'm ready for longer days, less cooking, more free time. . . .and then within a week I'll be missing them all!

 I retreated to the hot tub last night as my restless legs were acting up. Heated water is one thing that seems to help. The water was 101 degrees and for a change the wind was not blowing. I soaked, looked at the stars and thought about all that I have to be thankful for which is much. You all have a great day.

Karen C

on 12/26/09 11:42 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Everyone!

Today I go to my brothers house for Christmass.  Yesterday at my inlaws.   It has been hard to stick to a diet.  But, I am doing it. 

As usual I made too much food for CHristmas Eve and too many snacks. I guess I have to feeze some and eat a lot of cheese for the next week.

It is quiet here this morning.  I am relishing in it.  I know after the Holidays it will be calm and boring stuck in the house when it snows.   It is cold here and they are calling for snow today and tonight.  I hope we don't get a lot.  My brother lives in the snow belt and usually they get socked.  He lives an hour away from me.  I hope the weather stays good.

Nothing planned for tomorro.  It will be a nice day to stay in PJ's and rest.

Christmas is over fast after all the preparations.

Hoping all have a great day and if you want it a quiet one.

Don't forget to smile.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

on 12/27/09 12:55 am
 I'm so thankful for my family.  I have good loving kids with wonderful grandkids.  I know I'm blessed and realize how fortunate I am.

We had some fun funny times at our family gathering Christmas day.  I enjoy sitting back and watching my boys & their wives and kids joke and interact.  I LOVE the fact that all three of my DIL get along so well and there is no jealousy and bickering.

One funny gift that was given was the lamp from Christmas Story.  The leg with the shade on it.  OMG the boys hammed that up for hours.  There were pictures taken of the one son caressing the leg, pictures of the lamp strategically place on the mantle and other various poses.  The laughter was like medicine to the soul.

My oldest son and I exchange recipes or exotic foods for birthdays as well as Christmas.  This year he thought he was buying me cans of chili with different meats in them.  He thought it  was four cans of different flavored chili... however, there was NO chili in them.  It was four cans of meats.... elk, buffalo, alligator and rattlesnake....  YUP ! !   Four cans of meats.  I swear the one can was wiggling..... lol  I'll have to make some sort of  "project" out of them. 

I like most am struggling with my weight.  Hopefully this will change in the new year.  I go to the nutritionist this Wednesday, a specialist from the Endocrinology Department.  They specialize in Diabetes and other abnormal eating problems.  I'll post what they have to say....

Hoping all of us can find a few moments of quiet time to give thanks for what we have.  I plan to let my family know how much I love and appreciate them....  

Connie D.
on 12/27/09 1:02 am

Good morning Carla and everyone....

Another good thing that happened for me this all ready know...was my $1.00 an hour raise I got last week...still can't beleive it!!

Talked to my daughters and grandchildren a lot these last couple days. They felt bad I wasn't with them but it couldn't be helped. They did have a very nice Christmas and enjoyed their day! I love them all so much!!

I am hoping for a quiet day. I am upset my TV went out...oh well...add it to the list!

I wish you all a reallly nice day. Prayers to those in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

Brenda R.
on 12/27/09 1:16 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, Carla and my other OFFer's before and after me. My brain doesn't work well with remembering so I have forgotten those ahead of me...heck the only reason I remember Carla started us off is because her post is right here. ha ha

All is quiet here right now and I am relishing it. Sometimes it gets so busy and somewhat loud here with everyone that I lose my own thoughts. I don't like that when that happens. Usually with it just being Bill and I most all the time I can keep a thought in my brain for a few moments but not with all the goings on here now. I love the peace and quiet that I have now and this is how I can actually think enough to come here and chat with those that mean so much to me in my life.

My great niece came to spend the night last night and now she is staying until Tuesday. I am not quite sure how that happened but she finagled and here she is. I think one of the reasons that she is staying is because her mom works long hours today and tomorrow. Then she is off on Tuesday and so that is another reason that she doesn't have to go to her Grandma's house either. There isn't a lot to do for her there and at least here she has my computer and Kayden keeps her occupied a lot too. I think the main reason that she is really wanting to stay here is Kayden. She just loves him and he her. It is hard to believe but in a few months she is going to be 12 years old. It is hard to comprehend that since it seems like only yesterday she was born..a month early and weighing 4 and 1/2 pounds. The doctors said that she would need oxygen since her lungs wouldn't be developed and she came out screaming...proof that her lungs were just fine to put it mildly!

I had a wonderful Christmas and received some nice things. I got a lot of White Diamonds which is my favorite perfume. So that in itself is enough to make me happy. I got 3 bottles of it along with a lot of body cream and talcum powder and other creams too.

Something that has been a positive to me that happened this year. I know there is a lot of things. Kayden being at the top of the you probably all know already. I think that what I am about to say is going to shock you it shocked me when I thought of it. I think that Bill's lay off is a positive thing for me. I find that we have grown closer together and we are getting along so well too. I guess that adversity will do that for a couple. I know that without the lay off we would have just went on existing and being in the same rut...of just taking advantage of the other one. But with the lay off we are more considerate of the other and we are much closer in our relationship. We tend to listen to each other more and are much more considerate of the others feelings and thoughts. So that is wonderful. After many years I think that we tend to take advantage of our spouses.

Kayden is coming over this afternoon along with DS. ha ha  I guess that sounded a bit backwards didn't it? We still have all the Christmas gifts for them and DS is going to take them home today...hooray I am going to begin to have my space back again! Then Kayden is coming every day this week. So I am going to be busy.

I am working in the church office this week from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Jeri is on vacation and so it is my week. Oh dear! I just know that things are going to get to be to much for me towards the end of the week with the bulletin coming and me doing the copies of it. It has changed and I haven't done any of it since it has. Please send up a positive thought and a little prayer for me this week that I don't mess any of it up while I am up there.

I should go....I have babbled on long enough. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and remember that you are loved and smile pretty for someone may be the only smile that they see.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 12/27/09 1:35 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry if I have depressed too many of you lately. I'm off my antidepressants as I wait for my prescription to arrive in the mail. And the holidays have made me rather blue, too. I was really happy last Sunday and Monday, but since then I've been in a big time funk.

Just got off the phone with Mom. She asked me how my Christmas was ... I told her I worked, they did nothing for us at work and I had a frozen dinner before I left ... how do you think it was? I sounded like my sister ... really *****y. Don't mean to sound like that, but it's how I feel. Just lonely and *****y. Fortunately, I have an appointment with my psychologist tomorrow ... I'll have someone to talk to and cry to, because otherwise I'm going to go crazy.

So ... what's positive in my life? (I almost typed lie ... hmmm, Freudian slip?) Well, my cats. I love my cats ... they are my family. I love my family (well, most of them ... we won't count my sister in there). My grandnephews are the light of my life, but I don't see them as often as I'd like ... Sammie makes me laugh (if you haven't checked out my family Christmas party photos, check out my profile ... he has such an expressive face). My brother Gary is my closest friend. We were always close as kids, but since his divorce, we've become closer. I have so many good friends from this board ... you Carla, and my sister from another mother, Brenda. I've become closer to my friend Mary Kay since the death of my friend Margie ... she has become my new sister/counselor/adviser and has helped me through the tough times at work. I wouldn't have survived them without her. She's talked me off the ledge so many times.

I don't know what the future brings. I know I'm not very happy right now. I hate my job ... it used to be a career, but it's not. I have to find something that satisfies me, but I don't know what that is. I spend a lot of time crying, a lot of time in pain, too much time alone. I'm not meant to be alone ... I like being with people.

Anyway, I don't have much planned for today, just laundry, litter boxes, football and reading. I'm overtired and overwhelmed. I didn't feel good at all yesterday and still went to work, got through the night. It has been snowing on and off today, but the winter-storm warning is over at least.

Well, I've depressed enough of you. Try to have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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