It's Monday ... Whatsa happenin ???/
I am sitting in the office now and boy am I cold. I got here and low and behold that neither Jeri or I noticed that the office key wasn't on the keyring. So I sat in the hall until Pastor got here. It seemed like forever but it was just 45 minutes. I am cold but warming up but boy are my feet like big old ice cubes.
Nothing much going on today either. My great niece is home with Bill and Kayden so I know that his diaper is going to be changed. That is a load off my mind. Bill will change a wet diaper but not another kind. He has a queasy stomach and just can't tolerate it. The one time I got home and he had changed a diaper and it low and behold it was on backwards. I still can't figure out how he did that and why didn't he notice it? I mentioned it to him and he told me that he knew something wasn't right but couldn't seem to pinpoint what it was!! Oh dear me! He sometimes never ceases to amaze me.
I think the one positive thing that I know that has happened this year was that I am stepping out in faith more and leaving the results up to God. I always knew that I was suppose to do that but I was always afraid to do that. It is so easy to want to take over ourselves but I know that when I do I have set myself to failure. When I turn things over to my Higher Power,l whom I choose to call God, I am loosening control and letting Him take the reins. Things turn out better...not always the way that I want them to but better still and all. It sure takes a lot of self control to turn your life over to a HP but I know that mine doesn't expect perfection from me and so when I mess up He understands. Oh! I am so thankful for that. So that is my positive for the day and I think that's in play with my positive from yesterday...about Bill being laid off.
Well..I am outta here for now. I will return later on to chat and read what is going on. I am hoping that everyone has a super wonderful Monday and know that I am sending love and hugs to everyone. I am keeping you all in my prayers too and don't forget to might be the only smile someone gets to see today.
morning millie!! LOL 2 threads today wow!!! i posted on georges and hear i am on yours
forgot to mention that we started working out on our new weight bench the other night...OMG my muscles are sore!!!
woke up in middle of the night with my knee throbbing so bad i about cried!!! got up and put some muscle rub cream on it and went back to bed. it helped alot...:-) i go see the therapy dr wednesday morning and it will be the only trip there because i can't afford the cost of every visit. so hopefully i will get the exercises down pat while there so i can do them at home.
well that is it for me today....have a great day and remember to SMILE!!!
on 12/28/09 2:06 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Millie I sure hope you call me if you are ever over this way again. I very much enjoyed our visit...
Well, I would like to share the bad news to good news with you all in my life per Janet's start of this tread the other day. All my kids are back at their own homes ( I am sad about that) and so I have some time to join you all.
As some of you know, Tom was laid off of his job of 12 years in April. Went on a couple of interviews but so did eleventy twelve thousand others. Luckily, he had already been in a doctorate program that his company had been paying because he was a displaced worker, his company sent most (300 + jobs) to Taiwan and kept only about 20 jobs here in the states. BTW, they are a national defense contractor...nice...but I digress...
So we have been waiting all this time to find out if he would get the rest of his doctorate paid for by the government under the Trade Adjustment Act....he did find out that he could continue to go to school and get his unemployment, which was fabulous also, but.....with my salary and his unemployment only for income, paying for the last year or so of the doctorate program did not look good....anywho....on Christmas Eve we found out that he was approved to have the rest of his program covered, including books, by this Trade Adjustment Act! That was the best Christmas present ever.
Now, I also want you all to know that he had to WORK for this...wrote a paper on why this would allow him to get a job, researched the job market, interviewed university deans and did a huge analysis on all of this stuff, which he had to include in this paper. The unemployment guy was very impressed...I know I am bragging up Tom, but if the shoe had been on my foot we probably would not of come out so great...he is a go getter and does not sit around waiting for things to come to him! Anyway....the guy that worked with Tom in the unemployment office said he had been doing this for 29 years and Tom was the first person who he ever saw approved for a doctorate program.
Several of Tom's co-workers had been approved for BA and Masters programs, so I am glad others got to use this Trade Act.
Anyway, I am so relieved and so happy and very proud of my husband. He is carrying a 3.97 and has about 18 months left. The next step will be finding the job once he gets his doctorate.
Sorry so long....just had to let you all know.
I will post this week some more as I don't have to be back to work till the 4th.
Carolyn, you are in my thoughts.
Eileen, hang in there.
Connie, I am so sorry your plans fell through, I have severe asthma too and wouldn't have been able to go either.
Karen, wish I could of been in that hot-tub, sounds heavenly.
Julia, you are so sweet, hope we meet up someday.
Janet, thanks for the positive idea for the thread.
Take care,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
THIS is exciting news.... brag away, girl. I think it is wonderful. Especially since Spokane is getting hit with so many companies moving out of country.
My nephew was laid off last spring... company going to Mexico. He too is going to school on the TAA. My cousin will lose his job in March... company going to Mexico also.
Makes ya wonder why so many illegal aliens are coming here... lol ( not being prejudice... just the irony of it all.)
When I get over that way again... probably spring/summer I certainly will look you up. I enjoyed our much too short chat.
We did and while we miss everyone, with one bathroom, it is nice to have our space back.
Congrats on the new grandbaby coming your way...I am jealous...but Beth needs to wait a few years still.
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin