It's Monday morning - What's new with you?
Saturday Mary and I went to see "It's Complicated". Hilarious movie. Then Sunday we went to Penny's to give the kids the Wii games. Stayed there a few hours, then went home to take a nap so I could work tonight.
I did play some Wii with the kiddos. Then my daughter wanted to box me. That is a workout on the arms. And cardio. I was out of breath when we finished.
I got the Tiger Woods 2010 golf for my Wii system on Saturday. I went to Blockbuster and was going to buy the 2009 version (used of course). They had the box for it, but could not find it. So they asked if I would like the 2010 version at the same price. Sure. It is a $50 game new. Used, I saw it at Gamestop for $45. I got it for $25. And I had a $15 gift card someone had given me for Blockbuster (a store I rarely use these days). So I am happy.
Not much else going on here. I leave in less than 4 hours. That's a good thing.
Good morning, ya'll.
Well, it's Monday morning. My DH and I head to G-ville at about 9. Only 4 days of radiation this week, due to New Years. I still think I don't need a babysitter while I am there, but oh well. No one listens to me. Besides, I guess having company isn't so bad. But my DH doesn't drive, so I'll be doing that myself anyway.
Our 50 degree nights and 62 degree days are GONE. Now we are going to be 40 degree days and 25 degree nights. But no snow and no freezing rain. Hooray!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
I think it is wonderful how well you have come through all the radiation and chemo. That in itself is a blessing. I'll keep you in my prayers.
I wish you luck on the radiation this week, Carolyn. I will probably make DH feel better knowing that he is there for you. So I think it is sweet that he wants to go and be with you. You are amazing me with how you are getting through all of this so good. You are blessed.
George, you got a great deal on that golf game without a doubt. I don't think that any places around here would have done something like that. In fact I pretty well know that. Everyone is so darn greedy around this place. ha ha
I am going to be leaving for the office in a few minutes. I forgot that Friday is a holiday and so I won't be in the office that day. So I can do 4 days. I can get through this...I can get through this...I can get through this.
My great niece is staying with us until tomorrow. That is a great thing because then Bill only has Kayden two mornings by himself rather than 4. That means a lot to me. He hates to change I know it means a lot to the baby too! ha ha
I guess I should get moving. The time is ticking by. Kayden is in the bedroom with Brittany just chatting away with her. They are watching channel 11 with all the educational children's shows. He loves that channel.
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Especially Dorothy Nitti. That is heartbreaking for her. Such a sadness for this time of year especially. Don't forget to might be the only one that someone gets today.
Good Morning george and everyone.....
Nothing much new to report...same old...same old. I went out with some friends yesterday and we had a fun felt good to laugh again!
Had plans for New Years Eve but now found out because they are closing the place to the public and no one is allowed without a ticket....they can allow SMOKING!!!!!!! I can't handle cigarette smoke....I have asthma and COPD.....guess we won't be going there after all!!! That sucks!!!!
Well back to work for a few hours today.....I only need to work about 12 hours this week....Friday is a paid these short weeks!!!
Have a great day everyone. Prayers going up for those in need.
Love and hugs to all......connie d