It's Monday ... Whatsa happenin ???/

on 12/27/09 4:38 pm
 OMG   it is 12:33 a.m. and I haven't been to bed yet.  

And golly....  I get to start the thread.  I feel as if I should be sipping on my morning coffee... he he...

what a way to start the day....  going TO bed... lol  I'm thankful I have a warm and comfy bed to crawl into.  One thing Mom and I do each year is give our change to charity.  We save it up through out the year then bring the change to the bank, get $$$ and then give it to the local charity.   there has been a group buying beds and bedding for people in need.

Well, I hope to hear of many good things to be thankful for later when I get up..   I'm off to my warm comfy bed....


Laureen S.
on 12/27/09 8:00 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Millie and OFFr's yet to come. . .

It's back to work today and I have lots of cleanup work to get done before 5 p.m. Wednesday, so that will be good, should make my days go quickly.

Otherwise, had a good weekend, Roxie is adjusting very nicely and is showing signs that she is feeling comfortable here, it was a hoo****ching her run all over the backyard (I have a nice sized lot), when she first got here my yard was covered in snow and she was not liking it much, we dug out an area where she could do her business and by Christmas Day, she was cracking me up with her bunny run through the backyard.  Well after a day and a half of rain, the snow is gone and she examined every part of that yard and while when I first got her she showed no interest in playing with toys, Saturday and yesterday, she played very nicely, chasing after the ball and plastic bone toys that were once Dillinger's, though he hardly played with them as he was past the energy level of all that.  Which brings me to another thing, she is very puppy like and that is kind of fun, because when I moved into my home, Dillinger was almost 7 and while he enjoyed the yard, she will really benefit from it.  Took her to the vet on Saturday and basically got an all clear on her, other than a special food to try and get her digestive system under wraps and it seems we are on our way there.  So at 64.6 lbs., she could use to gain about 15.  I found out that she is very other animal friendly, as she just wanted to meet every animal in the waiting room and never once showed any signs of aggression, this makes me extremely happy as now I know I can bring her anywhere that would welcome her and further tested that out by taking her to PetSmart where I bought her a 2nd bed for the bedroom, a pink rhinestone collar (it was on sale and we all know that diamonds are a girls best friend (lol)), a good dry food (Blue Buffalo) and some greenie treats to keep her teeth clean and fresh.  She was awesome in the store and again, just wanted to meet the doggies and even seemed to want to meet up with the kitties they keep for adoption there. . .  My Dillinger was a sweet boy with most 2-leggeds, but very dog aggressive which meant limitations that I will not have with Roxie.  I feel even more blessed to have her.

Well I better get off here and get ready for work.  You all take care, have a wonderful day and my prayers go out for Dorothy and her family as they are dealing with a loss that I cannot fathom.  I also wish you peace and strength to get through whatever comes your way!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/27/09 11:38 pm - Galveston, TX
I am so happy to hear that Roxie is settling in nicely!!! 

back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



on 12/28/09 1:42 am
Hi Laureen,

I love your Roxy story....
I searched for about a year before I found Bridget. Tom was NOT a dog lover. I didn't have him come look at any of the dogs I had checked out. Went to Spokanimal (our local rescue) and found Bridget, at that time they had named her Cherry. She was the ONE! I called Tom to come see her and he reluctantly came. It was love at first sight and he enthusiastically said "let's get her" He loves, loves, loves this dog, calls her "Bridgie" and he is "daddy" and I am "momma." We took her to obedience class and plan to go to the next step. I'd like to take her to my work as a service dog someday. Anyway, this non-dog person man, is now a dog lover and my little doxie likes him now too! It has been just amazing.
The only bad thing is I love her so much I am dreading when she is old...or if something happens to her. I know I can't think this I stop it when those thoughts sneak in. She is so sweet and smart and the kind of dog I have always wanted....personality wise.
So, I am so happy for you that you found Roxie...they don't replace the ones we have loved and lost, but they sure stake their own spot in our hearts.
Take Care and give Roxie a lovey hug from me,

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Laureen S.
on 12/28/09 2:56 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Thanks Cheryl,

I was not a "dog person" either, not that I did not like them, but did not want to own and be responsible for them.  However my 2nd husband brought home Max, a Rottie I had for about 7 months, when I had to give him up due to cir****tances beyond my control.  I was heartbroken over Max and my ex brought home Kara about 5 weeks after I had given up Max, she was a very beautiful sheppard, but she was his dog and I never truly bonded with her due to the fact I was greiving Max, who though alive, due to placing him in a home where the people had a backyard and someone was always around, plus they had bonded with him, so I did not try to get him back and was not wanting another dog. . .  months later, he brought home Dillinger with his litter mates and that story I've told already, so I won't go into it. . .    today I am a dog lover and I was surprised at how quickly I wanted to get another dog, because I honestly thought I would not want to get one so quickly, however, things happen for a reason and Roxie is that reason, she was destined to be loved by me and those in my close circle and now she is happy and so am I.

I will give her a hug from Aunt Cheryl. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 12/28/09 1:44 am - Evansville, IN

Roxie probably loves the yard so much because she has not had anything like that before. It's so good to adopt from a shelter ... these dogs know when they get a good thing.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Laureen S.
on 12/28/09 2:57 am - Maple Shade, NJ
I think you are soooo right, thanks Eileen!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/28/09 3:26 am - Shelbyville, MI
I'm glad you are Roxie are a love match!!
She sounds like a real sweetheart.
Connie D.
on 12/27/09 9:27 pm

Good moprning Millie....guess we have two threads going this morning. I already posted on George's but wanted to pop in and say hello to you!

I love what you do with your spare change....what a wonderful and thoughtful thing for you and your mom to do!!

Laureen...glad Roxie is adapting so well...sounds like you two are a perfect fit!

Have a great day!!!

Hugs....connie d

on 12/27/09 11:27 pm - Medina, OH

I did the same thing once.  I started a thread and at the same time someone else was too.   lol.  What can you do?

I hope all of you have a quiet day.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

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