"Mom" passed away day after Christmas
You were lucky you had a chance to say goodbye. I never had a chance to say goodbye to my friend Margie, who died in July. She died suddenly, without warning. I feel her loss especially around the holidays, because we spoke on the phone a lot (she lived in South Dakota, so I didn't see her often) around the holidays. I always called her on Thanksgiving and on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I really miss her. She was like a mom to me, too, inviting me to her family's house for holidays when I lived in Montana and South Dakota.
Celebrate her life the way she'd want ... go line dancing! I think she'd appreciate that.
Hi Eileen,
I like to think that your friend Margie is smiling down on you right this very minute because you are thinking about her! Maybe Joan and Margie are together talking about us because we are talking about them!
I just got up, put on my dancing CD and did a line dance for Joan in my office. It's okay...people think I'm a little on the nutty side around here.
on 12/28/09 1:52 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thoughts and prayers go out to you
Thanks Jacki and to everyone else replies.
I'm sad but my peaceful
I love talking to my elders, the stories they could tell. I love my older volunteers too. The older ones that volunteer are a hoot and they "get life" they seem to not sweat the "small stuff", I learn from them and I will be 54 in February.
I have several elderly volunteers well over the age of 80. They are bright and "chipper" and love helping out in any way they can. Age to them is just a number and they have chosen to stay active and they all belong to the Borgess gym, they get a discount because they are volunteers in the hospital. The passion in them lives brightly! I'm constantly learning from THEM.
Debbie, I know how difficult it is losing someone we love. I like how you said she would want you to celebrate her new journey....that's what I always told myself when I would get really upset when my mom passed. She would want me happy for her. Her and my dad are now together in eternal life. My mom would always tell me "we all have to make this journey." God bless you during this time.